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Previous posts:
Deep Throat v, Q
Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon
The Gospel According To Q
A-Marketing We Will Q
The Name Of The Q
Q The LARP Carp
Spe-Q-lating On Q
In The Twilight Of The Q
Jonesing For Q
Analyzing Q-Analysis
The Silence of the Q
The Q Prophesy
To Q Or Not To Q
A Quantum Of Q-Bit
Surfing the Q Wave
There's an old Texas expression that seems rather apropos at this point:
"If'n ye allus do wut ye allus done, ye allus git wut ye allus got."
Only works in the original dialect, so you'll have to decipher it yourself. We suggest starting with Uncle Eph.
So where do things stand at this seemingly crucial moment? Readers have been checking in to find out why I've gone silent on Q and the Anons.
Quite simply, Q went silent for most of October, ostensibly due to Hatch Act restrictions, and even faded in and out during November, but after a period of damage control the fun seems to be ramping up again.
From this point on, I am assuming that readers know about Q and the Anons. If you are new to the game, please check the previous stories linked at the top. To summarize my Q-Theory:
Q is real and may be a function of military intelligence operations;
Q is at least partially an AI that is tracking information dissemination through social networks, called q-analysis;
Q is a psy-op that is primarily focused on activating the Disenfranchised Masses in the US;
Q's primary purpose is to market Donald Trump's presidency, but also to subvert mass media gate-keeping and re-direct the narrative;
Q achieves its goals by making followers feel like privileged insiders who know the "real news" before it happens.
Starting in September 2018, the Q Network began predicting the demise of the Democrats and the so-called "Blue Wave," and promoting a "Red Tsunami" in its place. Unless you slept through the US mid-term elections back on November 6th, then you realize that neither the Reds nor the Blues came out on top. In fact, the results were rigorously status quo.
Despite Qvian apologists crowing about keeping the Senate, very tenuously, the results clearly showed the US divided pretty much down the middle.
The Blues retook the House and immediately took a giant step backwards by renominating the Ancient Crone Nancy Pelosi as Speaker (again). The Reds kept the Senate (barely) and like a dog that finally catches the car, are trying to figure out what to do with it.
When the Red Tsunami failed to materialize, the Qvians suffered a major set-back. Indeed, subscriptions at the various commentator channels fell precipitously and viewers' comments were not flattering in the least.
So, to catch us all up, let's jump back to the death of John McCain. Q stated that every dog has its day, and McCain died the day before National Dog Day. This will become clearer in a moment.
Then, Q spent most of August and September rallying the Qvians, predicting a major "Red Tsunami" that would sweep Washington, DC, leaving the Republicans in charge of everything.
Then, Q vanished on October 10th, only to reappear on November 2nd, just days before the mid-term elections, still predicting the Red Tsunami, but tempered with accusations of "election fraud." This is a marketing trick called "salting". You hedge your bets by establishing an anti-narrative before the competition has a chance to get theirs rolling.
Q warned there would be massive fraud as a means of stealing the promised victories, and thus softening the blow of reality on its followers. Don't worry, was the message, if the Red Tsunami doesn't materialize we can write it off as fraud at the polls.
The Anti-Narrative expanded quickly into "we had to LET them commit voter fraud so we could catch them." No word yet on what Q will do with the car now that it has actually caught one. No worries, though, Q and the Acolytes have already moved on and forgotten about voter fraud.
As I have proposed before, Q is using "q-analysis" to track social networks and information dissemination. I can safely assume, therefore, that Q knew the Red Tsunami was little more than a high tide.
The post-election narrative shifted to "We Won Because We Kept The Senate!" Q carefully manipulated the narrative to point out that the all-important committee chairmanships and nominating process were still in Republican hands,, Republicans good (can you say "marketing"?).
Since May 11, 2018, Q has been dropping the term "D5". There has been endless speculation on what this means, from the highest level of avalanche warning to a referenace to the 5-Eyes (US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand) to the deepest recesses of gematria. The narrative has finally settled on December 5th. Here's why:
Q has told us that tomorrow (Dec. 3), James Comey will testify before the Senate Judiciary committee (again). On Tuesday (Dec. 4), Loretta Lynch will testify before the same committee. On Wednesday (Dec. 5th), John Huber will testify before the House Oversight Subcommittee for Government Operations concerning his months-long investigation of the Clinton Foundation and alleged massive "pay-for-play" operations.
If all of this is Greek to the reader, here's a brief summary:
Former FBI Director James Comey is suspected of covering up Hillary Clinton crimes;
Former DOJ head Loretta Lynch is suspected of aiding and abetting Comey, with a mysterious "tarmac meeting" with Bill Clinton during the 2016 election;
John Huber is a federal prosecutor from Utah who has supposedly been tasked with nailing the Clintons and their cabal to the wall.
