Trevon, do you know why the value of accounts have been decreasing over the past 2 days while the Steem value is increasing? 🤔 This really intrigues me and I can't seem to figure it out, so if you could shed some light it would be much appreciated 🙏🏼
The value on your steemit in your backoffice is generated from 3.5 days average from the witnesses.
If steem price stays way up for a week or two, you will see your account gradually going up.
It has to do with your steem power value.
If you have SBD or steem, this value has to do the market live.
Keep on steemin'
You should go to, they have the current value Steemit is using for Steem, I believe Steemit averages the value for the last three days or something like that, so the new price uptrend that started happening yesterday will not be visible in your account value until maybe Saturday.
No, what it has is the value of Steemit at that moment, right now it is at $4.34, you just multiply this by your available Steem. You can see how outdated this value is, as Steem right now is over 6 dollars.
I think it would be better for Steemit and your channel to post your videos here at first and after 4-5 hours to YouTube, so they'll get more attendance here..
I want to change the my way income is handled by using masternodes, mining and staking. Im researching into making solar powered mining rigs to mine Ethereum Classic and Litecoin. This is the future goal I want to reach.
It feels good taking a little vacay from binance (well I have a few stragglers still in play) but I jumped a large portion here to steemit just in time. Man did you see the growth this week... pretty nice... keep posting bro...
I started to love what Ethereum Classic was doing and Litecoin was best for Fees when bitcoin was impossible to send. My portfolio has shifted alot but I started with Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum Classic.
A very good chart reading on Bitcoin. Although I think if goes to 8,000$ we might have a stop-triggering and a mini flash crash down to around 6,000$.
Another lending platform that just concluded it's ico is BitherCash, I am interested what you think about them. I invested in the project lightly. Also I will be very glad if you can check my weekly bitcoin analysis - HERE and daily HERE
I think that will be a common theme with platforms. I'm referring to no referrals..... That could be a something people start doing too. Referring to non referral sites. LOL My mind just blew up.
Wish I had some liquid assets to throw at these ICO's some of them are likley to stick around for at least long enough to capitalize on an ICO investment. I think you are doing the smart thing considering your position. As long as your staking and steem income is able to float you, might as well go big on as many as possible.
Saw your info about Steemit on YouTube, I am glad I joined! I also bought a crap ton of steem on bittrex when it was like $2 last week! Thanks for the heads up on that too!
Thorncoin? Hmmm.. avoiding all platforms with no team posted. Peep out current media ico. Apps live, earn money streamimg spotify,youtube, Prolly a good one for you subscriber base. Yeee
i know we loose so many chances to join all these big value coins that time when these all was so cheap
but i have a hope now and will try to pick these all new ico tokens and will always wait from you to suggest and share new ico like this sirwow @trevonjb sir its more cool to give us a new link and a big ICO as you say and no if you suggest this i dont confuse now to join it and good to share it with 15 percest bonus now in these hours
I do like the social aspect of publiccoin. I think that is a key part of business these days: keeping in touch with "the people--" posting on social media, etc. I've heard many grumblings about various cryptos not doing that. Anyway, like you said, Publiccoin could be cool--seems like it might even be more like a mix of Linked in and the blockchain. Thanks for the vid
I'm so you glad you did this vid @trevonjb . I love your steemit stuff because I understand it. I still have a ton to learn about the "markets" because it is hard to wrap my head around this stuff.
ICO's are scary for me but I love that I can learn a bit about it from you. I'm gonna watch PublicCoin and read he roadmap a few more times. I may do this but earnings offered us seem pretty high. I like that but do I trust it lol? I'm doing a steem meetup tonight and I'm going to show people your videos. They're great.
@trevonjb I’m glad I stumbled across your content on YouTube and now I found you on steemit! It will be interesting to see how these lending platforms pan out . I like Debitum , I’m gonna take a look at this one too . Keep on living the cryptorific lifestyle bro !!!
Trevon, im getting a fast education on crypto and ICOs, not up to speed enough to stick any cash into an ICO but the Public Coin does feel like somewhat of a Steemit Clone...,is it built on the Block Chain protocol?
And do you sense that Steem could reach price levels of 100 or more by the end of the year?
You said you were tired of charting a while back, glad your back doing it , looks like your recovered well from the dentist.
