Seven77 Challenge Habit is transforming my life

in #pushbook6 years ago (edited)

Not long ago...
I was blaming Discord
I was blaming DLive
I was blaming Twitter for Shadow Banning
I was complaining about some STEEMians
I was frustrated with myself not to be able to go to Dtube.Forum
I was little frustrated with Share2Steem
I was little frustrated with my partner

I learned again blaming others never work and it's like scoring own goal

Reseting my life back in Japan was challenging but worth it, because once again I proved myself that I'm comfortable being uncomfortable

Looking back in my life, I waited patiently for 10 years get my British passport , waited 5 years patiently to get First Class Finance Degree, waited patiently for 2 years get my £100K+ Paycheck, waited patiently to make $$$ with crypto investment, now waiting 14 months with STEEM to build a Startup. and I worked every goddamn day since I was 17 years old to 30. I can certainly feel that I never worked for money after turning 30 years old

I've utter determination, massive patience and work ethic to get what I want.

Coming back to my Seven77 Challenge and Habit

The first 8 months living in Japan, I tried to develop a strong habits & routine to become the best version of myself. I kept trying many different things in many different ways. I had so many shots on target and finally came Seven77 Challenge and I scored the GOAL

Because I developed a simple habit that I could do daily, It boosted my confidence and I felt so good and slowly and slowly transforming every little department of my life

I could spend more time with Chie & James now
I'm running 3km every single day
I'm sleeping 7 hours a day
I'm smiling more
I'm enjoy building with STEEM

Basically I build my internal Framework & I'm ready to build the framework for PushBook Network. Thanks to Seven77 Challenge and Thanks a million for my Seven77 Family

These words are my own
Thank you for reading me

Please read more about our Seven77 & PushBook Network

Screenshot 2019-05-31 at 10.26.46.png

Get Ready to become Seven77 Partner with PushBook Network
Seven77 & PushBook 8.0 will be posted within next 24 hours
Keep Calm & STEEM On with Seven77

Seven77 & PushBook 7.0

Networks have "network effects." Adding a new participant increases the value of the network for all existing participants. PushBook Network will push the price of STEEM to $7.77

Participate in Seven77 Challenge on Twitter to Become member of Seven77 Family & Earn LOVE Tokens. Engage with fellow Seven77 Family members on STEEM to Earn LOVE Points & Earn LOVE Reputation. Get Early access to PushBook Network

Seven77 Challenge Seven (push-ups) for 777 Days
Tweet Once day (minimum once a week)

Step 1. Write One reason why you believe in STEEM

Step 3. Attach raw video of your Seven (e.g. 7 Push-ups) Step 2. Write Day XXX of 777 #Seven77 #STEEM @nathanmars7

You choose your Seven, It can be you Doing 7 push-ups, Saying 7 words, Raising your eyebrows 7 times in a video etc... Add your own Twist/Tweaks & enjoy the challenge with others. Please DO NOT attach any link with Seven77 Tweet Example Seven77 Tweet

LOVE Tokens During Early days of Building PushBook Network, Every single Seven77 Family members will get LOVE Tokens from NathanMars's Heart for their positive impact with Seven77 Challenge Movement on Twitter

LOVE Points One comment = 7 LOVE Points, Maximum 21 comments are eligible for LOVE points in any given 24 hours, No Points for Comments on my/your own content & Second comment on the same content

LOVE Reputation Unique Seven77 Family Members engaged with since 17th May on STEEM

LOVE Points & LOVE Tokens are two seperate things. No need to revisit previous updates of Seven77 & PushBook. PushBook Startup will continue to evolve

