Pushup Challenge 22 was created by the movement " 22 Kill " that since 2013 , seeks to raise awareness about suicide among US veterans and so prevent it.
The challenge of the 22 Pushup Challenge is the new phenomenon that has become a trend on the Internet. Even celebrities like Chris Evans , Kevin Harta or Dwayne Johnson , The Rock, have recorded a video to demonstrate how to do this exercise .
But why people are applying this challenge ? Like as the ice bucket challenge , 22 Pushup Challenge seeks to raise awareness about a problem that is there. The fact that they are "22" lizards and not another number to call attention to a shocking figure : in the United States commit suicide daily 22 veterans.
Dwayne Johnson , The Rock , making the challenge. / Photo: @therock
The challenge was created by the organization " 22 Kill " , a movement that emerged in 2013 and whose mission is to end with " the gap between veterans and civilians to build a community of support."
To participate, the organization " 22 Kill " defined three steps: the first is record a video, where the name says , while lizards are made ; the second , upload and tag Facebook , Youtube , Twitter or Instagram " 22 Kill " , and the third add the hashtags # ( number) Pushup # 22Kill .
Although from a year ago in the Youtube channel " 22 Kill " a video where the challenge and the reasons for this appeared climbed , just went viral a few days ago when several actors did. In the counter website " 22 Kill " , which is updated every 24 or 48 hours , it appears that already are 7,885,604 lizards.
More info in website: www.22kill.com