"Pulling Strings" by Duncan Cary Palmer

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

“The typical American voter is so stupid, his dog teaches him tricks.”
– Jonathan Gruber, MIT Professor of Economics –

Once again, I'm submitting an eleventh-hour contest entry. This time it is for @v4vapid's Ultimate Psy-Op - Conspiracy Writing Contest, which is about to close.

We're all free here, aren't we?

We go about our lives in freedom. Our freedom of choice is taken for granted. Free agency is a given, assumed by everyone, regardless of how high we may have clawed our way up the pyramid.

But, are we really free?

As you read the story below, see if you can figure out who's pulling whose strings...

I mustn't neglect a shout-out to The Writers' Block fiction workshop. You people, individually and collectively, are the salt of the earth. Thank you for your encouraging support.

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Who's pulling your strings?
Image courtesy of Thomas Skirde and PixaBay

"Pulling Strings"

~by Duncan Cary Palmer~

With a deafening bang and a rattle of surrender, the twenty year old Chevy coasts to a stop on the frozen margin of Route 16.

Allan slams his fist on the dashboard. “God damn this friggin’ piece of junk!” I shouldn’t be swearing. Shit, it’s 20 below, and now I’m gonna have to walk to work.

New Hampshire winters are literally hell on wheels.

Killing the headlights, Allan leaves the radio playing.

“Traffic is moving smoothly through Conway and North Conway. It’s 5:30 AM this brisk Tuesday morning, and you’re listening to WBNC.”

“Addressing Americans yesterday, President Gerald Ford was optimistic about falling inflation, but expressed deep concern about unemployment and foreign oil.”

“This plan requires personal sacrifice… To improve the economic outlook we must rekindle faith in ourselves. Nobody is going to pull us out of our troubles but ourselves—and by our own bootstraps.”

Pounding the steering wheel one last time, Allan straps on his tool belt, flips off the radio, and locks the car.

Snow crunching underfoot, he continues north by starlight, wishing futilely for dawn. Like I’m going to pull myself up by my bootstraps. Our tax refund would’ve gotten Pat a decent dishwasher, but now I need a damn car.

Pastor says the Lord’ll take care of us, long as we do like Jesus said, ‘Render unto Caesar.’ I can do that, alright—I’ve always done my duty to God and Country.

Each breath adds to the crust of frost on Allan’s whiskers. A stream near the road gurgles beneath the ice.

Things are bound to get better, assuming I don’t freeze to death. America’s the freest country in the world. I pay my taxes, do my part. I just hope my congressman does his.
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The freshman Congressman from New Hampshire picks up his pace. Supporting Earned Income Credit for the working class should improve my chances for reelection.

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Relief of Moses in the House Chamber
Work by the United States Government
via http://flickr.com

Entering the House Chamber, I swipe my card and vote “Yea” for the bill, then slip into a seat.

Am I being watched? Maybe it’s just the relief of Moses over the door…

Tuning out the speaker, I keep rehashing Ford’s State of the Union. He said we should be “allowing taxpayers rather than the Government to spend their pay.” But, “People have been pushed into higher tax brackets by inflation…”

Aren’t taxes the price of civilization? I’ll steer more funds to my district, more resources for my constituents. I wield that power now.

Harvard was tough, but doable. Everything about last year’s race went my way. Campaign funds appeared from unexpected sources. It was mighty kind of that Federal Reserve Governor to support my nomination.

I’ve got Stacy researching Fed policies; I’ll be looking for ways to return the favor. The future’s bright if I can keep getting elected.
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Some days, the portrait of Washington peering over the boardroom makes the Federal Reserve Board Governor squirm. This is not one of those days. Each new lie stirs fewer scruples.

“Word’s been handed down for us to slam the brakes on inflation.”

“I know. So we tighten the money supply."

"When do we go public?”

Timing the announcement is everything. For the right people, knowing beforehand is how fortunes are made.

After the meeting, I take an elevator to street level, where my chauffeur waits.

“Your car, sir.”

“Thank you, Aaron.”

I get in and fix a stiff drink. Aaron guides the limo into traffic, heading for my Upper Manhattan apartment.

