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RE: Random Philosophical Question #1

in #questions8 years ago (edited)

Because it is infinite and drastically misinterpreted. Just because people say the Big Bang happened don't make it so. It is entirely based on an assumption. Feel free to read my articles for more information or visit my website if you would like to see more information as to why it is infinite.


Very interesting theory

Yet, if the universe is fractal, doesn't knowing a small portion enable one to understand it all?

We can know how all of it is generally but to predict the future would be much more difficult. For example, we could generally say that fractals of various structures will form as a result of a lightning strike, but to say that that lightning strike would occur precisely when and where it does years in advance and the way that it would exactly burn the ground would be much more than just knowing its fractals.

So do you believe that the universe is composed of more than fractals, or do you believe that it is all fractal, but some parts of which we do not yet comprehend?

It is fractal, but that isn't enough to predict specifics regarding the future, is what I am saying. In terms of what will happen specifically tomorrow or the next day or next week, we can only know generalities based on fractals but still without infinite variables known we lack sufficient information to definitively say what exactly will happen.

That makes sense