The following post has been created to hold questions and answers via comments to provide users the ability to post their questions outside of their main blog.
Note: Post rewards have been declined due to low value post content.
The following post has been created to hold questions and answers via comments to provide users the ability to post their questions outside of their main blog.
Note: Post rewards have been declined due to low value post content.
There are loads of great apps, regular development, and valuable content by created on Hive each day, however, what do you think is missing to for Hive to become a staple in the lives of the masses?
Although HIVE's blockchain code leans toward social-based use cases, at the end of the day it's still a decentralized database. As such, it really isn't supposed to be the "main event".
It's a database.
Nobody recommends an app to friends and family based upon what database the development team used. That's silly.
Just like people in the past confused Steem and Steemit, I'm sure people in the future will confuse Hive and Hive Blog. One's a database, and the other is an application.
If we want more people using the Hive database, then we must first understand that general users do not "use" the Hive database. They "use" apps built on Hive. The more apps that are built on Hive, the more frequently the database will be utilized--which will in turn create greater demand for the Hive currency.
So the important question to ask yourself is: What's more important to Hive's long-term success? Increasing the number of bloggers? Or increasing the number of dapp projects? When you say we have "loads" of great apps, I think we have different definitions for the term "loads". Yes, we have some solid apps with lots of potential. But if I can count them on my hands, that's not "loads".
We need more.
To support existing developers and attract new developers, the focus should be on developer resources, developer support channels, continued focus on improving the Hive Development Fund (to make it easily accessible, easy to understand, easy to use), and strong marketing that is targeted to developers and dapp projects.
Each new project on Hive will have an invested interest in promoting their product/service to the world, and when they do...they will be indirectly bringing new users to Hive at the same time.
Developers, developers, developers ....
What we need is developers putting out great open source proposals to the Hive Proposal System. We need real competition over the funds from people putting out apps with such high value propositions that the major stakeholders will be falling over each other to support them.
I think the masses want easy signups and easy interactions. Basically just jump in and able to get started.
For now, I think the Hive platform is still too complex for a normal non-tech savvy user. Being a blockchain platform, I think such complexities are inevitable. So there must be a strong pull such that users are willing to spend time overcoming these hurdles. Personally, I think it is difficult for such pull to come from apps or games because there are plenty of other choices out there. It ultimately still have to come from monetary benefits.
Hence, I think HIVE price will still be the main driver for users adoption for years to come.
Other than price, the only thing that I see a public blockchain can provide for a content platform is decentralization or basically censorship-resistance. Unfortunately, growth from this aspect is kind of slow as not many people really care about it.
Ahh, the masses. To apeal to those lovely masses Hive will probably need ex-disney kids dancing and singing inane propaganda riddled pop songs, lots of cheap beer, something highly addictive and mindnumbing, and a heaping helping of high fructose corn syrup with some artificial flavors and colors on the side.
Maybe we should compromise and just have justin beiber give a shoutout and throw in some cat memes.
Maybe we don't want all the masses here. Just the somes would be a nice start.
For me, these are the reasons why Hive is not yet adopted by the masses:
Looks like Steem is closing the gap since a few days.
From the fundamentals it should be the opposite. Probably Justin takes a last desparate effort and pumps money into Steem. Will he succeed?
there is a good possibility, but if you look at content on both chains it is clear that Steem is a sinking boat. The word on the market isn't out yet that Steem is not a decentralized blockchain anymore. It might take months or even a year for that to sink in
I doubt he can keep Steem going without actual community engagement.
Justin is the only one buying steem at the moment. Dapps left, most users left. It is a dead chain. Long term 0 potential for price.
what does it mean ? why this name ?
I believe that Quello is a combination of the words "question" and "jello". This is because this is a question and answer platform that is transparent, sweet, wobbly and fruit can be suspended inside of it.
It is also mild and easily enjoyed by everyone, except of course vegetarians because like jello, it is made from horses hoofs.
😂😂nice job!
The website's made out of horse hooves?
The wonders of modern technology never fail to astound me.
I don’t know the specifics, but I’m told it is hosted in a quantum gelatin foam that can actually interface with our brains directly. Your intention to access the site is what actually loads the page and the display is actually mapped onto the inside of your retinas, for now they keep our perception of it constrained to the screen in front of us but really the possibilities are endless.
Imagine the potential for things like long distance communication! David Alter is going to be rather miffed when this replaces his telegraph.
i think its basically stands for question and answer .
the name is nice though
Money is always a fascinating thing and most of the times it makes us run behind it again and again. One good thing about money is that it adds sophistication to our life but at the same time too much can also be a trouble.
Many people might have a dream to get a financial independence and chase their dreams. How much money do you think you will need to attain financial independence?
With all due respect to every other reply, I here would like to differ with any of the outside opinion to this question.
The idea of financial security arise from our fear to lose out in life in the absence of money. Security of certain kind is needed, but it is totally on self how much is enough.
There was a very rich man who died with astonishing 3 billion dollars to his name. He died with unfulfilled desire to acquire more because he thought 10 billion dollars would justify his life.
I doubt if he had 10 billion dollar to his name, his hunger would have been 100.. .. ..
I do not doubt that we require certain amount, but an inception of the idea of financial freedom is absolutely dangerous and irrational.
It all comes with pure self satisfaction. Two years before I thought a value equivalent to my salary then was sufficient but today it is different. I guess it will change even next year. So ya.
Quite a big question to answer.
I don't think there is 1 fixed number for everybody. But my general rule of thumb is that if you have enough money to generate passive income which more than covers you expenses, then you are financially independent.
So to calculate that, you have to ask yourself how much are your expenses annually. Then you estimate how much returns you can reasonably make from your existing savings/investments.
Say if you spend $30,000 per year based on your current lifestyle and you have $800,000 which you are relatively sure that you can get a 5% ROI from, then you are financially independent. Because, a 5% ROI from $800,000 means you have $40,000 per year but you are only spending $30,000. You are still growing your wealth by $10,000 every year.
That's perfect. This is exactly what I would also do when it comes to calculation. I know a person who calculated this way and retired at the age of 40. He is now doing lots of social activities. 😀
Thanks! A more detailed calculation should also factor in projected inflation.