Being a Governor is no easy task, but it has its privileges. We’re all millionaires; who’d believe us qualified if we can’t manage our own money? Secretly controlling hundreds of millions in blind trusts isn’t bad either. Nor is having members of both Houses beholden to us. Not to mention the deference we get from DOJ and Treasury.

“Aaron, what’s our ETA?”

“About fifteen minutes, sir.”

Enough time to make my calls. So what if I do a favor for a Rockefeller or Rothschild once in a while? My lifestyle’s worth the occasional bad press.

I think I’ll have Monica and Chrissy over for dinner and drinks tonight. Then, maybe, for dessert as well.
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The scion had grown up playing Monopoly, groomed by the finest private schools and universities, coached by elite tutors on staff and on call. Now his playing pieces are real. Superyachts. Jet fleets. Skyscrapers. Bodies and souls of men.

He is a Rothschild, or a Rockefeller, or, maybe a Warburg. Who knows? His history, activities, his purposes—all cordoned off behind the impenetrable wall of privacy only one with unlimited riches can afford.

Despite status and immense wealth, life hasn’t been precisely easy. There’s a level of discipline required to keep it all in the families, to continue moving the planet in the direction it must go. But that still leaves plenty of time to play.

“Adrienne, could we wrap things up soon?”

My pedicurist eyes me skeptically. “Shall I skip the polish, sir?”

“That would be good. I have other urgent matters.”

I surround myself with the finest personal assistants money can buy—young, strong, ambitious help. Back in the day, they were called servants. So thoroughly vetted, I needn’t doubt their devotion. Nevertheless, our families know that thing most precious to each; a thing we won’t hesitate to destroy at the first sign of disloyalty.

“Done, sir.”

“Thank you, Adrienne.”

Pedicure complete, I head toward the bridge and query the captain about our progress.

“We dock in London shortly, sir.”

“Thanks, skipper.” The bloody palace limo’d better be on time.

It’s good, being me. The best, in fact. Though they won’t admit it, Presidents, Bishops, Queens, international bankers—they’re all my puppets to manipulate on the world stage.

I take orders from no one. No orders, per-se. I’m above influence… At least, human influence… There might be a little direction going on. I confess that—from time to time—I do feel a nudge. Some days, I swear I’m being guided…

Could it be inspiration? Perhaps sheer genius? My training and well-born, native talent?

I feel a muse. Time to manage the global plantation, thin out the herd. I think it’s time to push another vaccine. For the good of the families, of course. Move us toward the goal. Earth, our beautiful, private park. The world, mankind, the future—all ours, to do with as we please.

“Vivian, send Gates a memo…”
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I’m observing our scion from a different plane: It’s so easy to whisper in this one’s ear. He’s so malleable.

Good stock, as humans go. Bright, articulate, skilled, well-trained, and wealthy beyond the ability of most men to comprehend. But, seriously flawed, and where it counts, stupid as a bag of rocks. He actually thinks he’s running the show. All the while, I’m steering.

Me? Lewis was on the right track, but in truth, only the creme de la creme followed Lucifer. No dimwit Wormwoods. I’m far more like Screwtape, though vastly superior to anything Lewis ever imagined.

My colleagues and I are magnificent. Breathtakingly beautiful. Powerful beyond words. In concert, we’re unstoppable. Wise enough to have followed Lucifer—not that we needed him—we’re also brilliant enough to ultimately do without him. We’ve got this under control. The end game? Bring it.
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Satan ponders Earth, his domain.

Humans? Fools. Puppets, every last one of them. It’s hard to find competent help any more, no matter the incentive.

My angels? Pinnacles of creation—though not one of those millions of defectors can hold a candle to me. Despite their ambition, I’ll rule them forever.

That shitty collection of old parchments? It doesn’t tell a fraction of the truth, and it gets the ending all wrong.

Jesus? What, didn’t you catch what I did to him? Wuss.

I am the Prince of the Power of the Air.
I am Lucifer, Light-bearer.
I rule the world with an iron hand.
Behold me, and despair.

