
thank u, the info is great and points us to where we need to look.

You sound like a complete moron!

Your opinion, one that I do not share. You sound like facebook twitter etc censoring opinions that differ from your own. Either way the info within has nothing to do with Q, aside from that fact that I saw it within the comments. The info, if u spend 1 minute to look at it is very very good.

your opinion, is welcome, I do not own any of them, I hope you respect my opinion, as I do yours.

You know I do, I always have. I just ask to look at the information within and not only the subject matter surrounding this.

And I will never question you or judge you, like you did me, why? It serves no purpose!

But you started with

Disclaimer whether you believe in Q anon or not,

And then went full retard on me bro

Did you actually read anything within the comments of this researcher I posted or you stopped after you saw the words Q anon? What he says is literally one fact after another that ties this all perfectly together, how would this be retarded?? Or is it retarded to not look at the facts in front of your eyes

You are judging me, and my recognition, I thought you were smarter than that, go get angry with someone else, that is the division aim, you are swinging with it

Come on man, You were accusing me of going full retard on you, yet I’m the one that is getting angry and upset with you? Don’t see it that way, I always appreciate your opinion and not sure what the point of this back and forth is. I put this information in here for people to look at it, think for themselves and do the research for themselves. That’s it

Is retard a bad word now?

I still like you all the same, the rest is up to

sound and see are different...

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No shit