PushBook Network updated 30th May

Seven77 Family (LOVE Rep)LOVE PointsLOVE Tokens
bluengel (131)176425000
nathanmars (97)138617000
cflclosers (78)12469000
flaxz (34)123219000
roger5120 (20)118314000
practicaleric (14)109918000
alokkumar121 (53)109217000
chireerocks (52)107110000
blueeyes8960 (49)107117000 (37)104318000
earnlogy (40)9525000
chesatochi (45)93111000
sergiomendes (40)9107000
dmilliz (49)89618000
olivia08 (31)84713000
blind-spot (38)84010000
mariannewest (35)82619000
kaerpediem (34)81914000
priyanarc (38)81210000
abh12345 (15)79117000
cryptospa (25)7775000
akomoajong (18)76312000
madushanka (35)75619000
anggreklestari (42)74212000
crypt-skip (10)74212000
mihirbarot (9)7425000
joetunex (11)72118000
wonderwop (22)7142000
revisesociology (15)7074000
hafizullah (28)70019000
emsonic (16)7004000
meesterboom (14)69316000
mytechtrail (10)69311000
thereikiforest (32)67919000
vangie (41)67212000
wakeupkitty (28)6722500
teamhumble (24)6722000
dragonblades (24)6659000
d00k13 (20)66515000
mickvir (15)66518000
willspatrick (21)65815000
wil.metcalfe (19)65813000
missaj (28)6518000
tibfox (26)6443000
oppongk (32)6306000
dtwo (24)6307000
adeTorrent (23)6307000
iamjadeline (21)63017000
sumit71428 (19)63012000
newageinv (16)6302000
cityofstars (8)6234000
plantstoplanks (18)61612000
mcoinz79 (32)6094000
deepsouthpiddlin (22)60917000 (14)6097000
traciyork (19)60218000
clixmoney (17)6027000
zekepickleman (15)6025000
prettynicevideo (12)60215000
devkant79 (21)5951500
jeanlucsr (19)59517000
rem-steem (18)5952000
josediccus (6)59520000
freecrypto (19)58817000
zanoni (23)58114000
stackin (15)5813000
steevc (14)58117000
hungryanu (13)5817000
zephalexia (12)58112000
jozef230 (17)5745000
jongolson (14)57412000
teenagecrypto (20)5678000
shaidon (18)5673000
pixiepost (17)56718000
hauptmann (14)5676000
citimillz (12)56715000
simplymike (12)5672000
behelen (11)5677000
nmcdougal94 (9)56717000
runridefly (14)56021000
mamun123456 (14)56017000
wav-dr (14)5609000
certain (13)56015000
jeffjagoe (5)56010000
greencross (17)5535000
neopch (15)5532000
cheese4ead (8)5536000
jacksonchakma (18)5464000
jenina619 (11)54616000
mayb (9)5467000
raj808 (20)53918000
eprolific (13)53912000
guurry123 (11)53915000
roselifecoach (11)5392000
purapapita (8)5397000
julisavio (6)53910000
matthewtonyit (15)53212000
creativesoul (6)5326000
yeninsfer (3)5328000
maxdevalue (19)5256000
hungryharish (12)52512000
pouchon (7)52515000
hiroyamagishi (1)5252000
c0ff33a (17)5183000
steemflow (13)5184000
carolkean (11)518700
jonsnow1983 (10)5187000
phoenixwren (10)5187000
vincy (10)5186000
ajorundon (8)5185000
julian2013 (6)51815000
elsiekjay (13)5112000
exyle (10)5118000
Freewritehouse (8)51110000
mrnightmare89 (6)5113000
natespinney (5)5116000
wandrnrose7 (12)5043000
dongentle2 (11)50410000
snook (9)50412000
phoenixwinter (9)5048000
clove71 (9)5044000
jeronimorubio (8)50421000
vlogger147 (8)5045000
niallon11 (17)4972000
mariita52 (14)4973000
kenanqhd (9)49712000
rmsbodybuilding (9)49710000
paulag (8)49717000
kenny-crane (5)4972000
mistakili (5)4972000
artakush (12)4903000
rehan12 (9)49019000
cleanplanet (9)4907000
nonsowrites (7)49014000
chrisaiki (6)4903000
alexabsolute (5)49012000
toufiqurrahman32 (4)49015000
joythewanderer (4)4905000
surfermarly (4)4903000
jaynie (17)4837000
knowhow92 (8)48315000
bloggerkrunal (7)4831000
thekitchenfairy (5)4839000
azizbd (5)4833000
arifull (3)4833000
gaborockstar (3)4832000
tonygreene113 (3)4832000
mdaminulislam (2)48312000
doktormuslem (2)48310000
davedickeyyall (20)47612000
dfacademy (10)4765000
ddrfr33k (10)4762000
davidke20 (8)4767000
artbyclark (5)47613000
donajuice (5)47611000
xcountytravelers (5)4763000
anikearn (5)4761000
russia-btc (4)47612000
captainbob (4)47610000
eugelys (4)47610000
blog-beginner (4)4761000
mspbro (4)4761000
bil.prag (10)4692000
donald.porter (9)4692000
kahlyfa (6)4697000
eddiespino (6)4691000
macoolette (5)46919000
dearw (4)4699000
#immarojas (3)46915000
immarojas (3)46915000
maclevis (3)46912000
urme33 (3)4696000
edwardstobia (2)4695000
