
Good luck! I hope your blog is successful. Please consider checking out and @minnowsupport. It is a great community of individuals that will help you get started and can answer all of your questions.

I did thank you for the connection. I have used it already. Thank you for the good wishes.

Welcome and thank you for having good rationale for evening talking about PTSD. I've gotta say I get so tired of a lot of people using it as a scapegoat for things that are just excuses. Believe me I know what its like as I did three deployments and in my first I actually thought I wouldn't make it back.

Glad to have you here as there are definitely a lot of good people on here.

Thank you Jacobchamplain. I agree with you. There is having PTSD and Using PTSD and There is a diffrence.

Thank you for your service.

nice introuction. Followed. Follow me back 😘