To Kill Mockingbird - 'Message Over Messenger' So Where Is His Message?

in #qanon4 years ago (edited)

My connection to Austin Steinbart and the Steinbart Media Group began with his message. No surprise then that it may end there. Along with almost the entire Q Anon movement, I was initially put off by this messenger when he arrived on the scene with seemingly outrageous claims of being the man behind the Q drops we had all become so zealous in following.

That irritation boiled over my frustration with all of the 'personalities' of the Q Anon movement. So many followers. So much influence... and yet not a single call to action from any of them as they continued to collect monthly Patreon donations and write books about the wholly incomplete story of the still ongoing military intelligence dissemination operation that is and was 'Q Anon.'

"I don't care about this guy and I don't care about any of these fucking guys anymore. We have to be the plan. We have to do something."

I did conceed to my friend that day, Austin Steinbart may actually be a part of the Q Anon Operation. The annoyance factor in his videos seemed so perfectly calculated that if he was part of the Operation pushing a guy like me over the edge on following the 'celebrity' decoders and becoming actively involved in the information war must be the purpose. Without knowing how that kernel of truth would explode in my life I set out to do what I have always done in this. My self assigned sector. Watching, probing, assessing, and ultimately confronting directly the Enemy of the People I had heard President Trump identify so often as 'Fake News.' Every single time The President of the United States said that over the years I heard 'Mockingbird.' The apparatus that I had watched divide us from our countrymen for my entire life.


I have documented much of my efforts against the media structures that have attacked our reputations and personal relationships throughout my To Kill Mockingbird chapters and will not recount them here. Like President Trump, I am a student of Sun Tzu and have always known the value of understanding my Adversary. I spent the next six months engaged with and learning much of intel media and their limited tactics. Their patterns.

Steinbart Media Group.During that time @AustinSteinbart was engaged in efforts to build a media company... Simultaneously, a few of my truther associates whose discernment I trust and lean on confidently were watching Austin and more importantly consuming and challenging his messaging. Watching them be attacked by the Q Anon community and it's influencers for raising the mere potential relevance had a familiar feel. Fake news equals suppression and these efforts by the same influencers Austin Steinbart had shaken my patience with told me that this whole thing may actually fall into my self assigned sector. Unfortunately, just as I began to comprehend the value of @AustinSteinbart's messaging he was 'taken off the board' so to speak. Locked away in Florence Federal Prison and unable to communicate his messages as he had become so effective at in his many interviews during the summer of 2020. The intel media of the Q Anon movement had been so effective at discrediting @AustinSteinbart that I personally lost many truthing friends upon mentioning my upcoming interview with Steinbart Media Group as a potential volunteer seeking assets for our efforts in Denver. The same friends that had been actively engaged with me in combatting the mainstream media and their deliberate and dogged discreditation seemed now under the same spell of cognitive dissonance as a Sean Hannity fan being presented with questions about the truth of 9/11 a decade ago. Mockingbird has patterns and they are so very limited in their tactics.

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The weeks following my interview and putting forth the messaging from Austin that had won me over brought enough 'flak over the target' familiarity that I could not get away from the idea that whatever this guy was up to he was relevant to the Q Anon movement. The message from the Q Anon influencers and regulators was all "trust the plan, re-read all the drops, President Trump is Q+ playing 5D chess, and whatever you do DO NOT PAY ANY ATTENTION TO AUSTIN STEINBART!"

Not a single call to action. No "We Rise or We Die." Deliberate and obvious efforts to minimize the trust that could have led our movement to unity with the new and largely liberal minded Save The Children movement that had emerged to confront elite pedophilia. Not a single attempt to expose the man who they varyingly accused of being a CIA plant, a paid shill, a false flag trap, a dangerous criminal, and a mentally ill lunatic.

Meanwhile, @AustinSteinbart was blowing some of our minds with his information. His messaging. My biggest hurdle was his explanation of Quantum Computing and how it explains the ability of whoever was in charge of those drops to see the future.


