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RE: I got totally pwnd, but I am still right.

in #pwnd8 years ago (edited)

I don't have arguments or counter arguments for this view, I have my experience though, I've seen the terrible heartache as families are torn apart from the disintegration of both male and female traditional roles in our society. I've had to deal with family/domestic court, which isn't a true court laid out under our constitution, this system is living off the misery of disenfranchised-dysfunctional people, which have been brainwashed into thinking something is wrong with them no matter what they do, conditioned to play the profitable game of victim. I hate the matrix we live in but acknowledge the freedom I have as a woman compared to other places in the world where a woman can't show her face or she would be raped and beaten, thrown in jail and or killed .

The women in my family have been major breadwinners throughout or lineages history, but in the past if we didn't own land we couldn't vote, we couldn't divorce an abusive husband, we were at the mercy of our reproductive system. We fought along our husbands side, we carry guns and know how to use them!

Now our abusive husband that can take whatever it wants, our husband is the State ...which I can't divorce our abusive government and its corporate controllers no matter who I vote for....


I too have been dipped in the cesspool that is divorce/family court. I had a lawyer tell me (when declining to represent me) that he took a shower when he got up to go to work, but that lawyers in family court really needed to shower afterwards.

He was right.

I was one of the 1% of men that get custody. I was awarded spousal support, but never saw a nickel, and never bothered to go after it. My exes parental rights were terminated.

17 years later she came back and took literally, not practically, not virtually, absolutely everything I owned. She got my socks.

But I got to raise my sons, and that's a far better deal. Frankly, all it took was everything I owned to get rid of her forever, and that was a bargain =D

I'm sorry, this is absolutely horrible for the whole family. For us women we usually end up with the kids and no support. No with modern feminism both men and women have to compete for manufactured limited resource pool. Making us fight each other rather than work together and fight this corrupt system that lives off of our suffering.