This is not a War. This is a slaughter of the innocents.

in #putin3 years ago

And the whole world stands by and says that Putin is Justified ???

They stand by and let him butcher millions of people ???

How could this ever be justified ??

They say this slaughter of innocents is Justified ?

I have heard some people say that Putin is fighting against the Global Elite, the New World Order, Biden, Obama, CNN, the Vaccine mandates, the Rockefeller’s, Pizza Gate ??

Give me a break.

What the hell people.

Wake up.

You have been brainwashed by Putin.

He is a Monster.

What he is doing is not good.

You have been hood winked.

Putin is pure Evil… and he is laughing at all you friggin idiots.



The 'justification' Putin gives is similar to the one Hitler gave for invading Poland. He said he was 'protecting' Germans from the genocide he and Goebbels invented with propaganda. The US invading Iraq and attacking Libya was also an attack on a nation's sovereignty and China definitely has it's issues but that doesn't make Putin's moves any less awful.

I see lots of people on Hive that seem to agree with Putin. I find that weird.

Putin can get away with this for now because he has the threat of nukes. The US also had this threat when it invaded the sovereign country of Iraq. As it turned out Saddam pretended to have nukes to back other countries off. Now it does seem a bit hypocritical for the US to be so concerned about sovereignty. I am against any of this aggression by any party. The propaganda on both sides is deep but it seems Russia has taken it to a new high(low?).Would he have invaded anyway if NATO had said it wouldn't ask Ukraine to join? Who knows? Biden didn't put US boots on the ground in Ukraine which would have been a real excuse for Putin. All of the major powers have flawed governments but the Nazi excuse is a bit thin. The US obviously has Nazis but it isn't a Nazi state. It's all a crying shame. Is this the best the human race can do? I'm sick of all the hypocrisy about the reasons for war from all the actors.
How many countries has the US invaded since WWII?
According to Kelly and Laycock's book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 – a staggering 98 percent.

Nobody can stop Putin now. He can take over all of Europe if we wants. Who’s going to stop him … nobody.

Responsible leaders surrender when their professional military fails to defend the country, is surrounded and there is no hope of rescue.

Irresponsible leaders keep fighting pointlessly and get innocent people killed.

The legal and moral responsibility for the deaths of Ukrainian civilians is on the Zelenski regime and its puppet masters. It is suicide by cop on a grand scale.

According to your theory of warfare all you need to do to win a war is to refuse to surrender when you've lost and your enemy has to stop fighting because then he would be a "monster" "killing innocents".

That's not the way the warfare works!

In "civilised" warfare (according to the Genva Conventions etc) professional armies fight and respect POW and civilian status and countries surrender once their professional armies are beaten.

But if you don't surrender and you arm civilians, you will not win by holding your people hostage and daring the enemy to kill them. You will just get huge numbers of people killed and no amount of social media whining will save them.

The true monsters are the people encouraging Zelinsky to refuse to surrender.

Assuming you're an Israeli (because of you're profile info) , you wouldn't mind if Israel is invaded by neighboring Arab countries and would call criminal and monster Israel government for not surrendering and trying to mount a defense.

Arab countries have attempted to invade Israel many times and Israel has defended itself at its borders using a professional army that obeyed the laws of war.

Israel has compulsory military service which means that its population is militarily trained and puts on a uniform and obeys the military chain of command when it goes to fight. It does not hide illegal (out of uniform, no military structure or disciple) combatants in civilian populations nor place heavy weaponry next to apartment blocks.

It is precisely because no one else did or would defend Israel if it was invaded that Israel maintains such a large and powerful military (more tanks than all EU countries combined).

Moreover, Russia has not threatened to exterminate the Ukranians like the Arab armies threatened to Israeli Jews. It wants to integrate them.

Surrender is a very reasonable option for Ukraine - it has lived under Russian control for most of the last 1000 years and has not done so badly out of it.
Surrender was never an option for Israel.


I see. In your logic It’s the Ukrainian fault that Putin is killing them all. Got it.

It is the Ukrainian GOVERNMENT'S fault that Ukrainian people are dying unnecessarily and pointlessly because they refuse to surrender.

I guess Israel should've had surrendered to Hamas after that raid from a few days ago instead of retaliating.

Israel can win and will win.
It is by far the stronger party and is not reliant on external aid to fight.
Ukraine can't win and is the weaker power.
It is completely reliant on external help.

Also Russia, at least initially, didn't want to destroy all of Ukraine. It just wanted provinces that were 90%+ Russian.

Hamas wants to and will kill every Israeli, Jew, Thai worker, baby or any human they encounter.

IDK who you've been talking with but I can tell for sure that my "social circle" is the complete opposite to that xD

Well… just look at the comments above. Everybody seems to be finding excuses for this slaughter… and blaming the Jewish President of the Ukraine.