• Rule: If a card has a vowel on one side, then it should
have an even number on the other side.
• Task: Turn over the minimal number of cards to validate
the rule.
• Rule: If a card has a vowel on one side, then it should
have an even number on the other side.
• Task: Turn over the minimal number of cards to validate
the rule.
So I guess if you turn over A there will be an even number and if 8 was flip it would show a vowel.
You would need to turn over two cards - A and 3. A is a vowel so we need to confirm the rule. K is not a vowel so we ignore this card. 3 is not an even number so we need to make sure that there is no vowel on the other side in order to confirm our rule. 8 is an even number but we can ignore this card because the rule only states that an even number needs to be present if a vowel is on the card but not the other way around. A and 3 are our cards :)