Truth Line 3301 - CBTS #228 The Delayed So Newbie Baker Edition

in #qanon7 years ago

I bet most of the Frogs are freaking out because nothing happened. So far Q has been pretty quite since Christmas and there haven't been any new posts letting us know what is going, There has been a few new threads created on CBTS but we haven't gotten any new information. The last thing that was being said in the threats is that the storm was here, but currently we haven't seen any information on arrests. Just as Z from CIcada 3301 said people have very fanatical about this operation and things were beginning to lose the main focus behind the leaks. Is Q waiting for new information on the coming future, or are we all just waiting with baited breath for anything to happen that covers the latest information. The 10 silence seems to have been observed but we are out of it now.

it seems with all the work the bakers are doing now is the focus on "red Pilling" people which is kinda weird really since that what all 4chan movements other than puzzle seems to fall into. The majority of information is designed to be meme virus that get people to start looking into the new information. Their is no doubt that Qanon is now one of the most Viral Meme's in the history of the internet. It's taken hold of everything from the MSM all the way to out of the way channels of youtube. Since we started reporting the information Q's connection to the Cicada 3301 puzzles a massive amount of channels and talkers have thrown word in to come to terms with what they think is happening here. We have gotten a ton of good research done at all accounts but I think most of the people are forgetting Q can't make anything happen. it's up to use the people do the work and make sure the information is out their. The plan is working but without the big storm happening the entire situation is in a standstill. We can pray and meme our hearts out to build the final push but action is always going to be the main focus of being.

Are we waiting on the Deep State File Drop Julian Assange was talking about? or is there something bigging just over the horizon and we are as it where in the eye of the storm.

Good will always defeat evil.
No rigging / blackmail this time.
Wizards & Warlocks.

“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” ― Thomas Jefferson

Jeremiah 29:11 "‘For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.’”

We are Restoring the Republic of America

Americas Military + Navy Intelligence, the NSA, the Q group and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All with over 4,289 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse [KEY] turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into what Q calls Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth. Solution? Sincere Patriots [STONE].

We are the dot connectors. We are the excavators of obscured facts. We are who we've been waiting for our whole lives. We are the Storm, and we are the Calm Center inside it.

Our goal is simple:

To explain the chaos of our times to our loved ones and friends. We have been chosen to spread the word and to ease and assist the transition of our world.

Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world burn.

Past Updates

Stay Tuned for more Qanon Information that has been complied for easy reading.

Can you?

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our Memetic Spread


nice video @defango
thank you for sharing