Bitchute Video:

With all the blatant elite corruption being more exposed to the public than ever before in history, the people desperately needed a hero – and they got ‘Q anon’.

As more people are waking up to the fact that ‘Q anon’ is a mountain of lies, a lot of people are dismissing the whole thing to say “oh well, what harm?"
I will tell you what harm.
For those unfamiliar with ‘Q anon’, it is a massive ongoing internet deception that pretends to ‘leak’ deep state secrets. In the past 7 months it grew incredibly popular among consumers of alt media.
‘Q anon’ started in October 2017 on 4chan, moved to 8chan 2 months later, was subsequently aggregated on the git site ‘’ which ultimately migrated to the more palatable where new ‘Q drops’ are posted to this day. is visited by readers millions of times every month and thousands of people every day wanting to read up on what ‘news’ ‘Q’ has for them. An estimated 1,427,100 visits in the last 30 days
One of the major premises of the Q posts is the idea of this ongoing war between President Trump’s administration and the ‘deep state’.

In this fantasy, factions of the United States’ own intelligence agencies are fighting each other in a covert spy vs. spy war.
‘Q anon’ updates internet readers with intel on the conflict at regular intervals, with posts like this one from November 12, 2017:

Major players include the corrupt CIA or “Clowns in America” who are fighting the virtuous NSA or “No Such Agency” in a dramatic head-to-head battle that interactively pits the propaganda of ‘the deep state’ against the independent voice of the American people. And by ‘independent voice of the American people’ I of course mean the controlled narrative Q prescribes while warning readers ‘Careful who you follow’. (Controlled Opposition *cough)

We also learn that President Trump sacrificed his wealth and luxurious life because he was chosen by top military brass to run for President and help fix all this corruption. He said he would drain the swamp and dang it he’s doing it. That’s why the media attacks him relentlessly with baseless claims about Russia. Hes an outsider and they fear his love of justice.

Clearly, the establishment media opposes Brother Mason Trump for being outside their occult secret societies. They aren’t just harping on relentlessly with obviously-baseless, benign, petty, and toothless attacks in order to control opposition and boost Trump’s credibility as an ‘outsider’ in a classic play of right-hand versus left-hand occultism. That’d be ridiculous.

You’d have to have about 5 media executives in on something that big. Impossible.
“How in the blazes could so many people fall for this silly lie?” You might ask.
The recipe is quite simple. Take a large, persecuted population desperate for justice, living every day with the painful knowledge that powerful, untouchable murderers and child rapists walk free, and sprinkle on a tiny shred of hope with a dash of validation.
Getting in touch with Trump’s social media guy helps too. “Hey Dan, can you put these innocuous symbols in the next tweet, for kicks? Trust me on this.”

If he says no, maybe you can always back-date the post.
On Monday November 6, 2017 at 5:08 pm Q left a post that said “Everything has meaning” signed with 3 plus signs.

7 minutes later Donald J. Trump tweets about his trip to Japan and includes three plus signs.

If you can prove something as fantastical as a connection to the president, then the rest of your claims become credible just by association! (Appeal to authority fallacy xD)
Now, stir it all together with cryptic puzzles and tell people it is their patriotic duty to “solve” them.
Voila! You’ve pacified your potential opposition for 7 months and counting!
The Q dish is much easier to swallow after letting your audience grow fatigued from inaction on elite crime for over a year.
Alt-media consumers’ minds are then ripe for wishful thinking. They would take anything that resembles justice at that point!
When you have a strong signal of credibility in place, you can pass off all kinds of dramatic stories, like how covert military action is being taken at CIA headquarters in Langley:

“If this leaks” – What do you mean “if this leaks”?! You’re the one leaking it, Q! That’s not how verification works!
Don’t forget to tell your audience to waste even more time re-reviewing all the meaningless ‘crumbs’! Always re-use and repurpose old content when you can.
When you have everyone on the edge of their seats, it’s good to give them some relief once in a while.

