Hmm that ones tough. I think what would be what I want is for people in our lives not to be a bunch of assholes. People that are close to you that think because they are family they can be an asshole to you but you’ll forgive them because ‘family’ is an important thing right? Then when you tell them to bug off, you are then the person who’s mean. Lots more to that but don’t ever treat a family member like shit and assume they won’t cut you out with a precision of a surgical blade when they get fed up.
Hopefully someone has something more positive lol but my intent is to be more positive by desiring family.
Nope it doesn't matter if others have a more positive answer... Your answer is important to you and obviously valid. I have experienced several tough periods in life that were caused quite deliberately by family members.
For several years I didn't talk to some of my extended family... I let go of animousity about it but just decided life would be better without them at-least for a spell. It turned out to be years yet I slept like a baby as I had always been a good guy and carried no guilt. Interestingly when we did reconnect they acted a lot better, almost like grown-ups lol.
Maybe the big dream is for a world of nonassholishhumans right?
Thanks for taking the time my friend, appreciate it. Have an awesome week 🙂