I won’t drag anyone down for what they invest in, but don’t you think lending platform are dying? Bitconnect was the mother and since they up and left any new lending platform that pops up won’t have the same community. (That’s just my opinon though) I hope in one of your future videos you talk more about the Neo blockchain and the projects that are being worked on. I know you mentioned DBC in one of your videos, and I would like to hear about more.
It is good to see your vids on DTUBE.@trevonjb, love this review of a new ICO. They definitely have a pretty good concept in mind and a reasonable timeline for rollout and implementation of new work. The issue I have is the amount of gas required to to even get involved in a lot of ICOs at the moment.
Relevant coins will always stay relevant.
Thanks for the head's up.
I will definitely look into it.
Someone did ask me about SALT or ETHLEND.
Any ideas ?
I will look through them.
You said one thing and it is the right criteria for crypto, *always focus on a coin that can generate more the easy way.
PUBLICCOIN, here we go
Thanks again for that advice.
The TPC is an corporation founded to define transaction processing and database benchmarks and to disseminate objective, verifiable TPC performance data to the industry. TPC produces benchmarks that measure transaction processing (TP) and database (DB) performance in terms of how many transactions a given system and database can perform per unit of time.
PublicCoins looks very much interesting.
Thank for your info!
Ultimately everyone is responsible for their decision. This whole BCC thing is crap. I always love to hear your “OPINION”
Your kids are such an amazing! especially.
I put a little over .1 Eth into this ICO. With the prices they are selling at, they are only looking for a $3.7 Million market cap. That would put them at rank 620 on CoinMarketCap right now to break even. Even though they are a small, not hyped ICO, I’m pretty sure they can do a lot better than 3.7 Mil Market Cap. I’m betting on closer to a 20 mil market cap (387 on CoinMarketCap). That would x5 my money. I think it’s possible.
It’s good to see this type of video again. Also you’re my number 1 guy when you talk about coins because i know you wont hold anything that is shit yourself.
But i also have a favor to ask you. I’m sure you heard that some witnesses are trying to lower the value of SBD to $1 and peg it with the dollar. This would be a horrible move for the whole ecosystem that Steem, SBD and Steemit live in. I wrote a post about it, but i don’t receive as much attention as you do. So if you would please make a point to talk about it. Not many people here know that this is going on, and I believe they should know and should have a say in it. I’m not asking for upvotes or resteems, I just want you to talk about what’s going and spread the word.
I’m not large enough to reach many people, but a lot of people view your content. Here is my post if you care to read it:
I just joined Steemit five days ago, and so far I really like. It took six days to get my account approved, so while I waited I watched tutorials and related Steemit videos, and found your stuff. It's been a great resource and has really helped my understand how to approach this platform, and cryptocurreny in general. I'm not well educated on this type of thing, but you have a good common man type style of explaining things, which is just what I need! Thanks' for all the help.
Bitcoin, any central bank, government entity, etc. is a non-related electronic currency. Symbol: ฿. It can be split into units up to 100-millionth of a rank after winning.
Bitcoin is also the currency of the Deep Web.
The Bitcoin network passed on January 3, 2009. Manifeston's writing is Satoshi Nakamoto but probably not a real name. The maximum number of bitcoins is limited to 21 million. As of July 22, 2013, the total value of the circulating Bitcoins is at $ 1.2 billion, but as of June 4, 2014, this value has reached $ 8.2 billion.
really good to introduce this new big ICO and give us complete details with this video toturial and your reviews on it and i advice to every one if your suggest it sue every one should join it soon now before its end in next 11 hours to make us part of this ICO in earliar's list ,,,the uninversal wallet is more good option with the freetransaction
you are always best cypto master and we always wait from you the latest news and good crypto news like thisgreat job @trevon now i hope you came back with your best work and more active on here with your dtube videos and we get lots of helpfull knowledge from you like this new ico
You said make a long, meaningfull comment and earn money but I'm new to cyrptocurrency world and I do not have much information on this topic. Therefore, I think I can't earn money from this topic :) Please share video of Zoey or Tav so I can make a comment! Anyway I think it is great video, thanks for sharing your opinion with us. All the best. Say hi to Zoey and Tav :)
I need to change the my way pay is taken care of by utilizing masternodes, mining and staking. Im investigating into making sun oriented fueled mining apparatuses to mine Ethereum Classic and Litecoin. This is the future objective I need to reach.
