Truth or Bust began as a small group of regular guy and girl truthers who had lost patience.
The Q Anon movement over the past few years had created a tent for truthers of all flavors to gather, learn, question and most importantly, speak truths loudly. Demanding transparency and disclosure had become not only a directive but a growing group activity that most of us had only dreamed of experiencing in our lifetimes. We saw the days of information gatekeepers coming to an end and we believed that end was in sight.
Then we were introduced to a man named @austinsteinbart.
We didn't all come to appreciation for Austin Steinbart and his messaging instantly or simultaneously. We did by late September all agree that there was definitely something to his story and insisted together that if nothing else, Austin Steinbart was incredibly relevant to the story of the Q Anon movement and the promised Great Awakening we were all so excited for.
Upon asserting his relevance an avalanche of attacks from self-appointed information gatekeepers and narrative herders ensued.
As a group of long time seekers and tellers of truth we immediately recognized the familiarity of 'flak over the target.'
Austin's messaging, the chaos that swirled around his own Steinbart Media Group, as well as some obvious attempts to gain information from us about our efforts and others by people who were at best compromised by the same FBI that had recently arrested and railroaded Steinbart confirmed what we had already concluded.
The Austin Steinbart story was not only relevant to The Great Awakening that we had all sacrificed so much to see ushered in, it was critical to it.
After weathering multi-pronged and dogged attacks from information gatekeepers, our small group of regular guy and girl truthers had enough and decided...
Two of us deployed to Arizona, knowing that there was much personal risk to be assumed with such an investigation, and Truth Or Bust was born.
With limited financial resources we did what we had to. We slept under power lines in the desert as opposed to hotels. Showers were scarce and beds to lay in were non-existent. Even those who realized Q Anon was not a domestic terror threat (as shaded by the very FBI jurisdiction we had landed in on this mission) didn't want anything to do with a group of people that asserted the relevance of @austinsteinbart.
The effectiveness of Pharisee Mockingbird was becoming clearer and clearer.
concerns regarding the people surrounding Austin. They seemed appreciative of our dedication to getting clarity regarding Austin and went above and beyond with access.While we were unable to meet @austinsteinbart himself for questions as he was (and is) unjustly imprisoned, we were welcomed to visit by Steinbart Media Group. We were clear with them our
We left Arizona abruptly for another mission. We left with not only a whole new understanding of the DIA operation that Q Anon is but with what we continue to consider new family.
Our return to Denver in the wake of the assassination of patriot Coloradan Lee Keltner led to a successful effort to expose more deceitful gatekeeping media and so much more.
The 'more' includes meetings with many truthers and activists, death threats for some, a 30-day 24-state 12,000 mile road trip, and new affiliations with people who realize that Austin Steinbart is in fact an independent contractor for the DIA who was tasked with overseeing the Q Anon operation on the ground in this day and time. Truth or Bust with Mike Mullens even became a Steinbart Media Group production for a short run before security concerns from both Truth Or Bust and The Steinbart Media Group forced a hiatus.
Our original simple goal of no more gatekeepers is still very much intact. Transparency and Disclosure is not only a demand of ours but an ethos. We began as a self-funded investigation and while we did solicit donations out of necessity for a short period of time it also became evident that some looked to contribute financially in prder to gain access and influence on our actions. While the journey has taken some of us into risky territories our work is not done.
The story of @austinsteinbart is still not told. The risks @austinsteinbart faces personally in his efforts persist.
attacks on @austinsteinbart and his supporters by Pharisee Mockingbird have only begun.The Truth Or Bust team is acutely aware of the forces arrayed to stop @austinsteinbart as some of us have experienced extreme efforts to stop us in our quest to explore this story. Meanwhile the focus of our truthing, the destruction of Mockingbird media and information gatekeeping, is necessary now more than ever. It is our belief that the
The patterns we learned from years of following the Q Anon portion of this operation are clear. We continue to assert that President Trump is waiting on The People to stand up for him as opposed to the 'Trust the Plan' and 'Enjoy the Show' mentality of those who follow blindly the celebrities of Q Anon and their claims to know 'The Plan.' We believe that @austinsteinbart is also now waiting on The People to stand for him. Anybody who has made efforts to this end will know the heat and scorn taking this position brings. We have differences of opinions with some even within @austinsteinbart's closest circles as to what will be required from his supporters to free him of his imprisonment.
