It is like the answer to this question is not on the internet
Inability to answer this question has cost me 5 days
My current personal answer is yes.
Below adds to confirming my intuition:
Went to the directory containing an already started Django project I started with Django-admin using python 3.7 before switching to 3.9
Switching to 3.9 means that the Scripts folder in 3.9 neither contains Django-admin or pipenv.
It is like starting afresh.
Which is what I needed.
Upon typing pipenv into the command line, it returned ‘file not found in either internal or external’ blah
Translation: it does not exist.
Since, the python 3.9 Scripts folder I am currently using contains “pip3”, I ran “pip3 install pipenv” on the terminal
After installing, I ran “pipenv shell” in my project’s directory and it gave me this:
Meaning: successful
And it will be successful bc I installed pipenv in the Scripts folder using “pip3 install pipenv”
Then I tested out “Django-admin” and it gave me this:
Translation: It does not exist.
Then I pipenv-installed django which is DIFFERENT from pip-installing django. I believe.
Any way, I followed the routine below and it gave me this:
Then I re-tested the “Django-admin” and it gave me this:
Translation: it now exists
PS: it does not exist on the global scope of my computer. Only in the directory I pipenv-installed it. i.e. local scope. And it can only be used INSIDE THAT local scope.