soyrosa (10)462500
janicechua (5)46212000
katrina-ariel (5)4624000
salmannaqvi (5)4621000
pennsif (5)462700
ayopeju (4)4623000
achimmertens (3)46217000
ajks (3)4623000
anthonyadavisii (3)4622000
cranium (3)4622000
steemseph (3)4621000
sasaadrian (2)4623000
runicar (1)4626000
novacadian (14)45510000
horpey (5)4553000
redrica (4)45512000
burlarj (4)4557000
lyndsaybowes (4)4553000
yonilkar (4)4553000
masterthematrix (4)455700
cassillas5553 (3)4558000
quochuy (3)4557000
zainenn (3)4555000
ashikstd (3)4554000
ecoinstant (2)45510000
n1hal (2)45510000
swhomebiz (2)4558000
face2face (2)4557000
jackdamen (2)4554000
yaanivapeji (1)45517000
zhongyefu (1)4555000
m18207319997 (1)4554000
ura-soul (1)4552000
kayda-ventures (3)4487000
rikaz87 (3)4487000
steemersayu907 (3)4487000
ridoykhan22 (2)44812000
dadapizza (2)44810000
babarakas43 (2)4487000
lebey1 (2)4483000
theycallmedan (2)4483000
paultarpan (1)44812000
joeyadrian (1)4488000
marvyinnovation (1)4485000
anttn (1)4484000
apostle-thomas (1)4484000
ayojewels (1)4484000
mittymartz (1)4484000
wiralhokseumawe (1)4484000
bien (1)4483000
enrique89 (1)4483000
lukestokes (1)4483000
onestopfacts (1)4483000
motoya7 (1)4482000
therealwolf (1)4482000
future24 (1)4481000
hmetu (1)4481000
aggroed (1)448300
jk6276 (0)4487000
nourtawfiq (0)4487000
gloriouskids (4)4413000
enginewitty (4)441700
oakling (3)44117000
edouard (2)44117000
khaleelkazi (2)4414000
judethedude (1)44117000
dazedconfused11 (1)44114000
yohan2on (1)4417000
anikys3reasure (1)4415000
aperterikk (1)4415000
asad44 (1)4414000
joancabz (1)4414000
madefrance (1)4414000
pearlumie (1)4413000
starkerz (1)4412000
romafedorov (1)4411000
crimsonclad (1)441700
tanlikming (0)44114000
@paulo380 (0)44113000
##alexabsolute (0)44112000
gidionline (0)44112000
robmojo (0)44112000
#naomieartha (0)44111000
adeyemoola (0)44110000
ewuoso (0)44110000
mjtravel (0)4418000
#TheZeroWay1 (0)4417000
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ignacioarreses (0)4417000
t3a (0)4417000
glokdm (0)4416000
itrmarcusliew (0)4416000
russia1 (0)4416000
#IamwhatIamnot (0)4415000
arbazalam (0)4415000
asadul (0)4415000
barineka (0)4415000
iamangierose (0)4415000
peachyladiva (0)4415000
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tfq86 (0)4415000
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adahmiracle (0)4414000
cruis (0)4414000
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rufans (0)4414000
sandrag89 (0)4414000
shaonsahriar (0)4414000
sumonsha (0)4414000
tt3 (0)4414000
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#JapaneseWays (0)4413000
#onyejekwesteve (0)4413000
#razia_t (0)4413000
abhisheksss571 (0)4413000
abigail.cns (0)4413000
annieben (0)4413000
bestkizito (0)4413000
camzy (0)4413000
chiren (0)4413000
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kph (0)4413000
michelios (0)4413000
omsoc (0)4413000
ornima (0)4413000
rdxhuda (0)4413000
ricardo993 (0)4413000
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sarkash7011 (0)4413000
shogo (0)4413000
successbd (0)4413000
thewanderingwind (0)4413000
ThomasGift8 (0)4413000
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alomgir0 (0)4412000
arifulislam (0)4412000
carreno11b (0)4412000
fitinfun (0)4412000
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hidemi (0)4412000
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kabir88 (0)4412000
lilkeszi (0)4412000
mobi72 (0)4412000
nandy4eva (0)4412000
official-hord (0)4412000
originalmrspice (0)4412000
salman33 (0)4412000
sasharaven (0)4412000
Smiles563 (0)4412000
tcpaikano (0)4412000
yungchief (0)4412000
rubenalexander (0)4411500
#alviamartodikr1 (0)4411000
#LINCOMTEAM (0)4411000
#matheusggr (0)4411000
#PaulMoon410 (0)4411000
#Pratimabasnet13 (0)4411000
camuel (0)4411000
goldmatters (0)4411000
juwel2018 (0)4411000
melinda010100 (0)4411000
n33 (0)4411000
rexsanguis (0)4411000
summisimeon (0)4411000
tapu333 (0)4411000
whatsup (0)4411000
xturna (0)4411000
#NiguelMannes (0)441700
andrarchy (0)441700
robertandrew (0)441700
wesphilbin (0)441700
#kajan (0)441500