Beautifully, this is a family where differences of opinions are not emotional circumstances leading to the vehement dismissal of each other. They have led to the intermingling of our personnel and that is where our call to regular guy and girl truthers comes in. The Truth or Bust team continues to have vision and plans. We do also have a need for resources both in human assets and others that lead to this call.
The Truth Or Bust mission now is singular and will run parallel to the efforts of Steinbart Media Group. We all want to see the political prisoner of the Q Anon movement released. @Austinsteinbart's team was there for Truth Or Bust when we needed them most. They demonstrated a commitment to not leaving a man behind in this digital war that has become hot and real world for some. It is our intent to dismantle the Mockingbird media structure that remains in force to suppress the story of @austinsteinbart.
Truth Or Bust will not leave @austinsteinbart behind.
We also need help.
Our entire operation has been amorphous and waterlike by design and will continue to be so. We remain committed to the ethos of transparency and disclosure in our efforts as far as that can go without jeopordizing our team's security or the security of others. Our desire to offer regular guy and girl truthers an opportunity to get involved in this critical war against Mockingbird of all platforms and flavors persists. Going forward our operations will remain completely legal as they always have been. The tenet of doing what we can with what talents and resources we have will also remain.
We are looking to coordinate with those who have reached out to us in support and with questions of how can they help. We are seeking to gather those who either share our discernment or trust us enough to borrow it. We offer a degree of safety in numbers for our truthing friends and have enough willing to suffer the attacks that come from being public and loud in our efforts that we can offer people a chance to have impact without putting themselves in that position. Due to the philisophical differences in our tactics our team will need to remain independent of Austin's Steinbart Media Group so our team members will also need to maintain that independence.
We are committed to forcing the plight that @austinsteinbart is currently facing for our movement into the public spotlight. The scope of our operations going forward will depend on the assets we are able to gather. After tens of thousands of dollars expended by the team in our self-funded effort we seek whatever help we can get. That will include financial backing, creative and technical skills, the willingness to coordinate on social media and phone call campaigns, and whatever abilities one has to act within as stated by General Michael Flynn in August of 2020.
Due to targeted censorship of our team not all of our efforts are still online for review but much of what we have done is documented at ,,Mike Mullens' 3Speak channel, as well as the 3Speak channel for the SMG production of Truth Or Bust with Mike Mullens.
If you are a regular guy or girl truther looking to get in this fight on any level please join us.
We can be contacted at for further details.
maybe I was just fan-girling in my sleep but I had a very lucid dream this morning about around 6 or 7 Aunt Tiffas in my backyard. The biracial chick was pointing a gun at my kids so I went to the minion aunties and started wooing them, planting seeds of truth for the purpose of plucking them from the fire. They left and then a bunch of MAGA dudes showed up and I was like, you guys looking for Q? They were like, "heck yeah!". So Chief T (my better half) and all but two of the MAGAS got in an old muscle car and drove to the restaurant where Austin was working. Since the car was full, I took the other two MAGAs through a maze of streets and houses to get to the restaurant. Austin was outside dealing with some bus tubs. He gave me a friendly hug. We all sat at picnic tables talking. At one point Austin was getting a box of produce from a supplier and I saw him hand off a laptop to the produce guy. I remember thinking, "this is so cool!"
Great start!
Riveting Middle...
Terrible ending!
Email? For real man?
I'll bet that email does't get you near what you think it will by putting it out there...
Did I ever tell you the story of how I used email to hijack an intelligence operation once?
(intelligence with a small i because it wasn't quite that intelligent)
Truth or Bust isn't an intel operation. I am not looking for intel operatives. Got enough of those to deal with as it is.
uh... everyone is in on it
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