How Do You Deal With Trauma

in #psycology5 years ago

Having known so many people with this and even experiencing it myself, it's a difficult journey to find a way to deal with trauma in a healthy way. There are plenty of unhealthy coping mechanisms such as self-harm, alcoholism, drugs, etc.., dealing with your day to day life can be hard and some people might not even know they have it because it can be something so huge it's obvious; yes this caused trauma; or something that seems so irrelevant that you don't want to believe you're reacting this way. When someone is in that rut it's almost impossible to come out of it without real help, some people are stuck in the situation if their trauma is a relative like someone they're stuck with whether it be a child and their parents, or college roommate, etc. The journey is long and only the victim can really move from it, but for anyone struggling, I hope this video might help a little.

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How does Larry deal with trauma? He avoids going outside where Cops exist as much as humanly possible. They will literally beat you and arrest you for absolutely no reason, whatsoever. Well, there is a reason but, it falls into the category of "conspiracy theory" which means no one would do any research on the topic, nor accept facts. So, why bother sharing? Also, if Christ and Satan were standing in the same room as you, you likely wouldn't know which one was Christ. You, like everyone else, would likely approach Satan first, reach out your hand, and shake his hand unconditionally then spit upon your savior. The best people we know in the world are the kinds of people that Christians spit upon daily. Besides, if the Christ is back, why do we still see Satanic symbols virtually EVERYWHERE? Why do Satanists run the show, still? I haven't seen any of these wicked people put behind bars, exactly. They roam free and rape children, all the while Cops are being paid to look the other way then beat the shit out of innocent people instead. Oh well. Best of luck in your waiting for your savior's triumphant return. It probably won't be nothing like you imagine. Cheers!

How to take a topic and twist it down a rabbit hole