My take on depression - Learn how to get rid of it

in #psychology7 years ago


Hello steemians! As this is my first post in psychology, it is only fair that you know from where I´m coming from. As a
regular human, I´ve had my fair share of problems, psychological too. I´m not special in that sort, most people have felt depression, anxiety, panic attacks at one time or another during their lives, some(like myself) have even tried to commit suicide. What makes me just a little special is that, unlike most people who had their life turn into hell by their own minds, I spent years figuring out how minds work, since they don´t come with an instruction manual, and had success in getting rid of many mental disorders(or as i prefer to call them "mental viruses") that plagued my own brain. To all those I mentioned, add OCD, hypochondria, bipolar disorder and some others. I´m not saying that there are no physically based mental disorders, far from me to say that, but I´ve discovered that most of them are just "software glitches" in our thought patterns.

If you´re asking how can they be ONLY "software" glitches since you are positively sure you experience lots of physical symptoms from your mental disorders, well all I can say is that everything that affects the mind, affects the body and vice versa, its a closed system, and with its own reinforcement loops. So in the same way a hypertense person usually learns to take everything lightly and to control his rage, if you change how you think, it will help your body, it can never hurt to learn to think in better ways.

Btw, I´m no guru, and I´m in no way encouraging anyone to stop seeing his/her psychiatrist or to stop taking medication. A good psychiatrist can help, and medication can stabilize you, but if you learn better thinking and how to debug your brain, you will have done 80% of his work already, and when you get there, your psychiatrist will find you more stable and happy, more resolute and trustworthy since you can now "take your own mental garbage outside without much help". On the other hand, if you don´t learn how to think better and debug your own brain, you will be depending on doctors to do it for you and on medication to stabilize you each time something goes wrong in your life.

My take on depression:

If hate is the opposite of love, depression is its sad brother, a sense of futility that invades the person who feels it and drains him from the energy of doing anything mundane or even pulling together and trying to change. Instead, the depressed person seeks refuge in momentary insta-happiness like the ones addictions seem to promise us, and from there goes the downward spiral. A quicker path to the end would be to consider suicide right away. Depression is actually a symptom, that we are disconnected from our life coping resources. Those inner resources are what makes life not only bearable, but enjoyable.

How does it feel to be disconnected from our inner resources? It feels as if we are not happy with the current state of our lives, powerless or too tired to change it, and we fear the pain that comes with making an effort. What we don´t realize is that we haven´t learned neither to enjoy the process of changing(or don´t even believe we can change) nor the little things of life themselves. Yes, I know you are probably a little angry at me saying that´s not the case, but look really deep into yourself and you will probably realize there are some similarities.

Now the good news: you can totally learn to enjoy life... I did, and there is not a single day I have regretted making the effort to do it! Whatever unsurpassable metaphorical mountain of things or goals you "must do to be happy" lies ahead of you, you can learn to climb, or maybe you can take another road through the valley, or skip alltogether, realize its in YOUR power to choose your direction. Yes, stop blaming others, I know they contribute to your misery occasionally, but you and only you are at the helm of your boat, and in the long run you can steer it to wherever you want, even if in the short term you need to focus on learning how to navigate. I know you still don´t believe me, its ok. But lets recap, when you think about it, you are not powerless at all, you can learn to change your life into what you want, even if you have to go slowly at first, you can also learn to enjoy that change, and to be happy with the little joyful things that you experience. Will you have bad moments? Totally! I´m not here to tell you that "everything is and will always be perfect" or that you need to "always think positively", even when there is a nail going through your foot(metaphorically, or even literally). Yes, postivity helps, a lot, but its not realistic to deny every problem you have by thinking ONLY good things. Instead, what you can do is to make a pact to yourself that "every negative thing you say to yourself about a situation, should be said in a way that facilitates a solution, and never to punish yourself." If I had a literal nail through my foot, my first thought would be to cure it by going to a hospital(focus on the solution first), and then I would go about it cursing in every language I know. Far from me is to "Flanderize" the experience by saying "everything is allright, its just a scratch." As you can see, it IS possible to be both REALISTICAL and POSSITIVE THINKING. But in retrospective you will see that those bad moments once they are gone, will have made you a more resilient person, and they will have left you with more confidence in yourself(even if you screw up sometimes - that´s called being human and being "in-training").

