modify the behavior and habits of a psychopath by the use of carrot if not stick.
I do not believe that a psychopath behavior can be changed with reward . It may cause a change in a decision but not the root problem . You cannot teach empathy . There are evil people in this world and they will never change . I am referring to true psychopath not them that could / might fit into the mold somewhere . There are people with psychopathic tendencies , They are not psychopaths , manipulative bastards , but not psychopaths
I agree with the response by rob.roache .
We here in American probably have between 80 - 120 active psychopaths right now . The number of psychopaths in our society is somewhere around 1 % of our population , That's a lot of people .
I don't know if I put this in the right place (chain)
What to do with true psychopaths is an interesting question. Sea-steading is a concept that billionaires such as Peter Thiel, are considering as a way to escape government interference and ensure personal security. Such man-made self-sustaining islands could be constructed and true psychopaths might be banished to these islands to live out their days where they won't be a danger to the general public.
Separation from people seems the only way to ensure true psychopaths might be prevented from damaging their surrounding humans. I would only suggest this for psychopaths at the high end of the spectrum. Serial rapists and pedophiles could also be quarantined on these islands due to their inability to change and their danger to people who surround them.
I don't want to sound cruel but there is only two things that can be done . One is to remove them completely as you suggested and the second is to send them to God and let him figure it out . I prefer the later
Yeah, send them back to their maker for him to figure out what went wrong. lol