I’m going to win this thing. To hell with anyone who says otherwise.
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The LORD God Almighty, Potentate of all universes, Creator of the Seen and Unseen, Deployer of angels, the One who holds reality together by the Word of His Power, Who sits on the Superlative Throne of His Sovereignty in the Heaven above all heavens.

The Omnipotent gazes downward, and like a mighty waterfall, the thunderous roar of His resonant laughter saturates the vaulted chamber.

To the eye of the naive; to the ignorant and unschooled; to the faithless, it all looks like such a risk. Evil seems on the verge of triumph. Until the ultimate moment, the outcome appears uncertain. No matter their lot, these beings believe themselves to be in control.

But Lucifer himself is deluded, in denial. At every level, the actors have fulfilled their roles. Having inadvertently done Jehovah’s bidding, all creatures who have chosen to turn away from good are on the brink of eternal extinction. God’s ultimate PsyOp is nearly accomplished.

Operation Free Will is almost complete.


“The most effective PsyOps are the ones that no one—at any level—recognizes.”
– Duncan Cary Palmer –

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Who's pulling your strings?
Image courtesy of Sagar Dani and http://unsplash.com

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"They’re all my puppets to manipulate..."
Image courtesy of Hans Braxmeier and PixaBay

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I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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it is wormwood...wormwood. But as Tennyson says,

For what are men better than sheep or goats
That nourish a blind life within the brain,
If, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer
Both for themselves and those who call them friend?
For so the whole round earth is every way
Bound by gold chains about the feet of God.

Congrats on a very well done piece!

Thank you very much, @quinneaker.

Thank you for creating and sharing it!

The Omnipotent gazes downward, and like a mighty waterfall, the thunderous roar of His resonant laughter saturates the vaulted chamber.

Psalm 2 keeps ringing in my ear as I finish this brilliant read.

It is difficult to keep reader’s attention while story building through various viewpoints - nicely done @creatr.

"Psalm 2 keeps ringing in my ear..."

You've absolutely nailed my allusion, friend Lydon. :D

Thanks for appreciating my work today. :D

You’re welcome! :)

I am not one for religion in fiction, but I like this one. Good writing, sir.

Why, thank you for the kind compliment. :D

Religion has been most effectively used of all psyops IMO so it seems a great choice for this contest.

So many interpretations, so much propaganda and the ultimate stake. Religion has so much influence on the world.

I read this in the queue twice on the Writers Block, and again here, and each time I read it I 'forget' that the elevation of levels and perspective is coming. And indeed, a story like this puts it all in perspective. Great work @creatr!

Thanks, @negativer...

We'll see how the final judge responds... :D

Looks like final response was GOOD!

Excellent story @creatr. Having read a few of your stories I enjoy how you weave religion and big questions of morality in your writing.

I've nominated your introductory line for best line in the contest, it hooked me instantly :)

Thank you very much, @cizzo. Your comment is encouraging on many levels.

And wow, what a surprise--and an honor--that you've nominated my line. I had completely forgotten about that element of the contest! :O

Thank you again!



But Lucifer himself is deluded, in denial. At every level, the actors have fulfilled their roles. Having inadvertently done Jehovah’s bidding, all creatures who have chosen to turn away from good are on the brink of eternal extinction. God’s ultimate PsyOp is nearly accomplished.

This is a scary bit, and extremelly well written.

This is an amazing work. Congrats.

Dear new friend @flashfiction,

Thank you for stopping by, for reading, and for appreciating my story.

I wish you well here; I've left you a comment at your blog.



That was really creative and really fun to read. I really felt like I was taking off the lenses of an onld-timey microscope, one by one, until I could see the whole picture. Great storytelling!

Hi, @steemedchitty,

Thanks a lot for reading, and for taking the time to leave such a nice comment. I love your analogy. You've encouraged me by sharing it.



it seems like it builds to the ultimate of ultimate psyOps. Your post did not come through the feeds. I found it today when I went to your page. Great writing my friend. A pleasure to read.

Thank you, Troy. Writing this was a tough but fun and interesting journey!

Ha ha ha. Very good. I like Wormwood, he is such a cluts. Final victory already delivered, yet the game still plays out. Satan's fatal flaw is he's part of creation, therefore constrained by time.