am so delighted every single day I do my push-ups. I realised that your efforts are way beyond what I thought it was. I realised that with this movement you have made me more consistent and determined to meet my target. I couldn't be happier that you feel better and rejuvenated even after all the barriers. I am @onyejekwesteve (no_fucks_given) and I believe in Steem. 🙂

Thanks a million for your continuous contribution with Seven77 Challenge

I've supposed to reach out to you and I'm so glad you're commented

Keep up the good work and I've update the LOVE Tokens to you

do little.jpg

We can all do our part. Thanks for letting us into your life and spirit. I'm glad you are happier now. It shows! We are building this together, with you as the inspiration. 😘💗💯🇸🇹🇪🇪🇲

It shows

I had handful of people saying this week that I seems lot happier & Positive

Let's keep spreading positive vibrations

Let's ENJOY the journey of making $7.77 STEEM with our Seven77 Family togther

You have so much going on and the army of steemians you have empowered is unreal. So glad to be part of that group.

It did seem you were serious and brooding but I thought that was just your style. Didn’t matter!

If you are smiling more and enjoying life while you are inspiring a while blockchain, that’s what matters.

I wish my damn real life wasn’t so nuts so I could match every 777 step. No excuses though I will MAKE the time to catch up and do what I need to do to pull my weight.

Thanks for what you do!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Truly appreciate your Positive vibes

I had to write this today because some of our fellow STEEMians are complaining about our STEEM and playing victim mindset

Let’s take the blame on ourselves and work on ourselves and be the change we want to see in the world

Sending you LOVE from Japan 🇯🇵

If it is to be, it is up to me.

Posted using Partiko iOS

blaming Twitter for Shadow Banning

The shadow banning is due to the many steem account out there:

  • only having steem connections
  • only posting no-link videos
  • only liking and retweeting within the limited circle.

Your account getting shadow banned is one thing. But at least 50% of the rest of them look 100% fake and/or in your pay, which is why their tweets are not being shown to anyone else.

I used to have 10 fake accounts out of 5000 followers on twitter. I am very careful about my followers and block fake ones as soon as I see them follow me.

I decided to allow the steemers in because I know they are not fake. I now have close to 100 fake followers when I check my stats. All of the new fake accounts on my profile are pushup people who are real but look fake to twitter by their behavior.

Thanks a million Twitter Coach

Twitter Shadowbanning probably the best thing that happened to me this month because that allowed me to start working towards tokenizing PushBook Startup

As a entrepreneur I'm learning to

See Opportunities Where Others See Obstacles

Sadly, it is not the best thing for your followers.

I want people follow their dreams and I’m following mine

I’m determined to win and will do whatever it takes me to build PushBook and push the price of STEEM to $7.77

I’m so sorry for being ruthlessly try to ignore your advice

The gasping redfish you've got working for free on twitter while shadow-banned are also sorry, but they just do not know it. Just don't think no-link push up videos by fake looking people with no connections is helping your cause.

You're initiative has motivated so many, empowered so many and has caused most of us to realise/restore the potentials in us. All that wouldn't be possible if you didn't see the positive goals that can be achieved on this great Steem platform. I want to acknowledge you for always connecting with the Seven77 family and I'm sure with the fact that you welcome ideas, we will together build and all be a part of a Network that the world will hear about.

