I have never wanted to crack an area of a game as badly as this one:
This one is not easy. You will find yourself enduring a bit of positive stress, excitement and frustration, induced by the time component of the puzzle.
To unlock the casket, you have to solve more than a dozen puzzles, while racing trough the caves. You will have less than 30 seconds per puzzle. A single, small mistake might make you have to start over. When the second songs starts thumping trough the speakers - faster and faster, louder and louder, you know you're in trouble, for you are running out of time.
Spoiler Free Hint
All puzzles are connected, but some are more connected than others. Understanding this hint will save you a bit of time.
Oh, the joy
Beating this puzzle has been the most rewarding experience of all the puzzle games I've played so far.
About "The Witness"
You're exploring a beautiful island, filled with puzzles and deeply satisfying, hidden treasures. The game is exceptionally well designed, and it will teach you how to think as you progress.
If you're going to play it, take your time to explore, observe carefully, and have fun.
The witness is the best game ever, to be honest. It looks like a boring game, but it's the most interesting one I've ever played. I haven't gotten very far, but I love the game.
The puzzles really exercise your brain and it is a great way to pass time. I have the game installed on all my systems. So where ever I go, i have the witness with me :P
Haven't played it in a long time though, thanks for the post. I'm gonna play it again. Also, I haven't reached as far as you. Good work! :D
have you played any of the ones I've listed below in my comment ? if you liked the witness you might enjoy them :)
ooh this again :) I've missed playing it, I have to say I barely got through braid and didn't even finish it :D it was great but I ended up watching the secrets and spoiled my game, then I pretty much started watching the game and stopped playing it.
The witness I didn't even play, just checked out the most important moments, like the full complete ending, some "lore" elements and basically spoiled the ending again :D I have to say I loved the concepts that I saw at least.
It reminds me of The Talos Principle, which I also left unfinished, I got as far as getting the half of it complete, then I opened the warehouse went "up top" and saw I had many more puzzles to go :D
Now that I think about it there were two other games that come to mind, one was a indie game Mind: Path to Thalamus. I actually managed to finish it, it oooooh damn, well it's a great game, but damn I just remembered the most mind numbing strange puzzle game I've ever played Antichamber :D and gameplay wise The Witness kind of reminds me of how much fun I had playing A Story About my Uncle, I will leave two trailers of Antichamber and ASAMU
Mind warping Antichamber!
Something about an adventure :)
So if you've missed any of those games I would highly recommend them :)
I need to play this game! I loved Braid and I still haven't figured out that game completely. I've heard nothing but good things with this game. I just have so many other games on my list to complete. That's what summer is for right?
Agreed, solving that puzzle is one of the most satisfying things ever! After that, it was to find all the hidden environmental puzzles and every secret! Great job @furion!
Been waiting for a good puzzle game eversince. I love how simple and crisp the graphics is. No more "over the top"animations. We have been plagued by too much "overacting" action, adventure, fps games.
We need this breath of fresh air.
well there are many interesting titles, if you search for them they come up, how about Fez? I would say it's even better even if I haven't played it.
cant believe how many spammy replies...
Really need to play it again! My cousin shoewed it to me and we played it at his place the whole weekend, I was amazed! You really get headache from these puzzles and when you finish it you feel like a monster :D haha Who cares about headache, when you are having fun and are trying hard to beat it!
Good post
This comment has received a 0.13 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
There are far too few thoughtful puzzle games like this but the more games like this the better.
Maybe besides this game, and the Portals, there are a few more other games in this style that I recomend you to look at like maybe Quantum Conundrum and Qube
Great article !
Interesting, I haven't checked those out, thanks :) I might add those to my list of decent and fun games :)
Check some more reviews at first, but I say that they are worth trying.
I've played a lot of puzzles it seems, now that I've recounted them thanks to this post :D I'm not really in the mood for games, but I can take a look for sure :)
It's a paradoxical game that sounds lame and exciting at the same time, it's kinda like the 'papers please' of puzzle games
thank you friend ;)
I love puzzles, and this is SUCH an amazing and welcome change of pace from the onslaught of brainless action games of the last decade.
what, call of duty? there are great games around, just don't support the shitty rehearsal ones, that we seem to get 100s of every year :D I don't know who buys that crap, all are the same boring shitty games, FPS hasn't improved since Quake and UT and ok CS, all games just repeat repeat and get dumber every time it seems. Creativity is what we need also getting out of the "corporate" loop where we just buy what is thrown at us and wait to get advertised to, fuck, that, search the better games, support the better developers, I'm very disappointed with how the Fez guy got trashed, the game dev of this also got trashed for his first game, i wasn't as serious, but still. So many "colorful" creep people run around basically, being cash cows that hate it when they get called stupid for being stupid.
I have to say I enjoyed the old school COD and Battlefield games, but it grows old quick it seems, people value games less nowadays, that's why we get good games cheap and shitty games in ULTRA HIGH (buy DLC) parts and expansions and whatnot.
Sorry for the rant :) time to end it here :D
Thanks i love puzzle game😙😙😙
super trailer i like it very much it is like macro all are doing automatic
Sounds cool. I like it that you have to do the puzzles in short amount of time.
Its not available in my country ...why on earth this happen to me?
What an interesting game
Thanks for sharing
I think this is interesting game..i wish i could try..😊😊
this is so breathtaking i need my ps4 asap !!!!!!! The shop is taking a really long time getting it fixed
I love games that brings out the best in me.. Thanks for sharing. I resteemed
Cant wait to get started!! This game looks amazing and I will be testing it out for sure in the future
Thanks for sharing this
By reading your post i will try this game
Nice post resteem asap
This Game reminds me of an old Windows game damn I don't even remember the name but some of the commenters might!
could you give a hint at least :D Dwarf Fortress? :D I'm not oooooh was it Myst? it's the first okish Quest game, not really puzzle, then there's Dreamfall and the newer one. Neither of those?
Ding it was Myst!
I don't get it :(
Very interesting! I will buy this game. Thanks :)
This video is great I totally agree with your opinion thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)
Dope bro i never was much into video games but this looks sick! Check out my last post Sweets im going on tour with Kendrick Lamar and excited to share my journey with you!!!
this game is so damn good
I like puzzle games. I don't have a PS4
I'm not even a gamer or casual console gamer. But I do enjoy playing puzzle games on my android.
There's one called Infinity Loop (must be available on iOS too IDK check it out).
NB: @furion: Mongo is behind by about 7 hours.
Yeah, its been lagging lately. There are no reliable, open steemd nodes to piggy back on right now. I need to hire a maintainer to deploy one just for SD.
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heey Happy Steem Birthday @furion :) Thanks for having us here mr. top witness :)
I love puzzle games like The Room, so I just downloaded The Witness for macOS and can't wait to play, thanks for the tip
Hey @furion, I didn't know how else to reach you. I have a very simple Steem project you could likely help with and perhaps may interest you and @steemsports. It's a poker site we're tying in with SBD freerolls. http://www.lucksacks.com
you want a poker room set? I made one a few years ago I can revisit and change it to your liking :) here is the sample :) It's all 3D well the image isn't :D
It's just laying around so I have nothing to do with it, I wished I could make a game with some friends but nobody seems to care. So tell me if you want some graphic material :) ad sorry for bumping in
Great work!
Upv and follow You!
Greetings from POland
after reading this post I started playing and I'm totally sucked in. All those damn shapes and colors WHAT DOES IT MEAN