And wow, I will love to retire at 40 as well and spend my remaining life doing things I find meaningful (rather than grinding at work 🤣)
Yes exactly. I'm also wondering how I can also retire at my 40. 😀
This is always a tricky question because there is absolutely no one answer for this. As a general rule, you could say that if you know what your expenses will be including everything leisure, travel etc, and if you have enough to keep you going after the 4% rule, that should be the money you will need for financial independance. Read more about the 4% rule here
Yes but coming up with a number is definitely possible. For example, I can keep going life long with the salary I'm getting today. It takes care of my basic expenses. If I can have a passive income ability to get today's income, then I'm financially independent. 😀
Yes I meant to say that no one else can give you that number. You will have to calculate it for yourself with the rules that you have for earning/spending etc. It is certainly possible.
Also generally people say that they're financially independent if they have income coming in without having to work a job, especially if they hate it. So, are you doing something that you really love and earning money from it? Or is that earning causing you stress?
Yes that's right. Everyone should calculate it by themselves. Most people think about financial independence only when they don't like doing a job but still they have to make money somehow.
I believe, there is no bullet proof answer for this question. It depents generaly on your own definition of independence.
And there is a huge difference between your feeling to be independend and a real independency.
That's right. Absolutely right that it is based on our own definition of independence. But surprisingly I can easily give a value for myself with a confidence that I can live a happy life with that money forever.
In my opinion, the best answer is in Rich dad poor dad, and it goes like this.
First, figure out your expenses.
Then earn money, and your income has to be greater than your expenses. Save and invest as much as you can.
Your investments should provide you some income, rent from your real estate acquisitions, stock dividends, bond yields etc. Once this income is greater than your expenses, you become wealthy.
After that point, NEVER spend more than your "passive" earnings, and keep increasing your investments with the extra money.
Great explanation. Yes that will work very well. If we can do that we should also be able to give a definite number as to how much will be sufficient for us.
100 million dollars is enough! 😉
Wow that's huge. If that was my expectation not just me but my generations would get benefited and no one will have any need to run behind money for centuries. 😉
$1 mil should help me reach financial indepence.
This is great. I guess this should be the sensible value. I also have something similar in my mind as well. 😀
Yes ☺ I'm sure with that amount one can put things in place to achieve financial independence
That's right. 👍
I had done a calculation, where at this age I need around 3.5 Cr to live happily after or to attain the financial independence.
Just curious, how old are you?
I am 30+
On an average, let's say you are 35. If you are in a Tier 1 city like Bangalore, Bombay or Delhi and would like to continue to live there, I think it will not be enough and even if it is, you will lead a very minimalistic lifestyle. Maybe other smaller Tier 1 cities like Hyderabad or Pune, yes that works. Tier 2 cities, you will be very comfortable!
That's my plan is, to stay in my village when I have that much amount saved. And do online work from the village.
If that's the case with 3.5 Cr you will be a king.
Perfect. My value is also almost similar to what you are saying. I was thinking that I will need 4 crores to attain financial independence. By converting that 4 crores to a regular source of income monthly, I can manage all my expenses and start chasing my dreams.
Yeah but getting to that account is the question. We need that amount in the current value and now if we wait for it for like 10 years we might need almost double of it.
That's exactly my thought as well. My requirement two years back was half that of today. So the requirement is also continuously increasing. In another 5 years down the line. I guess 4 crores may not be sufficient for a full financial independence.
That's correct. Let's see what happens
10 mil i think should be enough for me
That's a nice and decent value. 👍
hive value has been on a downward side lately and it's sad because the crypto started with a high price. so I am asking what could be causing the fall in price
Hive is just going through the price discovery phase. All assets do that. New assets in a very volatile asset class do that more violently. Current $0.2-03 price range should be a solid foundation and from now on swings should be more reasonable (both up and down).
Plus Hive is almost +200% since April 6 (that's only 2 months) :) So everything depends on the timeline you choose to select.
indeed, also from a technical point of view the fractal of Hive currently seems to indicate long downward phases with large upward spikes
Hive price started around 0.2$
After Justin Sun dumped his stake, manipulating the price, we reached 0.12$ and stayed there for a while.
Then, the Huobi listing happened, and Hive pumped to 1$, and got listed on many exchanges during that time.
Finally, it corrected back to 0.23$, and now we're at 0.25$.
If the original price you see is higer than 0.25$ this just means that the exchange you are using listed HIVE after the pump.
This is not about getting maximum votes (that is also needed though), it is about the niches which users on HIVE read and interact more.
Niche and Maximum Exposure are kinda contradicting concepts. If you want to have deep and meaningful interactions in some kind of specific topic (niche) you should think about things that you are really good at or what you really like and would enjoy devoting a lot of time to get good at. And do that. Not ask what people want on Hive. People want a lot of very different things. The key is to be good at those things and know what you are talking about.
I've been having some fun with Vimm streaming.
i dont think yherr is a particular niche tjat is the best.
you are the one to be yourself and use the right tag, and your People wull come and find you
How about writing about SEO, everyone will love to hear and love to read more about it.
That's a great idea. Unfortunately, I don't know much about that and have already asked a question about SEO as well. May be in the future when I have enough expertise and information on the topic.
Actually, I tired to signup with Paypal Malaysia as a seller/buyer/freelancer, and Pakistan was there in the list of countries but when I tried input my phone number, it wasn't showing Pakistan's Code. Can anyone suggest what should I write them in the email so that they'd fix this problem?
The Pakistan dial code is still in the drop-down list for the phone number. It has just the wrong country flag.

Thanks for the response. Did you check it on personal account or business account? Actually, I am trying to create an account as a seller/buyer/freelancer, meaning personal account. I'd appreciate if you have any suggestion for that.
I checked it on business account.
sorry about the mixup but you can sign up with your Pakistan number. just check for the nake of the country. at Times they do mistakes of flags of the country
Thanks for the response. There isn't any option to select Pakistan in Personal Account. Please, do share the link in case I am wrong. I was trying to signup with Paypal Malaysia, but can use other options as well.
is their a feature on the Quello which allows for directing posting of questions asked on individuals blogs on hive
By default all questions are added as a comment, this feature was added to prevent users the ability to keep their blog nice and clean if they're regularly asking questions. We did however create the ability to allow you to ask questions on your blog, this can be achieved by selecting the advanced options shown within question creation.
