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RE: Fan Death - A Curious Superstition

in #psychology8 years ago

Interesting. I live in Asia in a country where the blades of fans aren't always covered with a wire grill or whatever you call it. They just have the blades, nothing between you and the blades. Whenever I see one of these I am strongly tempted to put a hand into it and watch my fingers go flying off.


Now that is dangerous - can't believe those kind of fans would still be made!

The ones I normally encounter are usually in a public bathroom, up above the urinals in the men's room, very small but still big enough to take at least a couple fingers off. However, I have seen on occasion, a normal fan, an old one in which the protective grill thing has fallen off but the blades and motor still functioning with the thing blazing away sitting on the floor where a toddler could walk into it. Unfortunately, safety is not first in parts of Asia.

I can imagine!