The $200 in HIVE I bought earlier this month seems to have paid off. I wish I could get a five fold increase with every investment.
I was tempted to buy STEEM during the HIVE spike, but I did not have any cash.
The real test for the blockchain will come next week we discover the number of people who pressed the power down button during the spike. We still haven't seen the full extent of the power down started by the power struggle between Sun and the community.
As for the meme: The rich won't permit the people to vote their wealth away. But the rich are more than happy to leave the people holding empty bags after they empty the treasury and secret the wealth of the nation away to foreign tax havens.
Yes, we still have much to play out before this becomes a straight forward pay to play game.
There is still ~50m HP that we don't know who owns here in the dead whale accounts.
I'm giving odds on some of that being Ned.
Binance opening withdrawals will be big.
The long term value of the coins is simply the amount of money people are willing to risk to buy influence. The Hardfork doubled the pool of coins, but did not double the desire; So, my long term hope is not too optimistic.
Your post brings up a good question though: Which gives off a worse stench. A living or a dead whale?