When you select blog this will appear on your blog like any other post, we'll be adding the ability to post into communities in the near future too.
Nice work!
So since i'm still new to Hive, I have a few questions that I wanted to ask the community here. Any answers or clarifications would really help me.
The first question I had was relating to this post. It seems like I had earned $0.23 on that post which at the time of writing is about $0.31. So technically I should be receiving a total of about 0.74 Hive tokens but in the breakdown below I see that the breakdown is 0.11 HBD and 0.36 HP. Are HBD and HP equal to 1 Hive? Is any part of my earning going towards the Hive blockchain or do I keep 100% of the $0.23 that I keep?
Also the second thing is, with respect to my wallet balance.
So the only thing I understand is that my rewards will be split 50% between 2 tokens HBD and HP as I have chosen below.
I can see HBD's value on CoinGecko but I can't find the value of HP anywhere. So i'm not sure how this is working. If I use 100% of my earnings to power up, do I only earn only HP? Will that also increase my earning potential in the future?
Also, only when some people vote on my post, I see a dollar amount associated but not others. Why is that so? What determines this and who vote gives me $ and whose doesn't?
Any clarification on this would be appreciated.
Hi there, first of all, welcome to Hive!
There is a little bit of learning curve here. I will try to simplify the answer.
Largely, you can ignore the "Pending Payout Amount" calculation. The blockchain tries to calculate the post rewards value in USD terms but it is not 100% accurate. It is therefore more important to look at the HBD and HP values.
HBD are called Hive-backed Dollars. It is designed with the objective to be pegged 1 HBD = 1 USD. However, the peg is off from time to time and not much effort is being put in to keep it stable. HP means Hive Power. It is basically HIVE powered up or staked with the blockchain. You can do a Power Down or unstaking anytime, but it takes 13 weeks to fully power down. However, every week you will get 1/13 of the powered down HP converted to HIVE.
Finally, your post rewards are split 50/50. Half to you and half to the curators (the voters). Hence, for your post in the screenshot, if no further votes were casted, you are likely to be paid about 0.055 HBD and 0.18 HP when you receive your rewards in a few days. There are further concepts as to how much of your rewards are in HBD and how much in HP but I don't think you have to worry about that for now.
Hope this helps. Feel free to hit me up if you need more assistance
Thank you for your response. That helps a lot with my questions!
When you post, you can choose to earn in two different ways:
HBD are Hive-Backed Dollars. They can be sold on the market (usually trades between 1$ and 0.95$) or can be converted for 1$ worth of HIVE, which is a process that takes 3.5 days.
HP is Hive Power. Hive Power is something you get when you "power up" HIVE. "Power up" just means staking. So when you stake 1 HIVE, you get 1 Hive Power (HP). Therefore 1 HP = 1 HIVE in terms of market price. Hive Power cannot be unstaked instantly. To unstake, you need to start a "power down" which takes 13 weeks to complete. Each week you'll receive 1/13th of the amount of HP you decided to power down.
I would recommend choosing the second option, 50% HP and 50% HBD, because you'll get 50% in liquid rewards which you can sell instantly. If you don't want to sell, you can buy HIVE with the earned HBD and power up. Both methods pay the exact same amount in terms of USD.
The blockchain does not take a fee, you get paid the full dollar amount that you saw below your post. However, the dollar amount can change for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you get paid whatever is written.
The dollars earned on posts come from the inflation of HIVE. Newly created HIVE are distributed to content creators and curators (block producers and HP holders as well, but much less). The more upvotes a post receives, the higher the percentage of the total inflation the post receives. The "reward pool" is what we call the HIVE that is going to be distributed to posts.
The more HP you have, the more your vote counts in determining where the funds in the reward pool go. For instance, if someone has 10,000 HP and his vote pays out 1$ to a post when he upvotes it, this means that someone who owns 20,000 HP will have an upvote worth 2$.
Hope I answered all of your questions.
Thank you for your resonse! That helps a lot.
One more clarification is, if on my blog I have 3 posts which earned $1 each, would I see $3 total in my Hive wallet or would the rewards be distributed between me and the participants or blockchain? That part is still not clear to me.
Also after how many days do I receive the full reward? I see some rewards come through from time to time.
Sure, if you have more questions feel free to ask.
You get the rewards 7 days after the post.
For example, consider the case where one has posted three times, once on the 10th of June, once on the 11th of June, and once on the 12th of June, and has 1$ worth of rewards on each post.
This means that he will receive 1$ worth of rewards on the 17th of June, 1$ on the 18th and 1$ on the 19th. The rewards shown on someone's post belong only to that person, they won't be shared.
During the 7 days, upvotes on the post raise the rewards and downvotes on the post decrease the rewards.
Sometimes, you do not see a dollar amount when somebody upvotes because the reward is too small, smaller than 0.01$. And the frontend (website) does not show it. But the reward always exists in the blockchain code, even if it is extremely small, and will be sent to you after 7 days. However, when someone upvotes you with a big upvote, you can see the reward because the frontend shows it.
The size of the reward given by the upvote depends on the amount of Hive power held by that user. For example, a user with 10,000 HP has an upvote that gives a reward of 1$. A user with 20,000 HP has an upvote that gives a reward of 2$. And 30,000 HP gives 3$. etc... Those numbers are not correct, but they scale linearly after a certain amount of HP.
So, the more Hive someone stakes, the more influence he gains on the network, since he can determine which posts receive the newly created HIVE by inflation.
That makes perfect sense! Thanks for the answer!
Also, when some people upvote me, I get a $ amount but when some other people do it, I don't. Never quite understood how this works.
sorry about the mix-up. first of all, the value of HBD is above that of Hive . while your Hive token and hive power are the same thing.
now on a post if u earn, it will be split into hbd and hp on a 50/50 cut.
the amount given to hbd might be slightly lower to hp but they are of the same value.
your hp value is also the value of hive . infact your hp is your hive that is already been powered up.
I hope that made sense
Of course i know what"proposal" in natural language means. But what is it on the Hive ànd what are the consequences for the voters? Is it a standard vote?
What do the creators of proposals want to achieve with it and how does it work for them?
