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RE: Are You Thinking Other People's Thoughts? Expert Shows How Subliminal Programming Influences Us Without Us Noticing.

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

I turned off the t.v. in 1990 because I could no longer stand the commercials and did not care for most programming. I was 21 years old and this wasn't a big jump for me since I weened myself from most programming in junior high. Friends, reading, and creating art were far more important than the talking box.

With all the info that is out there, I am still surprised that anyone watches most media at all. Don't get me wrong, I had a Netflix account for a couple of years but dropped it this last spring due to the overwhelming dark and lowest common denominator programming. I love a good story but would rather not support companies, especially big ones, that seem to be pointing society towards its demise.

After the holidays, I will be cancelling my Amazon prime account next. The only way we can stop this downward spiral is to stop supporting it, like you said.

Thank you @ura-soul for this post. I have hope when I see people waking up from the programming.

P.S. I am wondering if the programming in the second video would have taken so well if more time had passed after all the inputs or if the advertisers would have had more than 30 minutes to come up with the ad?


I have never really been into TV. As a child I watched cartoons of course. The older I got the more I realized that I enjoyed reading most. I had a netflix account as well. Didn't really use it. But I remember a movie I came across, that had me canceling my subscription that day. It was beyond inappropriate as they showed a child actor, not an adult playing a child but a child mimicking a sex act on an older child. I was sick. It was almost as if this type of behavior was being considered okay. I had so many questions, who were the girls parents? How could they be okay with what she was portraying? It made me think of that BRUNO movie, where he was casting babies and kids and suggesting ridiculous things they would have to do and the parents were okay with it.

I never watched the "Bruno" movie, but I remember it being a bid deal.

I am glad that you noticed how wrong the programs are these days and stopped watching them. There is a dark agenda at work right now (and maybe longer than we realize) and the more who disengage from this matrix the better we all will be.

There is so many other things to do in life besides watching the "boob tube."

Take care @brandi !

Very good, yes, I got rid of my TV about 10 years ago and don't miss it at all. By using the computer and internet to watch selected videos, I have a greater capacity for discernment and the process is more used as a part of an interactive, learning and communicative experience that inspires consciousness, rather than the passive brainwashing that the older technology facilitates.

There are very few large corporations I would ever give any 'money' to if any kind of independent alternative exists.

Agreed. I think the biggest hurdle we face is helping others (and ourselves) to start small, community businesses. It starts with the kids. We need to empower them to learn a craft and start a small business at an early age. So much to be learned by all who participate. (And don't worry, I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately. I will be writing about it in the near future.)

There are several problems with starting a 'business' - not least that the entire financial system is specifically designed for enslavement, so by chasing the financial carrots - we trap ourselves... More radical changes are necessary now.

As a person who is private contractor and has started several small businesses, I am going to respectfully disagree.

While people are making, or rather waiting, for radical change, we can barter and trade for goods and services now. Country folk help each other readily since we know that it could be us one day that needs the help.

I believe and have seen (and have participated) in many small acts that over time have had real positive consequences. I don't feel trapped only sad that others don't see a way out of the matrix. My goal is to help them find their way out.


Having worked directly with international investment banks on their software and also with some of the world's richest people (a very small selection) - plus also having studied the financial systems and associated governmental systems, I am 100% certain that the financial systems are designed for enslavement - there is no other mathematical or logical way to describe the situation. The system is designed so that those who do not examine it will not see it for what it is.

Right. Luckily, true happiness does not involve making lots of money. I am just looking for ways to simplify life while enriching it. Blessings!