Scientology: The Psyop To Indoctrinate The Alternative, UFO & Conspiracy Communities

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

This is my first Steemit article. I am hoping to articulate in this article one of many realisations I’ve had after a lifetime in what most people would call the ‘conspiracy’ or ‘truther’ community/movement.

I decided to create this account, not to parrot the mountain of information and ’truth’ I have had preached to me (although I have learned information I consider valuable), but to direct attention towards the hidden nefarious groups controlling the now splintered groups that form the alternative/independent/truther media.

The majority of characters who are leading the ‘movement’ are unfortunately stuck in the rabbit hole, where beliefs are truths and the rest of the population are asleep, sheeple stuck in the matrix or taking the wrong colour pills (I think red is the prescribed colour of pill to free the masses, although they never did tell me what the active ingredient was, it's the colour that is important!).

My article isn't intended for fellow truthers but all curious people (as far reaching as someone who has dabbled with new age concepts). Intended to do what you ask? To help you identify a hidden agenda to mold alternative communities into having the same belief system of Scientology.

Scientology?! The crazy Hollywood cult that we hear horror stories about in the press? Well while the church is the most famous and public part of the religion, there is an enormous amount of people who would deny being Scientologists but follow the same doctrine, albeit under the name of what is generally considered ‘Free Zone’ Scientology.

To try and explain how and why I reached this conclusion I invite you to finish the article before deciding the topics don't apply to you. The point of covert indoctrination is to get a hold of as many communities as possible, each with their own beliefs or practices and many opposing the beliefs of the other targeted groups.

It's easy to disguise the injection of beliefs when you tailor them to fit two opposing groups, so far removed from each other, they wouldn't think to look at the others content.

I’m not judging anyone who believes anything mentioned here. I was indoctrinated from childhood, in a household where books like Fingerprints Of The Gods and Chariots of The Gods could be found on the coffee table. These shaped my beliefs and inevitably lead me towards the ‘Truth Movement’, unknowingly developing a belief system of a Scientologist.

2010: Ancient Aliens came into my already limited viewing. Childhood images stuck in my mind were now reality, every week blowing my mind, reinforcing the ancient astronaut theory I had long presumed to be the truth.

I began to follow the Project Camelot YouTube channel, the same faces from Ancient Aliens such as David Wilcock made it an extension of the show (which I learned was controlled by the government, giving half truths which by their own words were ‘Ancient’). I needed to know what the aliens were building now!

It turns out they never stopped! Building not only structures on the earth but also underground it. Oh and in space above earth and beyond! Who cares about the ruins of the past when the earth is under attack right now by a group called the ‘Cabal’.

If you’ve not visited the UFO rabbit hole, you may recognise the Cabal. They feature in most ‘conspiracy’ narratives along with the ‘SSP’, topics currently discussed in the YouTube echo chamber originate from Project Camelot. The ‘project’ originally run by two characters, eventually split with Project Avalon being controlled by Bill Ryan.

Bill has often been asked if he was a Scientologist only to reply “I have never been in the Church of Scientology, and am considered by them to be one of their enemies.”

He's on the list of “DECLARED SUPPRESSIVE PERSONS” but not for opposing the beliefs of Scientology... Welcome to the widespread and overlooked world of ‘Free Zone’ Scientology. Bill eventually addressed the allegations on his forum / disinfo breeding ground Project Avalon.

“I've always thus far kept this pretty much all compartmentalized from my work and my mission. That's because the mission is more important.”

Compartmentalization... a term many people who follow the world of black ops, above top secret, conspiracy and CIA. Interesting choice of word.

If he's not a Scientologist what is he and what is his important mission? Well he admits to having 40 hours of "Book One" auditing in 1984. In his own words Book One auditing is “basic 1950-style auditing, based on Hubbard's seminal book, Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health.”

What is this version of Scientology then Bill?

“Ron's Org primarily exists in Europe and Russia (astonishingly to many, there are more highly trained and able Ron's Org scientologists in Russia than anywhere else). I know many of them personally.”

After initial auditing he states he fixed his “human being problems” which lead to “deeper issues”, “Who am I? Where did I come from? What am I doing here on Planet Earth? What is my personal mission?”.

That mission again… What could it be? What can he do that regular suppressive persons cannot?

Well thanks to Scientology Ryan says “I opened up my past lives” and “started to develop my suppressed abilities.” Although he says, “The abilities were there all along.” So I guess we can have these abilities too. I wonder how we unlock them?