Who can submit own proposals and for what kind of issue is it for?
Questions after questions... I hope someone can explain it to me and the other newbies out there. :-)
Proposals allow users of Hive the ability to publicly propose work they are willing to do in exchange for payment. For example, Quello is currently running a proposal to aid the development and growth of
Anyone on Hive can submit a proposal, there is a small fee of 10 HBD to prevent spam, however, it's fairly accessible to anyone at that rate. Proposals themselves are usually focussed around providing value to Hive, this could be in the form of development-related work or potentially something related to marketing or exchange listings.
Anyone can vote on a proposal, however, it's not the same as voting on a standard post. The easiest way to view and vote for proposals is to use If you visit you're able to see all the proposals that are active or upcoming, within each proposal you can view details surrounding the proposal and then choose whether or not you would like to support it. It uses stake-weighted votes, but voters can vote for as many proposals as they want.
For a proposal to be funded it needs to achieve more weight that the highest return proposal, this currently means that it needs to achieve around 22 million HP of votes to be funded.
When a proposal is funded they will receive funds every hour based on the total amount they requested, a proposal can jump in and out of being funded based on the votes it recieves throughout the proposal. For example, if it was a 1 year proposal it could be funded for the first 6 months however based on votes could stopped being funded for the second half of the year.
I'm sure this will likely spark more questions, so feel free to ask 👍
Thank you very much for your detailed answer!
So the decisive factor for Proposals is not the voting power, but the HP itself? The stack itself is not affected (lowered)?
Your overall voting power isn't lowered when you vote for a proposal, it's the overall stake of all voters that decide whether or not a particular proposal is funded or not. You can vote and support as many proposals as you wish, and equally remove your votes as you wish without your overall voting power being affected.
Many thanks. You have helped me a lot!
Users onboarding is a big challenge for us. Our of so many cryptocurrencies we have out there, I feel that Hive is undervalued. Many people don't even know anything about Hive yet. What is the best way to bring new users to Hive and out of that what is the best way to keep them alive here? Some people start with good energy and then stop using the platform.
I think the best way to onboardnew users is to have a good marketing strategy and thus when we do advertisement more, more and more users will come to Hive ecosystem. Now keeping them intact is not in our hand to be honest. Its upto them how they see it, if they see it overnight money making scheme, they will definatly move away. If they see it as an opportunity, they are gonna stay here for lonegr.
There is one sad thing about the user accounts that are getting generated everyday and not used properly. I don't know if this can be solved or not.
I think there should be a mechanism to remove or reset a user account that has not been used for over 2 years or something. Someone claimed and created @bala user account but they never used it. While joining or even today if it was available I would have taken that instead of using this user account with numbers in it. 😛 User account is one of the biggest identity here to grow. Something that people can easily remember. Sorry for sharing my sad story. 😛
Hahaha, yeah I remember you were telling me about it and thus you have used @bala in Whaleshares
Ha ha ha ya that's true. 😂
You need to focus on the right kind of people: the early adopter type. Find people who are apt to think in terms of potential. Forget about the average social media user type. Because Hive apps aren't nearly as polished as Facebook or Instagram and because the whole concept is novel, your efforts at onboarding new people are best focused on people that have the early adopter mindset. Don't forget to support your onboardees.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Those are some good suggestions. 👍
When you make content consistently, sometimes you might run out of ideas to make content. Then what do you usually do to come up with new ideas to make content?
I guess it is to write on topics that you are passionate in. If you are someone who is into cooking then make videos or write recipes and share that. If you are into cryptocurrencies then write about the latest developments and such.
That's great! I'm passionate about martial art, lifestyle and digital marketing. And that reflects on my content. Thank you @culgin for taking the time to share your thoughts about getting new content ideas.
This is a great question. I even wrote an article recently as to how I get topics for making new contents.
One thing that I do is that, I go to websites like Pixabay and Pixels and start browsing images over there. That gives me some ideas to write articles.
Next thing that I do is browse for some good contents. Based on my mood, I choose a niche and browse contents based on that niche. That helps me identify some good articles and when I read those articles, I get some ideas.
WOW! Getting posting ideas from Pixabay and Pixels! I have never heard that before. I visit thoses sites to get pictures after writing post. Thank you @bala41288 for sharing this.
Yes sometimes when you look at pictures, you will feel like writing an article on it. I have had that feeling. I choose image first and then go for writing an article. Not always but whenever I find it hard to get a topic to write. Just try it out. 😉
From image to imagination! That's awesome! You're creative, I gotta say. :)
Oh thank you. 🙏😀
I think the best way to always have content is to relate your blog to your work. And based on this, always document what you do at work, try to bring what you do into writing mode and your work activities to make them easy to read documents for others. So you can even teach others about the discipline you practice. It is just what I do. My discipline is trading, so my financial analysis reports and what I do daily, I document and take it to people, so they can learn and use it to their advantage.
Once Gary Vee said, document, not create. What he means that you documents your journey and what you do, that can be a good piece of content. It's hard to come up with content consistently. When you document, it just shares your jouney and speak your truth. Thank you @ale.aristeguieta for sharing your ideas about this.
I like to keep a paper and pencil or some type of list recording device on me at all times. Write down/record every idea you have, ever. Even if it sucks. This not only provides you with a backlog of ideas and inspiration for more, but it stimulates your brain to keep producing more ideas. It's like signaling to your brain that idea making has value by acknowledging all of them, like positive reinforcement.
You could also try meditation or laying in bed in the morning and drifting in and out of sleep for a while. I also get a lot of great ideas while walking, so keep that pad handy.
A couple of weeks again, it take a pieace of paper and start wring about what topic I'm going to talk about in my video. I only have two or three ideas. When I finished writing, I was surprised to see that I wrote almost thirteen video topics. It works for me. I thinks that's a great way.
Thank you @autobodhi for sharing some creative ways to come up with new ideas to make content.
My pleasure. I’ve become a list fiend. I find that keeping lists has enhanced my creativity and also frees my brain up from trying to remember stuff so that I can be more present.
Basically just put what's on your mind into blog posts. Add some color, pictures etc.
It sometimes become difficult to explain about hive to someone. It can be hard for common people to understand about hive, blockchain and this ecosystem. What would be the first thing that you would tell someone if you are explaining about Hive?