You told the Public Coin site very well. but I live in turkey. Am I able to transfer money to turkey?
In the meantime, it's nice to see you in front of the camera :) and if your kids put your video in it, the happy one is very nice to watch them.
Thanks for the presentation.@trevonjb
This is how Bitcoin will hit 100k - Explaining Free Money, Hyperinflation, & U.S Dollar Collapse - Helicopter Money Drop
Yo, finally got approved here on steemit and am excited to follow your blog. Enjoyed the video, and am glad to see some new ICOs. Lots with lending platforms though.. looks like its the new hype for now.
yh bro. i like this video... the review was on point & energetic, these vids gonna do great on Dtube..
and as you said " that what people wanna see". I guess the hater gonna turn in more for their updates. hehehe CHEERS bro keep that vybz
Have you heard of PROPS by YouNow? I think it'll be another great way for you to interact with your viewers and livestream from your car 😉 there's also some big names behind it like Casey Neistat and I know for sure that the YouNow community is gonna love this..take a look at it.
Trevon, do you know why the value of accounts have been decreasing over the past 2 days while the Steem value is increasing? 🤔 This really intrigues me and I can't seem to figure it out, so if you could shed some light it would be much appreciated 🙏🏼
The value on your steemit in your backoffice is generated from 3.5 days average from the witnesses.
If steem price stays way up for a week or two, you will see your account gradually going up.
It has to do with your steem power value.
If you have SBD or steem, this value has to do the market live.
Keep on steemin'
Really helpful info man thank you!!
That makes sense, thank you for the info!
You should go to, they have the current value Steemit is using for Steem, I believe Steemit averages the value for the last three days or something like that, so the new price uptrend that started happening yesterday will not be visible in your account value until maybe Saturday.
I checked out the site and it had some pretty helpful metrics but I couldn't find the current value of the account. Do you know where that metric is?
No, what it has is the value of Steemit at that moment, right now it is at $4.34, you just multiply this by your available Steem. You can see how outdated this value is, as Steem right now is over 6 dollars.
Gotcha, makes sense. Thanks a lot!
I think it would be better for Steemit and your channel to post your videos here at first and after 4-5 hours to YouTube, so they'll get more attendance here..
I want to change the my way income is handled by using masternodes, mining and staking. Im researching into making solar powered mining rigs to mine Ethereum Classic and Litecoin. This is the future goal I want to reach.
Great idea. The energy consumption caused by BTC is one of the biggest issues currently in my view.
I agree with you, the next biggest cost are mining pools but I yet don’t have a solution for that. Together we can find a solution to anything.
Aye bud. Do you live in the US or somewhere else ?
I do live in the US.
I’m following all your steps homie...
It feels good taking a little vacay from binance (well I have a few stragglers still in play) but I jumped a large portion here to steemit just in time. Man did you see the growth this week... pretty nice... keep posting bro...
I started to love what Ethereum Classic was doing and Litecoin was best for Fees when bitcoin was impossible to send. My portfolio has shifted alot but I started with Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum Classic.
Trevon , good to see you are still on top of your game
but ensure this time round you caution your followers so that they don't blame you when ice cream turns sour.
Thank you very much for your analysis.
My comment appears in the video, this is my honor to be shown in a publication for you my friend
Aww mate, this is some inception sh*t! >_<
A very good chart reading on Bitcoin. Although I think if goes to 8,000$ we might have a stop-triggering and a mini flash crash down to around 6,000$.
Another lending platform that just concluded it's ico is BitherCash, I am interested what you think about them. I invested in the project lightly. Also I will be very glad if you can check my weekly bitcoin analysis - HERE and daily HERE
Thank you :)
I'm watching man remember Mr @trevonjb we will become rich soon like you huh
Good to see you post on dtube, keep up the good work @trevonjb dont let the haters get to you man.
I think that will be a common theme with platforms. I'm referring to no referrals..... That could be a something people start doing too. Referring to non referral sites. LOL My mind just blew up.
Wish I had some liquid assets to throw at these ICO's some of them are likley to stick around for at least long enough to capitalize on an ICO investment. I think you are doing the smart thing considering your position. As long as your staking and steem income is able to float you, might as well go big on as many as possible.
Saw your info about Steemit on YouTube, I am glad I joined! I also bought a crap ton of steem on bittrex when it was like $2 last week! Thanks for the heads up on that too!