What a magnificent road lies ahead of you! Yes yes, I know you still don´t believe me. The old me wouldn´t have believed myself even if I could travel to the past and actually told myself that same thing. What? What happens if you fail in your quest? Well, once that you have established that you want to get a better life, are predisposed to work to change for the better and accept that you need to learn how to enjoy yourself in the process, and that there will be some bad days every now and then(in which you will also learn important stuff that will help you after that) you can also realize that THERE IS NO ROAD. If I really really wanted to get somewhere, lets say a vacation spot that was 500km away from where I am, I could go about it in train, bus, car, etc. The train could get cancelled, the bus could break in the middle of the road, or my car could get a flat tire, all those would stop me temporarily. But what if I REALLY wanted to get there - life or death-like situation? I bet I could even go by foot or hitch a ride right? You could probably too. So its not really a question of getting there, but rather of "what are we going to let us stop us from getting there". Do you really want it bad enough? Ask yourself that. It´s ok if you discover you don´t.... just reorder your list of priorities, you always can do that, and be happy with the new order they take.

You can read this post and remember this new outlook every day, not because I said it so, but because it will help you figure out what you really want, and how you can go about it in a way that actually produces change. Don´t believe me, try it. And don´t think this is magic, you will see some initial change, and you will be happy about it, but you will have to keep working on yourself for years and years to become a more resilient, life-enjoying person.

And leave me your questions if you want.

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The depression can be generated by response to an event such as the death of a family member, losing a job, breakup, moving out of a country, or as a result of a blockage in a neurotransmitter that requires the use of psychopharmaceuticals as regulators or known for antidepressants. And yes, nothing is done with consuming drugs if they do not acquire coping skills, but for that there are psychologists.

Yes, professional help is always good. But also, that depends on the person, it should be a case by case basis. I had friends who went through terrible traumas and overcame them, and grew from them on their own. If you read my post, you will see that my position on that is that one should always professional help when we really need it, but that should not be a crutch that prevents you from growing psychologically by putting all the responsability on a third person. Mental health and learning how to manage your brain is a responsability of each one of us, and while there are some really nasty psychiatric conditions out there that require the use of hard pharmaceuticals, most of them do not. There is a tendency to prescribe those with the same levity as aspirin(I´m not saying that every psychiatrist does, just that is a general tendency). We live in the culture of the quick fix, and that is not always the best road to take in the long run. And btw, I HAVE done therapy and I did went to both psychologists and psychiatrists when I really really needed help, and it helped. Then, after 10 years of consulting a variety of them, my last one tried to greatly foment a dependency to her(of course, I had given her a paycheck every month for a long time), but I was feeling well and stable at the time. She said I would relapse into my own problems if I did stop seeing her, and guess what? I didn´t. I´ve been more than 10 years stable and depression free, and learned how to overcome a whole other variety of psychological problems(I also speak of that in the post). I´m not saying that most professionals try to create dependency, but some out there surely do, as did mine. I don´t repent going to therapy though, but honestly I think I should have evolved therapy(and psychodrugs) like 5 years sooner.
Anyway, that was my personal experience, and now that we´re in agreement that its ok to seek professional help if you really need it(as I stated in the main post, but I´m restating here in case it wan´t read thoroughly enough). Also as I stated before with the metaphor of the computer technician(and leaving the really bad cases of physically induced mental problems out of the example), there are a great many people who are just too lazy to learn to properly use their own computer, let alone their brain, these people will live and depend on professional help because of their lazyness. There will always be a need for a great number of proffessionals. :D

the @boomerang whitepaper.This post has received a 2.2 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @wolfenlord@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read

You should write more of this topics depression is dangerous l feel depressed most of the time but lf l read this topic and people who went through it l'm quite relieved

I will... one of the things that motivated me to write these topics, is that most therapists(not all of them) will often help you a lot coping with individual problems of your life over several sessions, however they won´t teach you how to learn from, be at peace with your emotions, and evolve. That is supposed to be our job(as in... each person needs to learn how to mature for himself/herself), not theirs, and self help books cover only the very surface of that and most of them are not even practical at all.
Maybe you want to share(just what you feel comfortable sharing) what do you feel depressed most of the time about?