Always keep the audience engaged by often describing how ‘we’re winning’ or ‘losing’ (mostly winning) with vague reference to every ‘victory’ or ‘setback’ you come across.
The episodic nature is like a bad spy novel! Disinfotainment!
Also, make sure to top it off with a lot of plausible deniability built in from the get-go. Straight-up tell your audience you are lying to them right to their faces, but only because it’s ‘necessary’.
Nov. 20 2017 03:10:48 150166936

That way, if your false claims come up in the future, you can say it was all part of the plan as you distract the audience with a game of “Guess Who’s a Hitler?”

By the way, “Disinformation is necessary.” is the single-most-cited Q post of all time for followers. It’s a favorite anytime critical thinking starts to take hold.
Contrary to what some people say, Q was never true. Future never proves past and, tripcodes or not, it was deception from the beginning. It has gotten less sophisticated as it seems to have changed hands, but even early ‘Q drops’ are verifiably false.
You literally only have to look at the first day of ‘Q posts’ from October 28, 2017 to know that no version of Q was ever legitimate.
The second post that day confirms an anonymous post that states very explicitly “Hillary Clinton will be arrested Oct 30, 2017.”
Huh? Where is it?
Weird. We were just talking about it the other week...
Hmm… let’s check the wayback machine for something around that date.
How about… I dunno… the 26th? Yeah! There it is!

But it’s gone on April 27th. Interesting. Looks like Q took it down.
Maybe it kinda threw a wrench in the whole credibility thing Q was after.
Welp, censorship is often validation after all...
Regardless of Q’s inconsistencies, some anons held him on the same level as Jesus Christ.
Instead of blaming Q for being so cryptic and pointless, they blamed and hated themselves for not understanding him.

I think November 21st is officially the day when Q became a cult.
Getting Q to reply on an anon post is rare as he is extremely selective. It is quite revealing about his character that one of the very few posts he ever replied to was the one calling him Jesus Christ.
People were kneeling down to Q.
“To whom else can we turn?” Um… how about, I dunno… Christ perhaps? Maybe open up a dialogue with the Holy Spirit and the Father most high? Crack open a Bible?
Seriously though, all my research has led me to the conclusive discovery that these recent revelations are indeed part of a spiritual war and our enemy is Lucifer and the occult.
Prayer and faith are vital in these times. Be sure to get right with Christ our true prophet and king as soon as you can.
Q is a false prophet.
He speaks a language of lies and his massive deception has led to material damages in the real world. In this work I will cover 6 instances of the harmful, real-life effects of the sensational ‘Q anon’ deception.
FLYNN: Trump is changing things - I’m 100% pro-Trump. I don’t think there’s anyone more pro-Trump than me. I’d take a round of bullets for the president.
FLYNN: Have you read any of the Q posts?
TIM: Yeah. Sometimes I don’t have the time to read them myself but I’ll watch videos where others do synopsis of them and such.
FLYNN: So what I’m gonna tell ya is they’re using, basically, intelligence codes that we used in the military in order to train a pattern of communication.
This audio segment was part of a January 25, 2018 interview with Timothy Holmseth had with FLYNNL1VE5 3 months prior to Flynn getting shot.
This is a classic case of ‘Detrimental Reliance’.
‘Detrimental Reliance’ is the notion in contract law where one party reasonably relies to their detriment on the word of another in good faith.
While our victim never signed any contract with Q, he took a major risk based on beliefs founded by the Q narrative that the president would have his back.
Things didn’t quite work out that way.
Our victim’s real name is William Shelton, former US Air Force. Shelton survived after he was shot in the chest by a police officer when a ‘passerby’ outside Shelton’s home made a 911 call to report that Shelton threatened him with a gun.