That Hive is a blockchain that serves as the data storage of a number of social media, electronic publishing and gaming apps. That's what I usually say. But it really depends a lot on who I'm talking to. Not everyone has the same level of knowledge required to understand this type of advanced things.
Yes, I agree that the conversation is completely dependent on whom we talk to. We have to carefully choose what we say. It is like I can never explain about blockchain technology to my mother. 😀
In the current COVID situation virtual learning or online learning is gaining more popularity. School kids and college students have started using online as their medium of education where their teachers do a video class room session or post videos on Youtube for them to watch and learn. This is gaining more popularity everywhere. I know this is common already in many countries. But do you think the future would become this way and people will get more inclined towards online learning instead of physical learning medium? Share your thoughts on this.
It will became future, but the problem is in India a lot of people does not have smartphone and a lot of homes have only one phone, thus to make it a success we need to have accessories available to all the students. This can be a future for Private schools but government schools, it is just a dream in my opinion.
Yes I agree. Even if government schools try to do this, the authorities are fully filled with ignorance. Two years back my government distributed laptop to all the students. The specs or configuration was so outdated by like 3 or 5 years during the distribution itself. And when it actually reached all the individuals it was not very useful and long lasting. I had a look at one my cousin had. It was dead slow and the config was very basic. They couldn't even use.
Thats the problem with government utilities or actually freebees, its good on the paper but very bad at the execution.
That's right. It is just waste of government funds for their own benefits.
It may be the future with older students. When there isn't a reason to be sitting in the same room as other students, I don't see why you have to leave your house and go to school. However, teaching kids via online learning is an absolute nightmare. It is virtually impossible to get them all to behave and they are all making noise. In a classroom, the teacher can help to take care of them but you can't expect children to stay put in their own home without a parent having to participate.
Yes I heard the exact same feedback from people who try to make their kids attend online classes everyday. 😀
hello friends, i observed here, the powerdown time of hive is much longer, so this is my question.
To power down your Hive fully you must wait for 13 weeks. This is built into the code of the blockchain and there isn't any way to speed this process up.
It's important to note that having your Hive as Hive power is a great thing and powering down might not necessarily be the best option for your Hive stake. Having more Hive power increases your vote value, which in turn increases your curation rewards. It also gives you more weight in voting for proposals or witnesses which overall provides you with the ability to have more influence on how you would like to see Hive progress.
Hi @sardar-sani!
Congrats on your first question on Quello.
Your question has received a small upvote from as thank you for being one of our first users. We're working hard on additional ways to reward valuable content on Quello, please consider following our blog to keep up to date with the latest news, updates, and competitions from us.
We'd love to hear your feedback or any suggestions you have surrounding Quello. You can get in touch by replying to this comment or joining our discord.
Thank you for using Quello.
Support Our Proposal
Please support our proposal to support the development and growth of Quello.
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There are many training/courses available online for this very purpose, but it is somewhat difficult to choose when you have little time and most of the stuff is great but somewhat boring. What I am asking if anyone know about any of the SEO training which is easy to follow and understand, described in natural flow, etc etc.
Has quello any native token to incentivize its users? How reward system works in quello? Is its same as hive?
Quello is built on top of Hive and you can earn Hive for posting questions and answers on Quello. You may see a few differences in how we rank posts, but each vote works in the same ways as on any other Hive application and a part of the reward pool is designated to you based on the voter's stake.
In the future, we hope to provide incentives through being able to curate valuable questions and answers, however at this current time our focus is to build a site our users love. In the short term, we do however see monthly contests and leaderboards with prizes to incentivize users to engage with Quello.
Regarding a native token, potentially something we'll consider when media tokens are launched, however until that time we'll remain with Hive as our main token.
Where is a good place to make improvement suggestions to the website? I have been answering questions, and each time I finish one, I have to scroll back all the way down to keep finding new ones.
Isn't there a way to go back from the question page to the list of questions without losing the place I arrived at?
Hi @marki99,
Really good point, definitely something I need to improve I will add to the list for the next release.
That's the biggest question in users' mind :)
Smart Media Tokens were promised to unlock significant potential of the blockchain and widen the number of use cases in conducting business. Are Hive Devs interested/capable in bringing the concept of SMTs to fruition?
As per the news no, but I guess it will be in the pipeline. So I guess we all have to wait for another year or two to get any update on that.
Yes, not in the current hardfork 24, but I've heard from them that it should be in hardfork 26. Usually hardforks take a few months so I'd say we need a year to get them.
I have no idea what hardfork 25 will be, and I wish it was SMTs instead, but I guess we'll understand once we get more updates on what's next after hardfork 25.
Yes, not in the current hardfork 24, but I've heard from them that it should be in hardfork 26. Usually hardforks take a few months so I'd say we need a year to get them.
I have no idea what hardfork 25 will be, and I wish it was SMTs instead, but I guess we'll understand once we get more updates on what's next after hardfork 25.
I think that if the Devs would publish a preliminary roadmap with projected milestones, we could have a better sense of how things are likely to progress. Moreover, it would be encouraging if the Devs were to acknowlege that strong interest in SMT's still exists within the community and that they remain commmited to rolling out SMT's and support.
I agree. I was told that a whitepaper which includes a rough roadmap is being worked on at the moment.
This whitepaper will be general guideline into what is HIVE, how to use it, what are some future objectives, etc..
The reason there isn't a specific roadmap is because development on HIVE is decentralized. Each dev (or development companies) is working on personal projects, which they believe bring value to hive. It is impossible to keep track of everything.
Since SMTs were a Steemit, Inc product, only a few are familiar with the code and testing of SMTs and they stopped working on that when more pressing matters arised (making HIVE work).
I suspect we'll get an update on whether they plan to resume testing of SMTs for final release after the hardfork 24 is done.
Yes, that would seem to make sense. Thanks for the info.
Can you earn hive here on quello and if so does it go to our hive account or do we need to claim here
Quello is built on top of Hive and you can earn Hive for posting questions and answers on Quello. You may see a few differences in how we rank posts, but each vote works in the same ways as on any other Hive application and a part of the reward pool is designated to you based on the voter's stake.
