Work work work! Is all I hear around me when people talk about their quartantinelife. In my previous post I showed you it is hard to be a teacher and even harder when you're not familiar with the digital world.
When it comes to P.E. teachers it is a whole different ball game. We're asked to be creative, flexible and students are not required to follow our instructions.
This post is for @nathanpieters contest. Make sure you check out his post so you know the rules.
We all know the movies on social media where people come up with crazy things during their quarantine. I tried the same and giving the reactions to my movie I kinda succeeded.
First of all, before you watch my short clip, you need some information.
I was challenged to get the students of their playstions/xbox hoping the would go outside in their garden or do sportactivities at home. Disclaimer: No real gun but a vacuumcleaner.
So I give you: the 360 no-scoop squad. "how many can you do?"
I hope you enjoyed and don't feel offended.
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Entry received!