If you haven't seen this explanationPlease watch and tell me if this is possible with what you understand of Quantum computing today. from @AustinSteinbart regarding Quantum Computing and it's role in the Q drops from March 24th, 2020 I urge you to do so. I also urged many of my 'normie' friends whose intelligence I esteem highly to consider this video. I started here as I assessed my responsibility to get to the story of @AustinSteinbart and his claims for a movement that had been conditioned to be resistant. All I needed was a few good 'this is batshit impossible' opinions from trusted people with absolutely no chips in play and I could write Austin off as a curiosity to keep an eye on. While the idea did terrify some, to a man (and woman) I received the same type of response. "I don't know who that kid is but I can't say this is out of reach at all with what I understand of quantum computing today."

This is where my commitment to this messenger began. Once I accepted the premise of the drops being from the not too distant future @AustinSteinbart's messaging began to present as an Occam's Razor for the rest of the Q Anon military intelligence operation I had followed so dilligently since it's inception. As Austin states in his video explainer, the idea of the technology in the wrong hands is terrifying. Biblical, indeed. Team Satan or DIA Team America in possession of a God mode computer. There is a lot to try and comprehend that comes along with accepting this technology as real and imminent. Plenty to wrap one's brain and spirit around. I will leave you to consider but I can tell you that these contemplations paired with the obvious efforts to undermine and minimize this message from @AustinSteinbart and then the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of Austin for clearly unjustified reasons left me with no choice. When it became clear that the FBI (at a minimum) was running people against me in an effort to gain information from myself and my team the 'flak over the target' confirmation was complete. We decided that we would do whatever we could to get to the bottom of this story for the movement that we love.


Three months later, Austin Steinbart still sits in a federal prison and has yet to read my message. He is still minimized by Pharisee Mockingbird in the old Mockingbird pattern of ridiculing and mocking the very relevance of a question so as to keep people from actually asking the question. Much of Austin's messaging is critical to an understanding of what is actually going on. None more important once accepting the idea that there is a war on for control of this technology than the immediate need for an Internet Bill of Rights. I remembered Q drops relating to the Internet Bill of Rights but curiously hadn't heard much of it in the years since from that same Pharisee Mockingbird network that was so doggedly directing eyes away from the seeming timely messaging from @AustinSteinbart.




"Why do so-called Patriots challenge this?"

Great question, Q. A timely reminder as well... "Careful who you follow."

Of all the people who were being followed only one had an answer and he stated it clearly in videos, interviews, and at Steinbart Media Group's website.


With the Quantum Internet capabilities and the stakes that opening one's eyes to its imminence brought this presented as one of the most critical messages that Austin was delivering prior to his imprisonment. The kind of message that made one not only consider the ramifications of success or failure of the Q Anon Operation for humanity but on a more personal level the ramifications for the world that children and grandchildren would grow up in. The question of why was nobody with influence addressing this compelled us to go after the answer ourselves. Three months of adventures and experiences later has brought an understanding of how real this technology is. It is real and it is in play in this information war that less than 10 have the full picture understanding of. I can assure you of these things though I will make no claim to have a full picture understanding of it by any means.

My self assigned (?) sector of this information war is and will continue to be recognizing and confronting Mockingbird. The media that controls and forms narratives in order to advance Team Satan's agenda. As one who has been accused of many things, including being "a Satanist and needing to be destroyed" along with a location doxxing of myself and those I consider family at Steinbart Media Group I have no plans of making any accusations of any groups or individuals. I am however committed to both the message as well as the messenger who I have yet to meet due to his incarceration. As one who sees @AustinSteinbart as the man running this Q Operation the effectiveness of his messaging while in prison is my business and the fruits of media labor is not only my business but my focus.

For whatever reason this critical IBOR message has largely disappeared from our movement since Austin went to prison. Not only do I see in today's Steinbart Media Group a lack of promotion of this critical message it seems there is an embracing of a Quantum Internet far more along the lines of a Borg Collective than involving any protection of the sovereignty of the mind and genetic code of the individual. To presume there are not elements aligned against @AustinSteinbart in regards to the control of this technology would be negligent and foolish. My mission for truth became an all in situation as soon as I understood the gravity of the Quantum Internet technology that Austin Steinbart assures us is already here. I continue to exhort those who deny Austin's relevance that they are leaving a man behind in the digital battle. I am confident this messenger would likely be more concerned about his message being left behind.