What a bargain at $2!! good job @robbyjay! Are you still holding them?
Thorncoin? Hmmm.. avoiding all platforms with no team posted. Peep out current media ico. Apps live, earn money streamimg spotify,youtube, Prolly a good one for you subscriber base. Yeee
i know we loose so many chances to join all these big value coins that time when these all was so cheap
but i have a hope now and will try to pick these all new ico tokens and will always wait from you to suggest and share new ico like this sirwow @trevonjb sir its more cool to give us a new link and a big ICO as you say and no if you suggest this i dont confuse now to join it and good to share it with 15 percest bonus now in these hours
I do like the social aspect of publiccoin. I think that is a key part of business these days: keeping in touch with "the people--" posting on social media, etc. I've heard many grumblings about various cryptos not doing that. Anyway, like you said, Publiccoin could be cool--seems like it might even be more like a mix of Linked in and the blockchain. Thanks for the vid
I'm so you glad you did this vid @trevonjb . I love your steemit stuff because I understand it. I still have a ton to learn about the "markets" because it is hard to wrap my head around this stuff.
ICO's are scary for me but I love that I can learn a bit about it from you. I'm gonna watch PublicCoin and read he roadmap a few more times. I may do this but earnings offered us seem pretty high. I like that but do I trust it lol? I'm doing a steem meetup tonight and I'm going to show people your videos. They're great.
@trevonjb I’m glad I stumbled across your content on YouTube and now I found you on steemit! It will be interesting to see how these lending platforms pan out . I like Debitum , I’m gonna take a look at this one too . Keep on living the cryptorific lifestyle bro !!!
Trevon, im getting a fast education on crypto and ICOs, not up to speed enough to stick any cash into an ICO but the Public Coin does feel like somewhat of a Steemit Clone...,is it built on the Block Chain protocol?
And do you sense that Steem could reach price levels of 100 or more by the end of the year?
You said you were tired of charting a while back, glad your back doing it , looks like your recovered well from the dentist.
I won’t drag anyone down for what they invest in, but don’t you think lending platform are dying? Bitconnect was the mother and since they up and left any new lending platform that pops up won’t have the same community. (That’s just my opinon though) I hope in one of your future videos you talk more about the Neo blockchain and the projects that are being worked on. I know you mentioned DBC in one of your videos, and I would like to hear about more.
I feel like at this point as crypto enthuasits we will watch every single ICO that pops up anywhere! Some are more promising than others obviously.
It is good to see your vids on DTUBE.@trevonjb, love this review of a new ICO. They definitely have a pretty good concept in mind and a reasonable timeline for rollout and implementation of new work. The issue I have is the amount of gas required to to even get involved in a lot of ICOs at the moment.
Relevant coins will always stay relevant.
Thanks for the head's up.
I will definitely look into it.
Someone did ask me about SALT or ETHLEND.
Any ideas ?
I will look through them.
You said one thing and it is the right criteria for crypto, *always focus on a coin that can generate more the easy way.
PUBLICCOIN, here we go
Thanks again for that advice.
D tube, still trying to master it's usage. @trevonjb keep it up, you flying high already!
New ICO sounds promising. Are you still planning to invest all of your altcoins into Steem?
Hi Trevon, i saw something very suspicious, the whitepaper of Thorncoin and the Publiccoin are exactly the same. Check it. Very strange....
and after your observation publiccoin disappeared. another exit scam. i guess they copied thorncoin.
Shit @trevonjb, have you seen this action complain against BitConnect? You're on it!
Wow i love your channel , wonderful desiccation and great video sir. thanks for sharing.

to fat on this? great job ;)
Did you draw this??? Woah @avagado
The TPC is an corporation founded to define transaction processing and database benchmarks and to disseminate objective, verifiable TPC performance data to the industry. TPC produces benchmarks that measure transaction processing (TP) and database (DB) performance in terms of how many transactions a given system and database can perform per unit of time.
$8000 is a good bottom call...what's the upside potential after that?
Good to see you man!
PublicCoins looks very much interesting.
Thank for your info!
Ultimately everyone is responsible for their decision. This whole BCC thing is crap. I always love to hear your “OPINION”
Your kids are such an amazing! especially.
