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RE: ...

in #qanon6 years ago (edited)

I have presented ample proof Q is a lie. When I posted this, it did not show-up on my screen so I though there was a system error, so I posted it again. My intention was not bad. You mis-judged me and falsely represented me when this happened because my post did not show-up on the screen. So now I am removing any material you claim was double posted. If anyone wants to see the proof that Q is fake, a larp and a lie, all they have to do is visit my profile and blog posts and they will see all of the evidence we have taken a year to compile and present.

End of story.


now you're just being belligerent.

The spam is not appreciated and has been flagged as such, doubly as trolling.

Now you are just lying.

The apparent system error caused a double post. I have already explained this. You are mis-characterizing what happened and refuse to look at the evidence I have presented. All you can resort to is false accusations and banding together with those willing to push the same lies. So sad.

Man you've got so much to learn about debating which you're going to need to do if you want people to take notice of your views. You've clearly spent a lot of time putting all this information together which i honestly respect you for, but spamming this blog and peoples comments with information which backs up your stance rather than actively discussing the topic when people are trying to discuss things with you, is not involving your self in a debate, it's quite literally just spamming.

Sounds like you are just trying to defend lies and larps. I am great in debating, for your information. So nice try, but you failed.

I am great in debating, for your information

You are delusional.

All you can do is accuse when you cannot win by argument or prove anything I have stated as not true. Nor have you presented any evidence that Q is real. I, to the contrary, have provided tons of evidence that Q is fake, a larp and a lie.

My latest material on the Q larp is on my blog post. It is there for all to see.

I have exposed some of the greatest lies out there and deserve respect for my work. You are doing humanity a dis-favor by pushing lies, mis-characterizing others, attacking me and falsely representing what I say. All shills can do is accuse, slander and attack when they have no arguments. That is what you are doing. Prove me wrong, prove Q is legit or stay out of a mess you yourself have created by knowing NOTHING about that which you claim to be helping others to see.

I am not defending anything, I stated clearly that NONE of us, including my self know. Clear as day i said that. I was trying to engage you in a conversation as to how and why we each perceive information to be our own personal truths, even told you i respected all the effort and information you put together, that's a lot of work man and to make a counter argument with so much information is impressive, but shoving that information all over the place confusing the discussion is not the way to apply the counter argument, but it is the way to really piss people off and evidently this is now going horribly wrong for you by the declining rate of your score. You still wont see how what you've done is wrong, you'll interpret it as more proof that you are right and everyone else is stupid and they cant handle the truth. Facepalm

I sincerely hope you learn a little bit about this, you've got a lot of good information there which many people will very much appreciate and find useful in their quest of not believing in the Q Anon revolution, you have done a great job. Just gone about it the wrong way.

I wish you well i really do.

Best just walk away at this point, this guy clearly isn't in his right head.

No amount of logic or rationality is going to work here.

Yeah that was my last ditch attempt at showing this wasn't an attack on the counter argument itself as a result of blindly wanting to believe one side over the other, that it was actually a disapproval the way the whole thing was handled.

Over and Out.

You give up and stop looking into the truth simply because you agree with an attack that someone has made - an attack based upon ignorance and based upon your own refusal to look at the evidence I have presented. My latest posts tell it all. Sorry to see those such as you give up before discovering the truth. But maybe others will learn a lesson from the futility of the dirty tactics being employed on this blog post and the dirty use of Steem Power to smear others in combination with false accusations. Too bad that those in delusion continue in such delusion simply because others in delusion support their delusion. And so, it is the blind leading the blind. Both fall off a cliff.

Yo, I have reviewed everything that's happened since our stand off the other day, I am glad to see you score has been replaced and am offering an olive branch my self here, if it was a system error as you said then ill give you the benefit of the doubt. I am not a shill I can assure you that, we're on the same page believe it or not, we just have different ways of doing things. That said i will take a look at some of your Q anon work, I am interested in getting a balanced perspective so when i have a free night i will go thorough it. I also like the look of your page you seem to be doing good work and im following you now.