Currently, there isn't any way to claim rewards on Quello, however something we'll be adding in the future. You can claim any rewards you earn on any Hive application that offers this functionality though.
Your Quello posts (blog/comment) is same as the ones you have in or The chance of earning hive rewards here in Quello will be based on what the curators feel about your Q/A post-comment.
Well, I do hope that Hive users will venture here in Quello and show some support to this new dapp.
Since the question and answer will be posted on Hive blockchain, you will get Hive based on the Upvotes you receive and thus after 7 day payout you need to go to your wallet to claim that Hive.
It's nice to see that we have a new platform operating on Hive.
In addition to questions, what can be done in this platform?
I think, except question/answer, quello will not provide anything else to do because, as we all know, even this category is the biggest one among all, we have example of quora. Owner/Creator/Maker/Developer of the quello would be better to get that answer from though.
Also stackoverflow, reddit :) depending in the topic being asked.
Each site is has its own powerful userbase like, mostly dev/IT people use stackoverflow for coding then stackexchange for their hobbies.
People on quora and reddit are more diverse.
But quello looks promising, maybe users and the devs might discover quello's strength in the future.
Well said and agreed.
The questions generated on this platform can be used to filter publications that maintain value over time, helping content creators to have more audience
I know this may sound like a cliched question but does anyone have any tips to get more followers on Hive, organically? Not talking any workarounds here but looking at ways where I can maybe post to certain communities or promote my post etc. I see some people have thousands of followers. I am trying to get there but not sure how to. Please advise.
Engage. Drop quality comments. Massive quantities of them. It's that simple but it won't yield results overnight. But if engagement is something you enjoy doing anyway, then what do you have to lose?
That is very well said. I do enjoy engagement but finding content that interests me is harder here. Maybe join specific communities?
That's an excellent idea. Communities were created for that very purpose.
Connect with more people is what I think is the best way to talk to more people and thus when two people share the same thoughts, they are gonna follow each other and that's the best and easy way to gain followers.
We see a lot of advertisement about the Healthy Foods, what do you thing that is actually unhealthy but projected as healthy?
In my humble opinion, I feel that too much of something is also unhealthy. I would like to give an example with water. I'm not going to explain any food item but I will take water as an example. I have an office colleague. She drinks over 5 litres of water every day. Whether she needs or her body requries it doesnt matter. She has a rule written that she should drink a minimum of 5 bottles of water every single day.
I'm completely against drinking water this way. I drink water only when my body asks me for water. I will not drink water unnecessarily. I can even go for days without water. But when my body asks for water, I give it enough water even 4 liters in a single day but only when it asks me. This pattern of keeping it as a rule and drinking too much of water every day will also have negative effects or other consequences and can even end up unhealthy. There are many articles online that can give us details about harmful effects of drinking too much of water every day.
I also have a habit of drinking water to a certain level, but again I can feel in my body that I am drinking less water or more. So I try to keep my water intake almost same daily.
Yes that feeling. That is what I'm talking about. We have a natural thirst feeling and hunger feeling in our body. People don't respect it. Any intake to our body without respecting the hunger feeling and thirst can be harmful to our body.
Fruits and Salads. They are healthy but often provide more calories than people expect. It confuses people since they don't lose weight.
That's absolutely true, too much of something is bad as @bala41288 said
Maybe if you remove the high-calorie part of salads, they will become true healthy. For example, remove dressings and minimize salt/sugar; just eat fruits and vegetables (organic) whenever possible.
I would like to listen to your thought on the above question. I am deeply interested in hearing you so write it in away I can understand.
I'm looking to update my crypto trading Twitter list, so have come to Quello for some recommendations.
Whether they trade using technical analysis, fundamental analysis or something else entirely, I just want to follow the best.
So tell me. Who is the best crypto trader on Twitter?
Hi @forexbrokr!
Congrats on your first question on Quello.
Your question has received a small upvote from
We'd love to hear your feedback or any suggestions you have surrounding Quello. You can get in touch by replying to this comment or joining our Discord.
We recently launched a proposal on Hive to support the development and growth of Quello. You can read more about it and support it here.
Thank you for using Quello.
Need help Join us on Discord here
Thanks guys.
I love the project and I'm happy to help out with some content in the trading and investment space..
Думаю многие задавли себе этот вопрос, возможно кто-то смог найти на него ответ. Если Вы действительно знаете, как продлить жизнь, поделитесь ответом :)
Exercising and good sleep! Also eat antioxydants and avoid huge amounts of stress.
You can, but till certain extent. Just eat healthy and do excersise daily, you will feel young always
simple awnser: you can't :P
but you can slow down biological and mental aging by excercising, maintaining social connections and eating good!
Thanks for answer!!!
Everytime when there is a new annoucement or a good now, we all see that the price of Bitcoin increases. There is a high possibility that Bitcoin can pump to its peak value again. But do you think this time it will set a new record high value? If yes, what is the highest price that Bitcoin can reach?
I honestly think there is no point trying to predict the price because it is almost impossible to predict where the price will end up and why. Instead we all can do our part in Bitcoin mass adoption which will help whatever it can in increasing the price.
Yes I agee that it is not valid and very easy to predict the price. But at the same time I also feel that with the amount of coins we get every single day in the Blockchain world, the diversification can be higher which may not even let Bitcoin reach the price it had seen before. This is just my thought.
I just kinda wondered why Hive isn't receiving so much attention after a lot of dramas happening on Steem and Hive. I think we missed something very important.
good question, I guess we actually did receive quite a bit of attention (e.g. on twitter). But I agree, I doubt that many know the difference between steem and hive. I guess we have to continue to spread the word
AGREED and I think, many people are putting a lot of efforts in that.
A lot of users joined the telegram groups and I saw quite a few YouTube videos on the matter. All the big guys in crypto like Vitalik Buterin, Andreas Antonopoulos, CZ etc talked about it. So, a lot of attention I think.
I have basic html, css, js & jquery knowledge.
A dApp is a frontend + smart contracts [1]
HTML + CSS + js + jQuery should give you the tools you need for frontend.
As far as writing smart contracts, since Hive is a fork of Steem, I believe that tools like harpagon's steem smart contracts tool 2 can either be adapted or used directly to implement smart contracts with your existing javascript knowledge.