Acting on the testimony of the unknown ‘passerby’, police and swat surrounded Shelton’s home with weapons drawn. Shelton locked himself in his house with his wife and children and negotiated for their safety before agreeing to come outside - whereupon he was shot in the chest by one of the officers and arrested.
I covered what I think could have been an attempt at assassination-by-911-call in a prior video about the 6 pizzagate researchers who went dark. I’ve since learned more about the research Shelton (aka ‘FLYNNL1VE5’) was doing and it leads to some heavy stuff.
In the Timothy Holmseth interview 3 months prior, Flynn describes how he uncovered 7 servers with child snuff films on them.
FLYNN: He was running a kind of operation where they used dummy credit cards that they could pre-load with money for people to basically pay-per-view watch child porn and basically videos where kids were getting killed and stuff.
He said he worked with contacts in the NSA and shut down some of the servers.
FLYNN: I gave all of the information that I scraped to the NSA. And so far they’ve shut four out of seven down. Have you heard of the seven dwarfs – CIA network?
TIM: The seven dwarfs?
FLYNN: Yeah. That Q has been talkin’ about?
TIM: Ok.
FLYNN: These are the seven dwarfs.
TIM: What are the seven dwarfs?
FLYNN: The servers.
Strangely, he stated this two months after a Nov 12 ‘Q Post’ already ‘confirmed’ the ‘7 Dwarfs’ were 7 CIA supercomputers.

Supercomputers are used for intense computational science like cryptanalysis which (if these actually exist), might be used by the CIA to breach all the encrypted messages on the planet in real-time or something.

For video hosting, a commercial server stack would be more fitting.
Maybe this is what happens when Q says things like ‘Disinformation is necessary.’

Those 3 words open every one of Q’s statements to be re-interpreted ad infinitum.
This means Q drops can mean anything and everything whenever it’s convenient, which should have been a big hint to all of us (myself included) that they ultimately mean nothing.
So how does this link to Flynn getting shot?
Flynn’s last direct message to Gothamgirl on Voat 3 days prior to his March 29th arrest was “I did something that will trigger some events and I will either get arrested or I will end up working for the president directly.”

Flynn took a major risk that he knew might get him arrested with the thought he might end up working directly for the president. It’s clear he relied on the version of reality ‘Q anon’ was spreading. He was certain his work was somehow connected to the whole thing.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the action he took was the reason he was targeted and gang-stalked by an unknown ‘passerby’ who dialed in a phony 911 call.
I don’t know. That’s why I said “possibly”.
The answer to this question and why Flynn might be targeted is still developing.
All we know for sure is that Flynn did something he likely wouldn’t have done if the Q narrative hadn’t set him up.
Q gained Flynn’s trust by using military code cipher he was familiar with from the Air Force, got it in his head that the servers being busted were the CIA’s “7 dwarfs”, and even got him thinking he may end up “working for the president directly”.
We know his primary motivation was to rescue children like the ones found on the servers.
FLYNN: My only want and desire is to save the children getting killed by the f-cking pedophiles man.
FLYNN: I can’t shrink from the responsibility that I have because of the set of skills that God has gifted me with – and I can’t in good conscience be passive and not try to help.
That leaves us a bunch of possibilities.
Maybe he tried to take out the remaining servers or released personal info about who bought the dummy credit cards.
Or, maybe he took action against a person called Montagraph, who he said was involved with the servers, had stalked his wife on social media and was threatening people.
FLYNN: I basically found this story when I started actually looking into Montagraph. And… just so you know. I actually... He actually ended up finding an account with my wife. A social media account. Basically, threatening he was gonna murder people.
Hard to say.
Flynn put his faith in Q and may have nearly been killed for it.
For those who think Q is harmless, try telling that to this US Air Force man who was likely imprisoned and nearly killed because of his detrimental reliance on the fraudulent Q narrative.
I pray his information makes it to the right hearts and minds.
“Jesus thank you that me and timothy have been able to connect – thank you that you put us both on these different paths and helped us be together with you connected us with you – I pray that you would just leave a banner of protection over both of us and pray that you’d guide the information we’ve collected to the right hearts and minds who are faithful to you - and just pray that nothing that we’ve done has been in vain and that you just continue to use our hearts to your will, Lord, and not our own, and pray that… pray that the sacrifice we’ve made will pay off in the protection of children going on into the future - in your name Jesus we pray, Amen”
The theme is to not place your faith in false prophets.