You got a 0.36% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @wolfenlord!

Excellent note, yesterday I made a poem about depression, because I suffer from it, and in that poem you touch on themes of why we have suffered so much, I invite you to read it... it will also help you, too.

Thanks man, i´ve read it and trust me, I understand. Now, I`m telling this from your future(or rather a possible one), once you learn how to manage it, it will be like this: if depression is the sea, you feel like knowing how to swim. You only go under the water if you want to for a short while(listening to a melancholic song can be "fun" sometimes). That is why I don´t suffer from depression anymore, I enjoy those brief moments, and know how to get out when it doesn´t bring me anything positive.

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the @boomerang whitepaper.This post has received a 1.4 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @wolfenlord@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read

Thank you for this post. Something I've learned is one of the first steps in dealing with these kind of issues is that sometimes you can't do this alone and you need to reach out to friends or professionals for help in order to deal with it.

Indeed, but that doesn´t mean that you will always be depending on others. In this respect(and only this one, don´t get me wrong, brains are infinitely more complex than cars or computers), its just like fixing a car or a computer: maybe you don´t know how to do it alone at first, and people can help you a lot. Once you know how to do it, you need to take responsability about keeping it functioning well since its just like your car or your computer. And over time, all those things that appeared as huge unsurmountable problems, will be a lot smaller to the future you who knows how to deal with stuff. However, sharing our problems with a friend or professional always help us feel contained as we learn how to cope with it.

I've suffered from depression because of the death of my mom, it's not that I blame others but I blame myself. I think I need to forgive myself to move on. It's hard when you think that you hadn't done enough.. anyways..Thank you so much for sharing this @wolfenlord ! Resteemed!

Well you´re right on the spot when you say that you need to forgive yourself and move on. I don´t know your particular case and I´m assuming you don´t want to discuss something as personal as that on an open forum, but you need to realize something: even if you were right about not doing enough for her, we ALWAYS do only as much as our knowledge and conscience(im not referring to the ability to distinguish right from wrong but to the side of us that is evolved and responsible enough to look at the whole picture from all angles) at the time allows us to do. I repeat: we can only behave as our inner maturity allows us to behave and can only do as much as we know how to do in a given time. So you can see, punishing yourself for it is useless. It´s like beating a 3 year old child because she doesn´t know mathematics. It is much more useful to you in the long run(and less painful) to remember everything important you learned from the experience and embrace that you are fallible(can make mistakes) like everyone else. If you truly want something better to do about it than punishing yourself, make a solemn, honest vow to yourself not to make that same mistake again, and after that, let go off your guilt.

"make a solemn, honest vow to yourself not to make that same mistake again, and after that, let go off your guilt." Move on and let go! I will look forward on your future posts. I hope soon my eyes will smile again. 😊I appreciate this alot @wolfenlord , thank you! I will keep these things in mind and will definitely take your advice..

This comment has received a 0.66 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @wolfenlord.


Good job.

What's up.

I´m sure you won´t read this so I´ll confess: I´m a vampire and I sacrifice blood virgins every day to Satan.
Stop commenting like a bot, show some initiative and at least google translate your thoughts. Ellaborate your comments a little, its not hard. ;)

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the @boomerang whitepaper.This post has received a 1.4 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @wolfenlord@boomerang distributes 100% of the SBD and up to 80% of the Curation Rewards to STEEM POWER Delegators. If you want to bid for votes or want to delegate SP please read

thanks for sharing..
its really good stories

I think that its very important to set some smaller goals in life that are achievable

Indeed, progress is like a stairway: its easier to go about it in smaller steps.

i read your post...its really good tories..
i like your post...dear @wolfenlord

nice story on life how to get ride of depression tha for sharing.

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