In terms of extending this knowledge to other blockchains, it's almost certainly worth learning some C++. This would give you an insight into Solidity [3] as well as a better understanding of the way blockchain developers think about building smart contracts into their products.
If you would like to know about the blockchian itself, then you should know C++ because the blockchain was built using C++.
If you are planning to write some code using the RPC nodes and try to perform some operations, your javascript knowledge should be sufficient. There are two javascript libraries available for Hive.
You can use the above to get started. There are also other libraries like Beem using Python and also another one with ruby that can also interract with the blockchain. But for now I think HiveJS and Dhive should be sufficient to get started as you are already familiar with js.
javascript or Ruby to interact with the HIVE apis and use its features. I also think python works for some features if you use Beempy.
Then, for your webapp, you can use any language you like!
It is quite difficult for a newbie to get a test on User Testing Sites that pay you for performing testing tasks. Last month, I came to know about UserCrowd from one abh123's post. I didn't get too many tests and nor they are highly paid but, at least, a newbie like me got some tests.
My question is, are you using any such site and would like to share it with rest of us.
No Scam/Spam, please.
Thanks & Wish you all a save day
It has been said that learning should be a lifelong pursuit. With this in mind, what resources should independent learners take into consideration?
I think Online Videos seems to the best resources for independent learners. If you can spend some money, then its better to get the lectures from renouned sources otherwise Youtube is best for any kind of learning.
Very good suggestion, thanks.
So I just withdrew from my Savings account and although there seems to be some sort of a waiting period, that $4.50 something that I withdrew from my Savings just disappeared! I would have liked to see some sort of a Pending transaction in my history but there is nothing. I might get it back somewhere in about 3 days but now I don't know for sure. Anyone knows what's going on here?
Just head over to, you will see the transaction id of the operation. Just like Below
Quello is a new startup on hive . It is best for expressing our views on different questions. The platform like this should have enough fund and curators for its smooth functioning. It is possible only when quello gets strong support and delegation.
Haven't they created a proposal for DAO funding?
I think that's the best way to get funded instead of having to depend on delegations.
Removal of same abrupted their operations.Last time a similar dapp (musing) was too dependent on delegations received from #steemit .
If a curator community is created specially for #quello platform then we can delegate to it like we do for @curie on
Hi @sankysanket18,
We have recently created a proposal to help fund the development and growth of Quello, please consider approving our recent proposal on Hive, you can find more about it here:
Let me know what you think 👍
I have deegated to DAPPs before. It all depends on the benifits I recieve as 1000HP is a large delegation for me. I think DHF proposal would be a great way to fund the project although I'm not sure if it would get funded immediately. @dapplr is still waiting to be funded.
Hi @vimukthi,
We have recently created a proposal to help fund the development and growth of Quello, please consider approving our recent proposal on Hive, you can find more about it here:
Let me know what you think 👍
One of the easiest proposals to support.
Best of Luck!
Haven't they created a proposal for DAO funding?
I think that's the best way to get funded instead of having to depend on delegations.
Last time a similar dapp (musing
Removal of same abrupted their operations.) was too dependent on delegations received from #steemit .
If a curator community is created specially for #quello platform then we can delegate to it like we do for @curie on
if i have the ho . i don't see why not but it sad that i don't have that at the moment
Hi @dijin,
Currently, we don't have a delegation program, however if you like what Quello are doing, please consider approving our recent proposal on Hive, you can find more about it here:
Let me know what you think 👍
My uncle asked me to bring a toothpaste. Instead I gave him a toothbrush 🤔 😁
As a child, I was very scattered. And I could forget my briefcase when I went to school.
Is it a briefcase or school bag ? 🙄
School briefcase or school backpack.
Now it makes sense..
Anger is a very common thing for every human being. It can sometimes be dangerous and sometimes cause bad effects. It can be an outcome of a bad mood or stress. But we have to let out the anger somehow to have a peaceful mind. Some people get rid of it with the help of a good sleep and some people show it to someone who is very close.
What is your best move. What do you do when you are angry?
I think inflation is currently the best unique value prop, however, on the long run it will drain the value out. You need one greedy entity and boom, the inflation will drain the value out instead the other way around
Our mankind has achieved so many things in the past few decades and especially after computers were invented. We have been having some breakthrough continuously on one field or the other. What do you think is the most fascinating achivement that mankind has made with the help of technology?
In my wallet, it doesn't exactly show what the APR is on my Hive Savings Account. Not sure what the benefit is for keeping my Hive and HBD there.
No APR. It is just a way to protect your account from being stolen instantly, in case someone manages to get your keys.
With the savings acccount, even a hacker has to wait 3 days to get access to your funds, and if you log in in the meantime you can notice the activity and change your keys.
So Hive Power has an APR but the Savings account doesn't?
What is the point of that? Wouldn't it be better to just keep funds in Hive Power then?
Yes, but if you want to sell your hive power you have to power down and wait 13 weeks to get the full amount.
Keepong it liquid instead is subject to theft if a havker gets your keys.
The savings account is a compromise which doesn't allow a hacker to cash out instantly and instead locks the funds for three days so that you have time to notice the problem and change your keys.
As I know, on Steem (and the same thing is on Hive) ...savings wallet has no APR. It just serves as "what if" option. I never used it, I don't know anyone else who used it, because your price is not locked in savings acc, you are in the same spot as if you would keep liquid hive/steem. The difference is, when you really need it, you have to wait for few days to unlocked it from savings account, but if you keep it liquid you can used it asap
Then what's the point in having a savings account at all and why name it that way? Usually a Savings account is where you park some money and you get some interest on it, no?
"Savings" is because you can lose your keys and even if somebody find them and logs into your account, intruder can not use steem/hive. Even if he makes transaction from savings account into liquid account (i.e. savings Hive into Hive), he has to wait 3 days to access. In meantime you can also save your account and get new keys. So....if you are sloppy with keys, than savings account is for you. Otherwise no.
That makes sense. Thank you for your response!
There is no benefit as such i.e. no APR on savings. Only benefit I see is that, if your account is hacked your liquid Hive or HBD will be gone in seconds whereas you will have 3 days time to receover what you have in your savings.
So Hive Power has an APR but the Savings account doesn't?