Greetings, @nicktravers, and thank you for stopping by and sharing your observations.

Welcome to Steemit! I hope your sojourn here is entertaining, educational, and profitable in every way.

Also, Thank You kindly for your free offer of your novel, Gaia's Brood, which I have now availed myself of. Much appreciated. Thank you also for the Re-Steem of my story. ;)

You've earned yourself one more follower. I look forward to seeing what you publish here on Steemit. ;)




I just watched (and thoroughly enjoyed!) your trailer for Gaia's Brood. Bravo!
What a concept; a cinematic trailer for a book. Very cool!

If you would be so kind as to leave me a comment--under any of my articles--when you post your first post (hopefully and introductory post with links to your fine website, etc.) it would be my pleasure to Re-Steem it.

Thanks in advance. ;)

Thanks, Gaia's brood will be perma free. I'm thinking of serialising it on Steemit, but there appears to be controversy around whether serialisations are acceptable (too much earnings potential?).
I want my intro post and first post to hit with a bang so I'm figuring out how to use the site to maximum effect first. Tell me, how do you embed a video in a reply?

Hi, Nick,

Thanks for responding.

FYI, when you do your introductory post, if at all possible include a link-back from your website or websites ( e.g. https://nicktraversauthor.com/ ) to your blog. There should be no problem with you posting material that you own, that exists elsewhere on the web, as long as you've proven your identity and that you control the property where it exists.

Steemit is pretty rigorous about checking for plagiarism in an automated way using 'bots.
As far as serializing Gaia's Brood here, I would say it wouldn't hurt to try.... Just pay attention to your posts and watch for possible flagging. I don't think you'll get any unless the rewards swing too high, which I wouldn't expect unless you are so well known that you have an instant following here of wealthy whales?

Embedding video, at least YouTube video, in articles and comments is trivially easy. Just include the link to the video, and there it is.

Best wishes here on Steemit, friend! :D

Remember Carmen from back in the day? The song I am thinking about is called "The Champion"

Hello, my friend Capn',

No, I had never heard or heard of this.... :O

Thanks very much for bringing it to my attention. :D



I love the different levels of perspective. I was a bit confused at first, admittedly, but as the story went on, I became more intrigued. And, per usual, your prose flows wonderfully. Well done, my friend. :D

Thanks, friend.

I've had trouble tying it all together...
But it's a lot better than it would have been without The Writers' Block... :D

Thanks for reading! ;)

You tied well!

No problem! I'd happily read your work every day if I could. :)

The hallmark of demons is self-destruction at any price. And BAMN! The door shuts close.

Knock though, and it will be (re)opened.
Your choice.

Another superb piece of writing @creatr!

Thank you, my friend.

How are your preparations for change going?

Oh - I do enjoy your writings.

All moving diligently forward. The date of the big move coming closer... I am excited. Much to do still. Most concerns right now for the safety and well being of Jane. Please do pray with me for her protection.

I will...

What's happening? Is it still her health?

No, it's her safety - I posted today about it. :(

THANK YOU for the Re-Steem...

Also, (and trust me, I couldn't believe this!) I just discovered that I was not following you! WHAT???

So, I've remedied that. I declare, sometimes I think the Steemit U/I is out to get me. I could have sworn that I had followed you long ago... :O



😂 Happens to the best - and it's good timing, as I just have increased by postings following a loooong stretch of merlely announcing shows for a while.

You are one of the most amazing people I follow.

Check out the post on Ginabot from last week. It 's a superb notification tool you may found useful - this is how I don't miss a beat... :)

Thanks, I'm going to look into Ginabot...

Love it love it love it.
This is a great "turtles all the way down" story. I love how your stories sometimes dig deeper into life, and this one certainly dug deep (climbed high?). Thanks for it.

"This is a great "turtles all the way down" story."

You're welcome, and Thank You, Jon. That phrase was in my thoughts multiple times as I wrote this, but I couldn't quite bring myself to include it.

I really appreciate the encouragement. :D

To include it would probably have broken the spell!

BTW, Thanks very much for the Re-Steem. :D


Sangat menarik postingan anda.

Write on! Very nice. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks, but I see no re-steem?