Thoughts: Elon Musk Puffs Canabis On Joe Rogan

in #quinneaker7 years ago (edited)

I don’t usually watch news or social media sensations, but this one I felt was important.


One reason is because as far as a well known interview shows, I feel Joe Rogan is about as good as there is.

Another reason is because Elon Musk is a very interesting, high profile being involved in quite a few subjects of great implication.

I’m still not sure about if I trust Elon or not but I can say one thing for sure. Taking one puff and OBVIOUSLY not even inhaling is about as stupid a reason as anything for loosing stock value, trust and partnerships.

For one: it was legal.

For two: canabis has been proven to be the best medicine on earth and far more healthy than alcohol or tobacco (both of which are legal).

Three: he didn’t even inhale (obviously)

Four: he said he doesn’t smoke.

FIVE: and most importantly!
He says it’s not productive for him. Which means he’s committed to productivity which is what you want in a business leader. Productivity means profits.


What’s REALLY interesting is that Joe said immediately how it may be dangerous to his stock value. Then slightly less interesting is that many people watching commented something similar as well.

Then BAM stock plumits. The mainstream is quite predictable. In all honesty I think he was a bit drunk and having an inebriated time.

My personal opinion and experience with canabis is: that it has many health benefits and could replace 90% of all pharmaceuticals. It has many consciousness expanding benefits as well.

I also feel it makes me less productive and in the last 5 years have rarely smoked for that exact reason. I have to many projects going on and high aspirations.

Though I still support it and feel it should obviously be legal as well as more accepted and common use.

When used consciously and holistically it has many great benefits with no or low side effects. Also it does influence everyone differently and thus may be much better for some than others. One thing is for sure. It should be legal and the stigma about it is simply brainwashed reactions.

The whole interview was very interesting and I highly recommend the time to watch.

They talked about many interesting and important topics of which I shall get into more in posts to come.


It would be my guess he did this intentionally to knock out short sellers which hes been complaining about!

I never trusted him.. something not right at alll.. and hes only one man not a team calling the shots..

Elon once said that he was concerned of AI taking over,, and his solution was to integrate it into us (cyborgs) as a solution! Not my man!

Hope you are well brother!

Yes, I never trusted him and still don't.

The cyborg convo was very interesting. Its true we are all kinda cyborgs now... All the more reason to spend quality time in nature on a regular basis. To re connect.

id say hes dangerous to be honest..
its ok.. he's kind of 'done' i think now ;_)

while i got you on the line, let me share with you the most uplifting blissful sufi Qawwali Kirtan that ive Ever heard.. i hope it soothes your soul as it is doing mine.. blessings .. Xxx

(nice n loud pls!)

I watched it yesterday, the whole 157 minutes, and it was brilliant!

My personal opinion and experience with canabis is: that it has many health benefits and could replace 90% of all perceptions.
Probably true, but maybe you meant prescriptions? 😘

Yes I did of course ;-)>

I don't trust him, either. His companies lobby heavily. He's built his businesses with piles of taxpayer money including government subsidies, loan discounts, and tax breaks. The government pays people to buy his products. And worst of all? He's a defense contractor.

You are technically correct. But don't you think the US government is also spending money on paying for way more destructive and pointless companies? Whatever he's done to lobby to the government is nothing compared to what Big Oil, Big Food, Big Tech .etc has done to lobby to the government. Cars that dont spew toxic shit everytime it drives? I think that one of the better things the US goverment has funded on.

He's a contractor to NASA and DARPA, the stuff he's being paid with tax money to do is 1000x better than the money the government paid to Lockheed Martin just as an example.

I don't like the conservative mindset when it comes to technological advancements, because we can't keep doing things the way we are doing now, the older generation may die off when it's time to pay the environmental price of cutting trees and burning toxic gasolines to power the economy, but my generation sure as hell will have to foot the bill.

Elon Musk may be the best thing to happen in the 21st Century. And the typical American public is doing everything they can to fuck him up.

I am shouting this off the street to anyone who bothers to listen.

Him smoking weed is the LEAST important takeway of the whole podcast.

No one seems to pay attention that his demeanor throughout the whole podcast is totally different from his normal self. I'm sensing HUUUGE nervous breakdown and i'm not the only 1 to have this view. Someone like him would never attend Joe Rogan podcast under normal circumstances especially with all the shit that's going on with his companies. There is waaaay more that meets the eye as to why he attended the podcast.

He's said himself that we should expect an announcement from his company (Neuralink) in the next few months. Which can either be the best or worst thing to happen. Because as we know, for the past few years Neuralink has been dedicated to invent an interface that lets our brain to directly connect to a computer and by proxy - the internet, so that we can overcame the human output bandwidth limit of our fingers and thumbs. Which is something he's been talking about. I gather since Neuralink isnt a publicly traded company no one gives a shit until it's too late. Despite the implication this entails.

He's stopped being optimistic about things he was singularly driven about when he take over Tesla and SpaceX, and you can see he's lost hope (He used the term Fatalistic) on how we treat AI.

there's so much to take away from the Podcast and yet all we see in the news was him sucking a mouthful of weed which he didn't even inhale by the way....

The mass population and mainstream news media is fucked beyond repair and I've stopped caring about what they think.

Thanks for the comment. Cant agree or disagree but feel this is of great worth and do agree something of great implication is going on.

I totally understand. That way just my opinion on it, As a millennial I've felt very tired of the general zeitgeist and media perpetuation of all things sensational, Everythings got to be breaking news we dont even know what's breaking anymore.

Maybe I get so passionate on this particular issue because I am an obvious Elon Musk fanboy. So my view is definitely biased.

he did not inhale

and even if he did who cares

why are people afraid of weed?

Agree, I am still not sold on trusting Musk either.
Rocket at sea footage looked fake.
I bet Nikola Tesla would hate to know his name is attached to that company.

I have said basically the same thing before.

Cannabis seeds are very nutritious. :)