That's absolutely correct
Let's hear it, I'm sure you have thought about it...
Whatever Kirkregard said, he seems like a fellow gamer.
Let and Live Happy
Ther is only one anwser.
Procreate. If think about it without procreation there is no life. You are born and then you die. Your DNA is basically your information, passed on and on through the generations you start to create from procreation. So if you are feeling like you don't know what is the meaning of life. Go fuck someone.
haha, that made me laugh! :)
But I think this is a very materialistic world view. I think there is more to it than that
what are the processes needed to delegate on the Quello network and hope thats an option
Hi @lebey1,
Currently, we don't have a delegation program, however if you like what Quello are doing, please consider approving our recent proposal on Hive, you can find more about it here:
Let me know what you think 👍
Here are the steps to delegate to Quello:
That's all.
having been a number user of before the project was abandoned. i really get to learn and earn while on the platform.
will Quello follow that format and will all valuable inputs be appreciated and upvoted also
In time as Quello grows we hope to be able to curate quality content, we must build a platform that our users love first. We don't want huge delegations or stake to fill the cracks of the platform and our focus at the moment is building a platform that new & existing Hive users appreciate.
Okay. I will try creating a post for quello. I wish a community exist for it or special tag
A community does exists, however I haven't released the code to automatically add to the community yet. The code is written and tested, however just finishing off the keychain work before it goes live. You can expect an update either the end of the week or early next week.
Thanks got the swift responses
What is your immediate goal on Hive?
To Get to 10K Hive Power
Thanks for the answer, that is my immediate goal as well. Let's go after 10k HP 👊
Yes let's make it to 10000 HP.
51.5k Hive power to become an Orca...
You are just over 5k HP from your goal, keep striving for it.
This is again another question about hive. I have seen may people using Hive only as a blogging platform. They are also very sensitive about it. Some people unfollowed me when I started posting splinterlands articles continuously. I guess some people cannot see this as a platform beyond blogging. But people make this diverse and make use of this platform for various other activities. How do you see this platform? Do you think Hive is good only for blogging purpose? What is your opinion about games on top of Hive?
Hive goes beyond just blogging. Here are a number of quick examples. Actifit is for fitness tracking, Hivelist works similarly to Craigslist, and Steemleo is for online shopping.. With a bit of research, you are sure to find something useful.
Ah nice ya. I didn't know about Hivelist before. Thanks for sharing. I guess there are also lot more projects and still, there will be new projects emerging out. Cheers. 😀
Not at all! In fact, Hive already has a card trading game built around the blockchain.
Yes indeed. There are also other games available on Hive. dCity, Exode are few other games on hive.
Most of my questions are around Hive onboarding. The reason is because I have been speaking to many friends recently about Hive. I'm trying to onboard my cousins and my college friends into Hive. One difficult part is explaining them about Hive. It is not very easy to explain them what Hive is all about and how they can contribute here. While doing this activity, I was wondering why I'm so involved in onboarding my friends as if someone is going to pay me for onboarding people. But then I thought it is always good to bring more exposure and new investors into the platform. Why do you think Hive needs new investors?
I have some ideas around things I want to build which would be in the same format as Hive or Steemit. I am a web developer by profession so I wanted to find out if there is something I can build on top of/leveraging the Hive blockchain and how I can do it.
Just like Quello, you can build anything which can benefit users per se. It can be a online game, can be a notification app or a todo app, anything is possible.
If you have any specific questions surrounding how to get started, feel free to drop me a message on Discord. I'd be happy to point you in the right direction 👍
Can you please give me the Discord link? I do have questions and appreciate that you are willing to speak!
If you join the Quello discord you'll be able to find me on there 👍
i have abouot 600 ESTM . what can i do with them ? do they have any use
As far as I understand it, it's an internal currency only. But you can give away the ESTM (to other users), you can boost a post (with a curation) with it and you can use it to promote a post.
There seem to be some rules for promoting and boosting posts. In example, the respective post must have been made with the Esteem app and the post must be new.
You can buy upvotes or you can promote your post on Esteem (now ecency) for your ESTM tokens.
i understand that the site is still new and it will basically need curators as it grows. I see this sight becoming bigger in less than fige days. so i want to know how to be a curator on the quello platform
Although curation will be important for us in the coming months, we believe that focussing on the platform and taking community feedback surrounding our feature set is the highest priority at the moment. We'll be looking for curators in the coming months, stay tuned. 👍
Okay, I will.. Thanks for the heads up..i hope I would be considered
It's a simple question that I'm pondering about. I know writers are not in demand as much as they were a few years ago. Luckily why I'm ready to learn new things and expand my horizon even further.
Everything you see on my blog has been created by myself.
Without writing, I can create and manage your Wordpress page if needed, I can create simple banners and animations and be the nice friend you always wanted to have.
Peace and love.
Quello requests that you sign a hiveconnect contract with your active key, but as far as I can tell it doesn't acutally need anything more than posting permissions.
This seems like a major security flaw! Can anyone explain to me why Quello needs active permissions?
You can log in with your private posting key you don't need to use your active key. In terms of your Quello, it doesn't store or have access to your keys.
I guess it needs Active permissions for the first time you login, to provide posting authority.
When is a question considered answered? When can a question be closed? Who gets to close the question and when?
I have posted a question which I believe I got an answer for but it is still an open question. So this part is a little confusing to me. Maybe Quello should let the original poster close the question when they deem it appropriate to close. Thoughts?
A question never really becomes closed on Quello, I believe that one of the most interesting parts of question and answer platforms is the ability to get different perspectives, and by leaving the door open to answer for an indefinite amount of time it helps promote this.
In the future there may be an option for a top answer to be selected by the asker, however, in this scenario, the question could still be answered by one.
Of course, there will be questions that have a straight answer to them, however, at the time I'm not sure that's the promoting different perspectives in the way I would like.
Got it. I was thinking this would be more like StackOverflow where once the question is answered, it would be closed and people can read the thread and also get to the solution.
Closing the question is just stopping other user to answer it, thus it does not serve very well for the open minded questions. Say for example you ask a question and the answer you got is relevant now but what if any other user want to answer like 1 year down the line where the updated answer will have more meaning. Thus I think, question should not be closed.