With the way this is going, Pushbook Network will be a development every computer literate person will want to explore. I am happy I have partnered with this network. It first began with a keeping fit challenge but has now escalated to something extraordinary.

What I like most about the Pushbook Network is the fact that it is a Network filled with intellects and that is an achievement already.

Keep believing in yourself my brother.


Great comment @citimillz

I love to see how responsive and supportive you are.


Appreciated sir.

Stay blessed!

Let's Build PushBook Network where everyone can shine like PewDiePie

Let's keep believing in ourselves bro

That's exactly what I have in mind man. I want to see everyone shine on Pushbook Network which I believe is possible because of the kind of love and unity we express on #Steem. Let's together build a network made up of unique and spectacular intellects spreading word about mess adoption of Steem and also believing in ourselves without relenting. I have potentials and I so believe in myself friend.

I am looking at a Network where I can be able to get more people from all round the world to listen to my music.

I appreciate your efforts once again really.

Stay #Steeming!!

This man made the world listen to his WineLibrary TV by early adopter of YouTube and by putting in the work

I truly believe that you can make the world to listen to your music by early adopter of STEEM Blockchain and by putting in the work

Okay! Thank you very much bro. I will sure put in work 😀

I've waited 25 year of my life to reach a particular stage with so many people I know have definitely gotten past before the age of 22 but sometimes circumstances and situation leaves us frustrated however not without some lessons learnt the truth is that every day that passes by it is often frustrating when we do not hit it home but the truth is that with every day that passes and with each particular age that we get or get to we will always do it differently. I see you are doing it differently everyday and this is the way to go until we definitely get 100% perfection everybody wants to get hundred percent perfection but sometimes the processes are always very stressful and we'll have to try again and again and again and it's definitely not a crime to see frustration along the line it will shape the way we fall in line when we are not getting it right. Thanks for the update I think we are basically moving forward and I'm happy for your progress with your family and your personal life as well

We must learn to enjoy the process

When we feel stuck in the traffic lights and we should remember the red will turn green

Frustration is good thing when we turn it towards us and work on our life Framework

Let’s keep moving
Let’s keep trying
Let’s keep learning
Let’s keep enjoying

Exactly sometimes it becomes a turning Point in our life to utilise these frustrations into something more powerful in order to change our perspective towards things in general and like you say we keep building and we keep working and working makes us enjoy the process

I've utter determination, massive patience and work ethic to get what I want.

You are a real example for us, how to do, how to move and finally we are learning from you how to motivate and how to move forward with more mental power. I am happy to chance to learn something from you on my steem Journey.

We believe that we will reached our target and will take the test of success.

Let's keep inspire each other and continue move forward with our $7.77 destination

Let's together enjoy the Seven77 journey with PushBook Network

I learned again blaming others never work and it's like scoring own goal.

Well said that we should work for our goal no blame game at all.
I have gone through the post and understand you given a lot of time to achieve many milestones and 10 years to get British passport is indeed an example of great patience level. Happy to know that you are enjoying time with family along with great life in Japan, This post is must read for those who wants to achieve everything over night and become successful in short term and full of inspirational for many who follow you.
Loved reading it. Thanks for sharing.
Seven77 and steem rocks.

Tendulkar loves cricket
Ronaldo loves football
Feynman loved Physics
Michael Jackson loved music
Steve Jobs loved Apple
Nathan Mars loves People from STEEM Land

All of them had a dream, and they followed their heart and intuition while making decisions. These decisions were sometimes tough ones, because they required you to take risks, to step out into the vast unknown

And they succeeded, all of them,because the process itself is happiness, the process itself is victory

Let's together enjoy the Building process of Seven77 & PushBook Network

Learning, moving, trying - LIVING! We keep marching forward - and we keep doing - that's the key, one of my favorite quotes:

Never give up, Never surrender!

Let's never give up with our STEEM

Let's build together

you’re an inspiration man. the vision is solid. and it’s going to happen.

apologies for being M.I.A. these past few weeks. life has been crazy but i’ll get back to #seven77 very soon.

