quarantine story initiative. It's barely 10 days since we metamorphosed into the hive block chain and I think the timing wasn't a coincidence but God's way of opening is into more blessings and financial freedom especially this season that we're to stay home.I am so excited to be a part of this @Theycallmedan's sponsored
At first, COVID seemed like a joke for us here in Nigeria and I saw many people make some funny facts on it. As at today, Nigeria records over 100 cases and 1 death and lo, everyone's eyes have been opened to look out for ways to contain the spread of the epidemic.
I stay in Akwa Ibom, one of the Southern states of Nigeria and we've not recorded a case, yet neighbouring states have. Today begins a one week lockdown here and it's never fun. However, I've been used to an indoor life being a passionate writer.
As we can see above, the highway linking two states is dried. No cars,no people,no movements. Everyone has to find his place indoors.
My worklife during these quarantine days
Writing has now become more interesting for me with the launch of the people's blockchain - hive.io with more value given to the investment of time and content. For me, it's more than the money, the fact that one can freely express himself without being censored is a plus for #hive.
As shown in my cover picture, I'm well dressed with my gloves and face mask in my study hub to savour more insights from my library so as to boost my contenting capacity. I'm seeing to it that I'm maximizing these quarantine days to add value (knowledge wise) to myself.
My finances
Like I said in the early part of this blog that I'm happy that hive came right on time. The launch of hive made us own double of the steem value we had. For me, that was a quarantine Fund coming earlier.
The markets were quite bulling until 3 days ago. I must say that with give, I'm not bothered about finances, at least for my basic needs and that of my dependants.
Family life
It's fun to have to be with family all day long because of covid quarantine. Schools were closed and kids are all home to spice the days.
As for social distancing, I'm not really bothered as my activities in the past 2 days have been basically indoors and so it should be for the next 7 days. I'm very hopeful that these days shall pass and we shall count our family and friends to see that none was lost.
keeping fit
I'm all indoors doing some indoor workouts to keep fit while these days would last. I'll have to get either table tennis game for indoor sports. we gotta catch fun with family despite covid when ensuring to stay safe.
I want to thank everyone that is spicing up our engagements on give block chain. The days were meant to be boring but give makes the difference.
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Bad thing is, there is no constant power supply...
Swears bro!
I hail from Uyo tho