Around the same time Q showed up, was taken down, Rebelskum went dark, joining a bunch of other researchers did too, and a hacker who cracked an encrypted page of Comet Ping Pong’s website was getting ready to air his first interview with Titus Frost.
In late November 2016, the hacker known as Bigfish gave evidence to the DC Metropolitan Police of child porn files found on an encrypted page of the Comet Ping Pong website.

By December 4th, the actor Edgar Madison Welch was arrested for entering the pizzeria with a rifle and firing a shot that struck the hard drive of a Comet Ping Pong computer.

"I knew right away it was a false flag to cover up the evidence I had given to the DC Police department,” Bigfish said in an interview with Titus Frost in November 2017, a year after giving the evidence to police and FBI — and many months after giving it to Jeff Sessions’ DOJ.

“Sessions’ office detailed all the information and then did nothing with it,” claimed Titus Frost in a video blog last month on April 3, 2018. Despite US authorities having hard evidence of child porn on the Comet Ping Pong servers for over a year and a half, nobody has yet been arrested for this crime.
Titus Frost Interviews CPP Hacker Bigfish About DCMPD Runaround and False Flag
Mocking the Investigation
All the while, James Alefantis’ instagram friends like “mssummercamp,” known for his blood-covered Halloween “performance” at Comet Pizza, have been flamboyantly mocking the stalled investigation.

As shown by this February 2017 pizzagate-stage-show photo in which he references “delusional f*ckers messing with real people’s lives spreading their fake conspiracy theories” at Trade Bar DC, a club 4.3 miles away from Comet Ping Pong.

After posting an instagram photo in June of a headline showing Welch sentenced to 4 years, one of Alefantis’ friends stated “I think it’s time for you to start posting pictures of BOYS again!!”

To which Alefantis replied “Imagine how many pictures have not been posted yet”.
There has been a lot of ridicule of the term pizzagate from the beginning, which has vastly differing definitions based on whom you ask, but regardless of what you call it, authorities have verifiably been given actionable evidence of child abuse and seem incapable of anything but giving the public the run around.
"I’ve had to listen to people say pizzagate this pizzagate that. No. It’s not about pizzagate. It’s about the kids. It’s about kids getting put on movies.” Bigfish pleaded to a DC Metro Police officer as he had with dozens of officers before.
Recording of Police Giving Bigfish the Runaround
Unfortunately, DCMPD aren’t really known for their competence in handling child rape cases.

For everyone in the know, it was really looking like an intolerable child abuse cover up at every level of government.
This investigation has always been politically agnostic, but a lot of conservatives still had faith left in their newly-appointed ‘outsider’ president who, as far they were concerned, had presented himself as very strong on justice.

With things looking so dire, even people who didn’t like Trump were hoping and praying that he might help end all of this. Anything from anybody would be better than the inaction they had to watch.
The authorities felt the pressure mounting from public outcry and were running out of excuses for why James Alefantis wasn’t in handcuffs.
Sitting on evidence for a long period only makes sense to an investigation if your suspect doesn’t already know you have it. In this case, all the internet researchers knew, and Bigfish was about to confirm the whole thing.
How in the world could the DCMPD, FBI, and DOJ save face to this blatant injustice whilst still covering for their Rothschild overlords?

Rothschild you say?

Yeah, some anons figured out James Alefantis was a Rothschild 9 months ago.

Here’s a steemit article by cryptophunk titled “James ‘Alefantis’ Rothschild Doxxed”:
There’s a ghostbin that verifies it. Name, birth year, properties to cross reference, and everything.
Corruption Conundrum
So, pretend you work for the federal government and people are starting to suspect that the establishment covers for the elite. What do you do? How can federal law enforcement possibly explain why we haven’t arrested this guy?
Perhaps it went something like this:

I got three words for ya chief: “Deep state war”.
We’ll stage a ‘leak’ that describes a spy vs. spy tale of epic proportions. We can scapegoat all the blame onto an agency nobody likes anyway – the CIA – and pretend that it’s their fault that federal law enforcement isn’t doing their job.
That might be crazy enough to work...
Thousands of concerned people wasted precious, collective millions of hours pointlessly deciphering the meaning behind cryptic messages that go nowhere by design.
Jordan Sather, Antischool, Tracy Beanz, James Munder, and many other intelligent truther YouTube channels exploded in popularity with their daily coverage of ‘New Q’.