Posted using Partiko iOS

$7.77 STEEM

Vision is solid

Let's make Seven77 Family Stronger with PushBook Network

No need for apologies dude, Come back when you're ready :)

Smile More ! :)
Be more Happy !
Day by Day ! 💙

Let's Together Participate Steem Power Up Day season 2

#spud #steem ♨ On ! #seven77

Posted using Partiko Android

I'll Participate in SPUD2 D-2 Only if

My team Liverpool wins Tomorrow
I See @streetstyle with #Seven77 Challenge on Twitter

Yeah ! :) 💙

@streetstyle Come on Join #seven77 ♥♩♬

Posted using Partiko Android

I think I'm coming to a similar change in my life. I don't know how directly attributable it is to the challenge, but things seem to be moving in a positive direction and the daily exercise definitely is helping things along.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to create this movement :) I hope it becomes everything you dream it to be.

Posted using Partiko Android

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine

Let's keep our daily routine solid & take control of our life

I've dream, and I follow my heart and intuition while making decisions. These decisions were sometimes tough ones, because they required me to take risks, to step out into the vast unknown

And I'll succeed, because the process itself is happiness, the process itself is victory

Let's enjoy the PROCESS

We exists as human beings all those years for only one reason.
we live because we change/adjust to different situations, we evolve every day.

maybe in an alternative universe doing something different lead you to a whole different course of your life and maybe seven77 challenge will not exist there.

all things happen for a reason how we manage them makes the different.

thank you for the difference you make with seven77 challenge and Pushbook

I'm following my heart and working on a dream,a passion - which is something that means a lot to me. I'm self-motivated to reach my goal, and I will work for it to the best of my abilities - with complete devotion, concentration, and resourcefulness

I will be in the correct frame of mind, for in such cases, the PROCESS bears the same importance as the OBJECTIVE itself, and one will live in the moment while chasing my dreams. Why not? I'm enjoying every second of it!

My intuition, catalyzed by all the traits mentioned above, will be very spot on, because I've devoted all my resources into that ONE dream - the conscious and the subconscious think of STEEM, Seven77 & PushBook

Let's move forward together, Sending you LOVE from Japan to Greece

Keep on moving brother..follow what your heart wants,what can make you feel comfortable and makes you happy go for it..

Just dont forget to Pray to our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ..

Let's keep moving forward brother

Ronaldo loves Football
Tendulkar loves cricket
Feynman loved Physics
Michael Jackson loved music
Steve Jobs loved Apple

All of them had a dream, and they followed their heart and intuition while making decisions. These decisions were sometimes tough ones, because they required you to take risks, to step out into the vast unknown.

And they succeeded, all of them,because the process itself is happiness, the process itself is victory

NathanMars Love STEEM & Seven77 Family will Win BIG

Success in life always comes first from us..and thats the reason why i am back because i dont want to fail my accomplishment..

You know its hard for me to upload video because i am using data as a jobless man data is expensive for me.but giving up is not the answer now i realize as long as i had data i will upload my video..coming soon..sooner!

Super super excited to have you back bro

Please remember that Seven77 Challenge can be Tweaked, So you can participate without uploading video on Twitter

Please let me directly if you've any questions about Seven77 & PushBook Network

it also help many steemians my friend because it gives us hope to stay here for long. You remind us there still hope even if there are up's and down.

Posted using Partiko Android

We're stronger together

I want to build PushBook Network with long term STEEMians

Let's keep moving forward bro

Sending tons of respect and xoxo to you, Chie and baby James!

Thanks a million AJ and Baby G

Keep on sailing towards bro, keep on building, we right here with you fam and we in this together. Glad you have switched up perspective and pivoted to a higher vibration and enjoying life more. Blessings.

pivoted to a higher vibration

Now is the time to spread positive vibrations to our Seven77 Family

Let's keep building together

Nice reading about your life here Sir and love how the way your life is going on right now. The important things that you are happy and contented with your family and the place where you belong now. Good luck to your Pushbook!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks a million for spreading positive vibes into my life and our Seven77 Family

Let's move forward with our life dreams together and make $7.77 STEEM vision come true

This is our thing. We are all in it for all of us.
Keep on loving it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Coming together is beginning
keeping together is progress
working together is success

We're working together for $7.77 STEEM

31st May 2019


Yeah that's for sure changing in your self make help you to achieve your goal. It can make by everyday habit. 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine

It's really transforming my life, though so busy but I keep on thinking about it.
Keep it up and thank you so much for pushing us up to be more active day by day.

