What are the effects of this quarantine period on me? Well, I feel very bored and unmotivated for even basic things. I'm pretty convinced that all this social distancing (aka physical distancing) works indeed! It reveals what we as human beings are in its essence - social beings. If we don't socialize we die.
Is e-socializing enough? It helps for sure, but it is not a good enough replacement for physical socializing. We need to hear, feel and touch to feel fulfilled. We need to hug, tap someone's shoulder and shake hands. We need to hear the reverberation when a laughter fills a room. Yes, that's all I need now. Hmm, I think I need all of that because I'm a human.
And how do you feel?
I'm very happy in quarantine!
It probably helps that I am introvert that practised social distancing all my life (lol). Now I can finally spend 12+ hours per day on the internet, I can work at night and sleep till noon :) No more annoying social interactions with other people!
It's interesting to see how different are people in this situation.
Haha, I'm very happy for you, buddy. Enjoy your freedom to fullest then :)
annoying social interactions
but maybe it helps to be confined with my Darling so I do not lack of human contact at all...LoL ...I'm perfectly happy with social distancing as it doesn't change my introvert life, on the contrary, I would say like @fbslo that I do not miss
I'm sorry if it's difficult for you..this will have an end,
courage ! as we say in french 😉
I am also enjoying quarantine time as I can be with my 10 months old son 24/7 and see his progress.
Working in tourism sector has its pluses and minuses.