My Very Own Poké Girl - Comedy Open Mic Round 17 Entry 1

in #punchline7 years ago

If we live in a pokemon world, this is how we’d get girlfriends


On the plus side, we won’t have to listen to their nagging and we can carry them around in our pocket

contest here.I nominate @jeulamei and @thevillan to participate in #comedyopenmic. You can read about the


better than a caveman with a club

Probably easier, too.

i am dedicating my life to make sure we live in a pokeman world.

Thank you, future generations will remember and thank you for your dedication.

I don't understand how to create a funny post.

Lol. Sucks to be her

Using the laws of physics, that fucking shirt should have popped out a titty.

Maybe there's no gravity in pokémon world.