The implication that Q has left with us is that Comey and Lynch will be compelled to spill the whole truth and nothing but the truth because Huber's testimony will lay all the pieces on the table. Comey and Lynch stand to face felony perjury charges if their stories don't match Huber's.
It gets better.
Miraculously (one might think), George H. W. Bush (41st president), whose father Prescott Bush was a Nazi collaborator and whose political career (and that of his sons) has long been speculated as a reward for his role in the JFK Assassination, dies on December 1st, at the ripe old age of 94. This will initiate a state funeral spectacle during the very week of the above testimonies.
Q has not very subtly implied that Bush's death was "planned," or perhaps "caused," in order to distract from the fireworks in Congress, and that Bush's Secret Service nickname "Timberwolf" is tied to Q's earlier comment about every dog having its day. The Qvians have reminded us that Hitler's nickname was "the Grey Wolf," which is another name for the timber wolf.
This is all because Washington DC is in a complete panic, according to Q. Q has primed its network to "see something, say something" as the criminal elements of the Deep State are likely to use false flag attacks and other distractions to take as much focus off the antics in Congress as possible.
Is all of this a coincidence or, as Q intimates, part of an on-going operation to distract, dissemble and deny? Your guess is as good as mine, though I am prone to believe the latter.
Bush was quite old, and his wife of 74 years died ealier this year.
John McCain died of the same brain cancer that felled Teddy Kennedy on the exact anniversary of Teddy's death, which also happened to be the day before National Dog Day. Bush's call-sign was indeed "timberwolf," an animal that shares an ancestor with the domestic dog. The timing of both McCain's death and Bush's, along with the attendant state hooplahs is exceedingly convenient, considering what is scheduled to occur in the various Congressional committees this week.
But what stretches credulity is the Q claim that Huber and his overseer Inspector General Michael Horowitz have been working - in nearly complete secrecy - with 470 investigators (says Q) to generate the legendary 50,000 Sealed Indictments (or is it 65,000?).
Q has freely admitted that it disseminates false information, supposedly to throw the "bad guys" off the scent and perhaps cause them to make mistakes that can and will be used in a court of law. Q also has a rotten track record for predicting events. The "predictions" are generally vague and open-ended, like a televangelist prophesy, so that just about any similar future event can be interpreted as proof of foreknowledge.
We've been hearing of pending arrests and exposure of the Deep State from Q for well over a year now, and none of it seems any closer than it was back on October 27, 2017, when Q said Hillary Clinton's arrest was imminent and that she was already prevented from leaving the country (she recently spoke to a nearly empty arena in Canada).
The Qvians diligently justify every failure as part of a "military operation," where the theater is in constant flux and plans change and evolve. Never mind that they actually believe and support a military "counter-coup" taking place within the federal government of the United States. Any vaporous similarity between real events and a Q Prophesy is heralded as a triumph of the Q Faith. Like Bible-thumping Christians, the dogged refusal of the Apocalypse to materialize only pushes the prophesies into the future, but never disproves them.
For me, however, I can't shake the impression that all of this sounds entirely too much like the plot of Christopher Nolan's brilliant film The Dark Knight.
Donald Trump is the billionaire playboy, who by night beats Gotham's criminals to a pulp with his bare hands. Hillary Clinton is the Joker (or is she Harley Quinn?), the criminal mastermind with weird make-up who just wants to see the world burn. James Comey is Harvey "Two-Face" Dent, the Boy Scout FBI head turned murderous mastermind. John Huber is Commissioner Jim Gordon, the dogged and untouchable investigator who will bring down the house (of cards). Michael Flynn is Lucius Fox, the quiet enabler that offered all the resources of the US military intelligence complex to Trump in the fight for truth and justice.
If the Legendary 50,000 (or is it 65,000) Sealed Indictments ever see the light of day, one can even imagine a scene like The Dark Knight, in which hundreds of defendants appear in court all at once to answer the charges.
I could go on with the parallels, but I think the reader can see my line of thought. The similarities are remarkable.
In any event, the promised salvation of the Q keeps getting pushed into the future like a long-awaited savior. Trump is still the underground hero that WILL deliver on his promises to jail the some point. The Qvians undauntedly believe that the US federal government can be redeemed - with the aid of the brilliantly conceived Plan that no one seems to be able to articulate. Subscriber numbers are slowly recovering as armchair patriots filter back to the spectacle.
And life goes on...
Where we go one, we go all.
How true.
Thank God for Q!!!
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