So I apologise on my part for jumping down your neck and hope we can interact more pleasantly in the future!

Q Gets Political - Walk Away from Fake Q.

No logic or proof is going to work here. Best to just walk about from OP as he will not listen even when we present all the evidence in the world that Q is fake.

..... but shoving that information all over the place confusing the discussion is not the way to apply the counter argument, but it is the way to really piss people off and evidently this is now going horribly wrong for you by the declining rate of your score.

  1. I am not confusing the discussion but rather exposing the lies.

  2. The only one shoving information is OP, putting out information of that which he obviously knows little about, then using his Steem power to push this lie.

  3. Using Steem power to downvote others, as OP has done, and make them loose Steem score is a dirty tactic. The only reason my Steem score has fallen is because OP and one other of you who have much Steem power have downvoted my posts. After two of your downvotes,, 10 minutes later I lost 10 points in score. I have already come-out and exposed you for doing this. This is a dirty war you fight. You use your Steem power to push lies and then use your Steem power to downvote others and cause them to lose Steem score, then you use your dirty tactics as some type of evidence that I ma wrong, simply because you are gaming the system and using it to attack others. I don´t care about Steem power, Steem rating or steem points anymore. All I care is about getting the truth out, which obviously you are not concerned about, as you use the wicked tactics you apply against others, cause them to loose rating and then attempt to use your evil dirty tactics as some type of evidence that you are right and that I am wrong. Your dirty rotten tactics of deception and abuse of the Steeemit platform to attack others telling the truth HAS BEEN EXPOSED!!

Using Steem power to downvote others, as OP has done, and make them loose Steem score is a dirty tactic


Also NOTE:

There are also comments of yours in this thread which I have UPVOTED.

You don´t know because either you have not read my material or refuse to do so and have not looked at the evidence that proves Q is a larp and a lie. Either way, it is not looking good for those who can only resort to false accusations and who refuse to look at the evidence being presented.

Spam spam spam your lies gently down the stream..

Spam spam spam the truth gently down the stream...merrily, merrily,merrily,merrily until the fools wake up from their dream...

Great at debating? You sound like a child having a tantrum. You've responded to my comments with SPAM, and now i've called you out on it you are on the defensive and throwing insults at me now.

"when debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."


Once again, AMEN. 🙌

There you go again with mis-characterization and mis-representation of others. And there you go again using your Steem power and of that who have steem power, to upvote your comments and get your money. All pushing lies and deception. I could care less about your Steem power or your dirty tactics of using it to push lies and falsely accuse others. Since you have no arguments to prove me wrong in anything I have said, nor can you prove the current Q larper as legit, all you can resort to is mis-characterization, slander others and attempt to paint them in a bad light. Sorry, but this deceptive tactic is well know. Attack and slander someone when you cannot win an argument. YOU FAILED AGAIN.

Since you have no arguments to prove me wrong in anything I have said

Once again - more for the clarification of any onlookers with rational objectivity than for you:

The intention of this post was never to “prove Q is real.”

Nor, has it been my prerogative anyway within this thread to prove you wrong.

As stated already, I originally upvoted your first comment, appreciating the counter-perspective.

The reason I ended up removing that vote is because upon digging into the content, I found it to be very disorganized, confusing, and not content I’d like to direct my readers towarss by having it at the top of the comments thread.

All comments I’ve flagged since, have been under the pretence that they’re either spammy or trolling. And, there are comments of yours I’ve upvoted.


Another one supporting more larps and lies.

You are pretty desperate to discredit Q (yet haven't actually done that yet).

JIDF much, shill?

You are pretty desperate to defend lies, refuse to analyze the truth that is presented and then resort to mis-characterizing others as a technique to attempt to discredit them. Your shill tactics are obvious. Why are you so desperate to defend a larp and a lie unless you are a part of it or are seriously deluded? Escape your delusion and start using some arguments to prove me wrong and prove your fake Q as legit. But don´t resort to slander, false accusations and mis-representations to attempt to prove anything. That is a dirty game you play.