The opportunity cost of what they could have accomplished focusing on something else is staggering.
YouTube channels dedicated solely to crowd sourcing answers popped up like white on rice.
24/7 livestreams like “QNN” and “Patriots’ Soapbox” manifested as a place for hysterical Q followers to free associate together and ascribe meaning to every phrase and character Q decided to fart out that day.
It wasn’t always like that on these channels. When they started out, they were filled with skeptics who were hopeful about Q, but very open to alternate ideas.
Being alt-media veterans, they had a good tolerance for concepts that went against the grain and I was able to have lots of discussions with the people in these things.
In recent days the mods will shadowban you so fast that viewers must think nobody has any opposing or critical viewpoints on Q.
I’m not saying this to ridicule anybody or call them dumb. I myself believed in Q for some time before I could really think critically and discern the facts. It was super-convincing!
People reported literally losing their jobs because their patriotic duty to follow Q came first.
The audience who followed Q knew that the MSM apparatus was lying to them (still 100% true), so they knew it in their hearts that they must spread Q’s message.
Q built a lot of credibility and group morale by identifying with core philosophies that alt thinkers on the internet hold very dear.

YES! It’s like he KNOWS me!
Or how to play me…
By April, some anons were getting pretty antsy. One frustrated user described people losing jobs and friends.

“We’ve lost our jobs over this. Lost friends. Still nothing to show.”
Oh, Q. What hath ye wrought?
Sadly, many people driven by righteousness and a sense of patriotic duty to help their fellow countrymen made great personal sacrifices to help be part of the “solution". Instead of going to work, they got busy with Q riddles that were ultimately invented to waste everybody’s time.
There were rumors on Unirock’s show that old people got reverse mortgages to donate funds to livestreamers covering this.
God only knows what kind of financial devastation this caused for many patriot families.

Occasionally, Q would reveal something obscure to people outside the conspiracy research community.
However, when ‘Q anon’ provided novel information that was actually true, he never provided any original material. Many people credit Q with revelations and cite things like Angela Merkel’s relation to the Hitler bloodline.

This knowledge was originally discovered by Anonymous and published many months before Q would ‘shock the WORLD’ with it.
The earliest posting I could find was by the Anonymous collective member Fearless One and dates to December 17, 2017, 4 months prior to Q’s “revelation”.
At 6:10 Fealess one says, “Enter Adolf Hitler. Alois Hitler, father of Adolf, Was the illegitimate son of Maria Annuchel Gruber and Baron Rothschild,” along with a black-and-white photo of Adolf Hitler with a child version Angela Merkel captioned “The longest chancellor of Germany, ever” with arrows pointing from the child’s face to an adult Merkel.
She also has a cute mention of Q at 8:11 about the aircraft that crashed at the Rothschild residence last year.
“It is also not coincidence that this new 4chan commenter called ‘Q’ suddenly takes control of the narrative. Time will tell.”
Time will tell. Fearless and wise. Time has certainly told.
Still, many will say that this time consuming deception was not a complete waste since it 'woke so many people up'.
Alright, if the true goal of the Q operation was to ‘wake people up’ to facts like this, wouldn’t it have reached more people, and saved everybody hours of ‘digging’ through all the pointless convoluted riddles if you simply spread this and gave credit to researchers like Fearless One while you’re at it?
But, that wasn’t really the objective was it? These interesting and obscure facts were strategically placed in a credibility play by associating them with Q’s deceptive content.
We’ve established that Q uses real information to add credibility to all the nonsense he spews.
Another reason Q uses good information is when he is trying to lead everyone in the wrong direction.
One great example is this picture of Ray Chandler.