I put a little over .1 Eth into this ICO. With the prices they are selling at, they are only looking for a $3.7 Million market cap. That would put them at rank 620 on CoinMarketCap right now to break even. Even though they are a small, not hyped ICO, I’m pretty sure they can do a lot better than 3.7 Mil Market Cap. I’m betting on closer to a 20 mil market cap (387 on CoinMarketCap). That would x5 my money. I think it’s possible.
Thanks a lot for video.I thing bitcoin is a balloon and I do not know when it will explode. @trevonjb
It seems that these ico will come very well in the currency market. But there are many new ico that have scam. But I think this ico good publish.
Exellent post
I've seen this before on your YouTube channel
It’s good to see this type of video again. Also you’re my number 1 guy when you talk about coins because i know you wont hold anything that is shit yourself.
But i also have a favor to ask you. I’m sure you heard that some witnesses are trying to lower the value of SBD to $1 and peg it with the dollar. This would be a horrible move for the whole ecosystem that Steem, SBD and Steemit live in. I wrote a post about it, but i don’t receive as much attention as you do. So if you would please make a point to talk about it. Not many people here know that this is going on, and I believe they should know and should have a say in it. I’m not asking for upvotes or resteems, I just want you to talk about what’s going and spread the word.
I’m not large enough to reach many people, but a lot of people view your content. Here is my post if you care to read it:
Thanks Tre :)
I just joined Steemit five days ago, and so far I really like. It took six days to get my account approved, so while I waited I watched tutorials and related Steemit videos, and found your stuff. It's been a great resource and has really helped my understand how to approach this platform, and cryptocurreny in general. I'm not well educated on this type of thing, but you have a good common man type style of explaining things, which is just what I need! Thanks' for all the help.
Bitcoin, any central bank, government entity, etc. is a non-related electronic currency. Symbol: ฿. It can be split into units up to 100-millionth of a rank after winning.
Bitcoin is also the currency of the Deep Web.
The Bitcoin network passed on January 3, 2009. Manifeston's writing is Satoshi Nakamoto but probably not a real name. The maximum number of bitcoins is limited to 21 million. As of July 22, 2013, the total value of the circulating Bitcoins is at $ 1.2 billion, but as of June 4, 2014, this value has reached $ 8.2 billion.
really good to introduce this new big ICO and give us complete details with this video toturial and your reviews on it and i advice to every one if your suggest it sue every one should join it soon now before its end in next 11 hours to make us part of this ICO in earliar's list ,,,the uninversal wallet is more good option with the freetransaction
you are always best cypto master and we always wait from you the latest news and good crypto news like thisgreat job @trevon now i hope you came back with your best work and more active on here with your dtube videos and we get lots of helpfull knowledge from you like this new ico
You said make a long, meaningfull comment and earn money but I'm new to cyrptocurrency world and I do not have much information on this topic. Therefore, I think I can't earn money from this topic :) Please share video of Zoey or Tav so I can make a comment! Anyway I think it is great video, thanks for sharing your opinion with us. All the best. Say hi to Zoey and Tav :)
I need to change the my way pay is taken care of by utilizing masternodes, mining and staking. Im investigating into making sun oriented fueled mining apparatuses to mine Ethereum Classic and Litecoin. This is the future objective I need to reach.
You told the Public Coin site very well. but I live in turkey. Am I able to transfer money to turkey?
In the meantime, it's nice to see you in front of the camera :) and if your kids put your video in it, the happy one is very nice to watch them.
Thanks for the presentation.@trevonjb
This is how Bitcoin will hit 100k - Explaining Free Money, Hyperinflation, & U.S Dollar Collapse - Helicopter Money Drop
Yo Trey why they hate you so much 😭😂😭😂
I was quit moved by your motivation on YouTube to join steemit.. Learning alot from it.
Yo, finally got approved here on steemit and am excited to follow your blog. Enjoyed the video, and am glad to see some new ICOs. Lots with lending platforms though.. looks like its the new hype for now.
Hey trevon i always use the #trevonjb on my post its helping me always thanks.
yh bro. i like this video... the review was on point & energetic, these vids gonna do great on Dtube..
and as you said " that what people wanna see". I guess the hater gonna turn in more for their updates. hehehe CHEERS bro keep that vybz
Have you heard of PROPS by YouNow? I think it'll be another great way for you to interact with your viewers and livestream from your car 😉 there's also some big names behind it like Casey Neistat and I know for sure that the YouNow community is gonna love this..take a look at it.