Some great psychological facts people don't know.

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

1 - People who laugh even on silly jokes are the most depressed persons.
2 - You start to hum the music after hearing even if you didn’t intend to listen.
3 - Most people tend to shake their legs or feel like falling while sleeping because of their dreams.
4 - Most people choose INDEX finger whenever you ask them to choose one.
5 - If a person is biting his/her nails, it means they are thinking about something important.
6 - People forget to notice things when they are tensed even if it is in front of them.
7 - The people who prefer window seats in every transport like to be alone during the travel.
8 - People who write a lot of poems never have had a chance to express their feelings to that person.
9 - Many people are afraid to be more happy since they have a fear that something bad will happen.
10 - People with high levels of testosterone get pleasure from the anger of others.