In Arlington, TX, police have no accountability and they can get away with a lot.
Quinn Eaker @quinneaker opened the doors of his house for an interview on what happened in his sustainable farm.
He mentioned that very early in the morning, a SWAT team came into his property with fully automatic weapons looking for drugs and since they could not find anything they vandalized the place, separated nursing children from their mothers, handcuffed them and roughed them up.
Make sure you follow this guy. I like having friends that see life differently than I do, we do not agree on a lot of things and that's awesome.
Oh jeez, what a joke :(
Land of the free, home of the brave.
end of days
try to terrorize our people into compliance. It didn't work, and we're stronger and more dedicated to our cause than ever!! We're still feeding 40K free meals a year; we're still clothing, housing, and educating more people than ever before; we're still achieving a negative zero carbon footprint. We're so grateful you're sharing our story with the Steemit community--when we stand together, we rise together.Thanks for sharing our story, @emancipatedhuman! Your support is really valuable to us as we continue to live the revolution and speak TRUTH. What Quinn has to say is indeed so powerful and important that the government sent in a fully armed, Black Ops SWAT raid to
I finally made my IntroduceYourSelf Post!
You can check it out here!
very glad to support the @gardenofeden :D
Thank you Brother!
This post about me made more than all of my own posts combined!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA just goes to show your a bad ass!
did you get any more views on yours?
This is most I have gotten from any one post at about $300 right now!
Appreciate the blessings Bredren!
Thank you for the support Brother~
I am grateful that we are friends in life outside of Steemit and that we are here on Steemit together sharing valuable content with this community!
This was one of my favorite interviews that I have done because you are a very unique and thus the exchange played out in a vey unique way.
Yes it is true we do not agree on everything and thats cool. Because we are exemplifying a VERY important issue. Which is honorable discussion even in disagreement and also truly doing our best to support one another despite differences. Humanity needs to learn this and stop killing each other instead.
May your posts reach many and improve their lives!
very happy to do it, sir. it was certainly a lot of fun doing this.
and yeah, we need to learn how to play well together. we can only get there together.
I finally made my IntroduceYourSelf Post!
This video is long but well worth the time to watch.
Great stuff here, gentlemen. Sorry that happened to you, Quinn. That's awful.
It is just brutal what they can get away with, and these people are supposed to be our servants? Protecting and serving? What a joke.
Ocra is pretty delicious though.
Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted.
Huh. It's almost like the government wants people to be helpless and dependent on the system for survival!
Great post! Thanks.
Thank you!
Thats EXACTLY the way it is.
We are the power, it is time to claim it~*~
Did you have a good Agenda 21 link?
Awesome story, you think maybe the Swat Team will benefit from the stolen Okra? Ha! Have a great day, emancipated human!
thanks. you too!
Great interview. I hope this guy's story is heard all over.
Quinn's newest interview:
Pt 1 of Ron Paul interview:
Pt 2 of Ron Paul interview:
ya, me too. even ron paul interviewed him.
Great to see this information getting out there.
yes! thank you!
Keep up the good work!
Another great interview !!!, Keep up the GOOD work !
Awesome interaction thank you both for sharing this.
Thanks to you for illuminating a path less taken. Hopefully this will inspire other humans to walk their own path as opposed to the paved glitter laden road presented before us. One only needs to remove the distorted reality goggles placed on us since birth to see the road leads to a trap, and that it is littered with the dead, both walking and otherwise. With this message I feel that you are gently helping others to help themselves, and me, to take off the goggles and see with fresh eyes.
A person's level of happiness corresponds directly to the amount of untruth one believes and acts upon.
Great work! Much respect, the proof is in the pudding :-)