This post calls for Q followers to focus on Ray Chandler, a supposed call-girl for the elite.
The Ray Chandler ‘investigation’ leads to celebrity characters like Eminem and a rabbithole of other mostly-unimportant people.

Q asks questions like “Why is E so vocal against POTUS?” pointing readers to “Focus on friends” with the notion that asinine research of Slim Shady’s friends is somehow gonna be worthwhile.
Q leads readers to focus on Ray Chandler’s johns, but ignore a likely pimp – who just so happens to be in the original photo.

The other woman in the photo is Ghislane Maxwell, the daughter of the 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell. She was in Donald Trump’s circles for years as Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend.
Maxwell and Epstein were regulars at Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort for some time.

A few days ago in an article by The Maven, we got some new insight into Maxwell’s role in Epstein’s underage sex ring.
According to the article, sex-trafficking victim Virginia Giuffre “claimed that Jeffrey Epstein's former girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, approached her and manipulated her into sex trafficking while she was working as a towel girl at Mar-A-Lago in 1999.”
Giuffre was 15 years old at the time. Maxwell was accused of procuring underage girls for Epstein in the lawsuit.
So, while Q instructed readers to “Look up Ray Chandler” – a likely victim forced into a life of prostitution – he diverts attention away from Ghislane Maxwell, who actively lured underage girls into Jeffrey Epstein’s clutches.
Maxwell is a more pertinent lead to uncover corruption, but Q urges his audience to focus on an investigation that goes nowhere in typical Q style.
Q only ever posts good information to poison it with misdirection.
Flynn got shot, important developments got buried, truth seekers were distracted for months, people lost their jobs… this whole Q thing was a disaster.
Q exists to lead you away from justice or rescuing lost children by making it look like HE’s doing all your work for you.
Rewind your thinking to October 2017 when the Q deception began. What was happening back then? What were people looking into who suddenly disappeared or suddenly got derailed by Q research?
Invent your own rabbit holes. You don’t need riddles and puzzles.
If you ever catch yourself saying “Someone should look at this” or “Make a video about that” or “Dig into this” or “present things in this manner” or anything that starts with “someone should…” then I hope you realize that maybe that someone should be you.
Please, use your own head, though. Trust no prophet to lead us through this darkness, not me, not anyone.
Even though I’m working hard to be genuine now, it is possible that I could be silenced, compromised, or threatened as others have been. The enemy has limitless resources, loyal agents, lies, and corrupt legal methods at their disposal.
Only Christ will get us out of this one, I’m afraid. There is so much work to do and “love” is definitely not the only way.
Hate has a very important purpose in this life.
Proverbs 8:13 - The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.
Proverbs 12:22 - Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight
Also, to whoever is currently behind this fraud: the righteous next step would be to inform everyone of this rouse immediately in the next ‘Q drop'.

Keep a lookout for my next video about new things we’ve learned about the pizzagate researchers who went dark and their investigations.
If you have additional information about something or someone for me to look at, contact me on twitter, gab, email, or leave a comment below.
Upvote, share, subscribe, never stop all the downloadin’, and God bless.

I just got new info on how they were able to predict Trump tweets from the user ESOTERICshade on voat. Sorry. Disinformation is unnecessary, I know.
How they were doing the Twitter tricks:
"They were pulling Trump's Tweets from this site about five minutes sooner than they would show up on Twitter.
Tweets will show up to the Tweeter immediately but sometimes it takes a couple of minutes for the server to take a Tweet site wide. They were grabbing the Tweets earlier than everybody else. That is how they knew there would be misspellings etc....
Twitter caught on to the scam and changed the code. Now they can't grab the Tweets early and that is why they suddenly stopped "predicting" Trump's Tweets. They lost the ability to continue the Twitter scam."
Great information! It appears you're shadow banned. Only 31 pennies for this amazing work. Do you have an email address to share with me? Lemme know.
Happy you found me! Thank you kindly for the encouraging words!
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