How are you blog friends? certainly more interesting not with the current job, I also feel better with the article that I share with all my friends, but on this occasion I will share an experience of solidarity and cohesiveness in a group. For 5 years we have been active in the world of nasheed singing combined with beatbox arrangements, so that it can attract the attention of the local community.
This journey does not go smoothly like running water, but all of this requires sacrifices that are rising up tired, and that is all we feel together, thank you for the compactness in the work, so that we can entertain with the arts and hobbies that we have. 6 but sometimes we attend 5 if other personnel are in a state of work.
Invitation by invitation we live and all that also requires a very strong process, ranging from close invitations to long distances that we must attend, and all of the payment depends on the distance we travel, not only attending the wedding but also we have many invitations from perfomance on stage to entertain people who are making festivals, but also various competitions we often attend with great pleasure and determination, and with our determination so that we can win in various competitions, all on the basis of the solidarity of a group .