Bill details his revelations...

“We humans are all in a 'fallen state'.”

Fallen in the Biblical sense? Scientologists claim members are able to align with both the church and any religion they may have, even atheists. Does that sound right? Wait, this isn't Scientology! Let's hear more...

“Long ago, we all used to -- as beings -- be gods, as it were: creators, manifesters.” “And we've all been around for WAY longer than the 'Big Bang'.”

Beings, creators and older than the universe… Ancient Aliens anybody? Why would someone who believes in the above setup a platform to showcase people's claims of interaction with various ‘beings’?

If you think the channel covered just the SSP / paranormal then you haven't grasped what conspiracy theories do. You can't create a narrative of a prison planet without covering politics and news then wrapping it together into one all encompassing theory. Why worry about aliens unless they are also embedded in the White House and monarchy.

Enter Satanism, Crowley and Magik (yes with a K). Still quoting from Bill's post we learn,

“One acquires tools (which in other situations might be called 'white-magical' or 'good-shamanic').”

“The same tools are used for evil purposes by those with dark agendas -- and have been for thousands of years here on this planet.” “In that manner, the whole issue then becomes transformed…” “to "How can I help defeat the forces of evil that are destroying the planet?"”

His mission is becoming clear.

Scientology portrays an image of a self help, practical and mechanical new way of thinking. Publicly that is. In Where do Scientologists go when they die? By Nina Rastogi some more religious and New Age beliefs of the church are disclosed.

Some of these are part of the SSP narrative but some aren't as far out and are concepts explored by many people interested in spirituality.

“Core beliefs of Scientology are that every human being is really an immortal spiritual being.” A belief shared by many religions and nonreligious ‘spiritual’ practitioners.

Only combined with the rest of the quote do you change your target audience from a wide one to a specific one.

“Known as a thetan and that the "meat bodies" we inhabit are merely vessels we shed upon death.”

That's harder to swallow. Change thetan to soul, spirit or ‘being’ and the New Age YouTube generation already believe it.

“Thetans are supposed to gain power over the physical world; consequently, according to founder L. Ron Hubbard, they "feel no need of bodies," ending the cycle of birth and death and becoming pure, incorporeal souls.”

Sounds familiar, oh yeah Bill Ryan and his mission. The following sounds like a Project Camelot ‘testimony’...

“Hubbard was quoted, “after death, a thetan is carried to a "landing station" on Venus, where it is "programmed with lies," put in a capsule, and then "dumped" back on Earth, where it wanders in search of a baby to inhabit.”

The never ending ‘soul harvesting’ of earth is a part of the SSP narrative, essentially we are stopped from ascending (as in ascension of David Wilcock fame) by the cabal of negative entities farming humanity.

If you believe in this you will likely know about soul contracts. Did you know they are straight out of Scientology?

“Members of the elite church cadre known as Sea Org, for example, sign contracts that pledge a billion years of service throughout successive lives.”

Yes that is the same Sea Org filled with children who are not actually children as they are billions of years old and therefore capable of work from the minute they can hold a scrubbing brush.

Now I am keeping this short but I am hoping to expand on this along with my other observations of the truth movement but I will leave you with this. Do you think there's a conspiracy to dumb down the public via prescription drugs? The doctors use psychiatric babble to label things that are not understood? Who else preaches this message? Did the truthers find this or did they get it from elsewhere?


Congratulations @conciousthinker!
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Awesome thank you! Not sure what everything means exactly just yet but I appreciate being even being mentioned at all! Loving writing again and loving Steemit!

Hey @conciousthinker,

I see you are into some interesting stuff. I don't know much about any of the subjects you dropped on this post. However, looking forward to future content ...

Anyways, welcome to Steemit. Steemit has lot’s of potential. As a newby you must have some questions. I know I did. I created a few articles as I went through my learning curve. For a fast start you can check them out at:

Hope this helps. This is it from me for now.

As a fellow Steemian
Thanks for being here.
You're awesome and I look forward to seeing your content …

Thanks I am still working everything out and it's not as easy as I thought. I will add the articles to a list of tutorials and just sit and get through everything as much as I can. Even the basics of the Markdown (markup?) editor is something I haven't grasped yet. I think I've found an editor for offline formatting and hopefully I can get used to making posts more visual. Thanks

Scientology is out there, just like Narconon, which is owned by Scientology.