Posted using Partiko Android

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine

Let's keep our daily routine solid & take control of our life

Let's Together keep pushing our STEEM to $7.77 with our Seven77 Family

Thank you for being our fearless leader!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Fearless he is @mariannewest :)

Let's not have FEAR to do GOOD things

It'll be challenging & very difficult process

Let's learn to enjoy the process together and make $7.77 STEEM a reality this year

For sure!! Challenges are good. And we are getting more and more committed people.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Coming together is beginning
keeping together is progress
working together is success

We're working together for $7.77 STEEM

Rhythmic and inspirational

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much Bro

Great job man. Hard work pays off! STEEM ON!

Posted using Partiko Android

Hard work always pay off

The harder we work the more luckier we get

@nathanmars, way to go my brother

Posted using Partiko iOS

Let’s keep moving forward Together

STEEM On with Seven77 Dudes

With such determination and persistence, you are an unstoppable Force.
I'm glad all your efforts are finally paying off. It has clearly rubbed off on many people
And it has affected them positively. I am glad to be a participant of this ambitious community.
Thank you sir! For all you have done and all you are doing for this community

Yes We're unstoppable Force of Seven77 Network with

Determination and persistence

Less than 24 hours to wait for the update, I am very excited about it, have an awesome weekend ahead and keep up your great work.

Almost done with Seven77 & PushBook 8.0

Super excited to share with our Seven77 Family


Dear @nathanmars

I hope you don't mind my comment (not very related to your topic).

I remember that you recommended using and I've noticed that you're still using it. Would you mind sharing with me what is your experience with this tool?

I thought about leasing another 18k of SP (that would double my current voting power). But I made small calculations and it seem that montly it would cost me around 300 STEEM to rent that much SP from someone.

Isn't very expensive?

Having 18k Steem power allows me to earn only around 70-80 SP / month. In upvotes I can reward others with 200-210 SP / month. So it seem to me that it would be about the same (or cheaper) to send STEEM directly those who I want to reward with upvotes.

Am I making some mistake with my math?


I think BIG and I think long term

I invest in people & I invest in myself & I invest in our startup

Dlease is cheaper than Blocktrades to lease SP

With PushBook Network & Seven77 we're pushing the price of STEEM to $7.77 where everyone WIN, Me, you, Dlease, Blocktrades and our STEEM Family

I love that part @nathanmars

"we're pushing the price of STEEM to $7.77" :)

Thx for your reply buddy. I really appreciate. Im just wondering if I'm making some mistake with my calculations.


Don’t analyse too much

Analytical mindset is not good for everything in life


Dear @nathanmars

I only had a chance to read your old comment a moment ago. I don't know how could i not see it before ... anyway thanks for being always so supportive and responsive.


Is #Seven77 for 777 days? I thought it was 77 and today is my last. Just about to post about it. I do need a break from it anyway, but I will keep on publicising Steem and helping small accounts.

Yes Steve Seven77 Journey will continue for 777 Days

Please take a break as long as you want & I'll be in touch to discuss how we can collaborate with @tenkminnows this week

It takes an average of 77 days to acquire a new habit

Steem on!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Let's keep calm & STEEM on with Seven77

I like this - sounds like a chorus to a song!

Posted using Partiko iOS

well I had time that I did not exercise but thanks to this challenge I started.


Posted using Partiko Android

We're doing great sensei!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you bro

Let’s keep Building good Habits. Even though it’s not easy, we must try and keep trying

Sending you LOVE from Japan 🇯🇵 to Venezuela 🇻🇪

I could spend more time with Chie & James now
I'm running 3km every single day
I'm sleeping 7 hours a day
I'm smiling more
I'm enjoy building with STEEM

That put a smile on my face
I am so happy for you that things are falling into place
Still things to do for sure... but it sounds like you are in a good place :D

Thanks a million for putting smile on face every day

We rise by lifting others

Let's raise our happiness and uplift others at the same time

Our Seven77 Family is filled with positive energy

Great job 👍. Your are an inspiration

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you bro

Let's inspire and empower each other

Yes brother. Together strong 💪💪

Posted using Partiko Android

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post!

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you Snook


pushbook will be our story of pushing steem to the moon

PushBook does not have it's MVP yet

Thanks for giving tips

I'm continuously experimenting to find out the product market fit for our organically growing Seven77 Network

Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @nathanmars!

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