[Edit]Peace of Mind - How to find your Happiness [1/2]

in #psychology9 years ago (edited)

You do a lot of thinking but you don't take action

There a many things that prevents us from being happy and successful. The worst problem, however, lies within ourselves. Whether it's general worries about the future, regrets, decisions or self-worth, we're so often stuck inside our own heads that it feels like there's no way out.

What is peace?

The cause of stress, anger and worries is that things don’t go the way we expect them to. We start to blame any others but us. But it is us who expect. There is a simple way to avoid these problems: Expect the unexpected. Expect something to go wrong from the beginning hence it will relief you. To be able to love someone you need to start love yourself. This is often the cause when people want to be loved but don't give love in return.

Stop overthinking and create peace of mind

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
―Vivian Greene

Bad feelings can seriously harm the body as it turn to become a vicious circle. The outcomes are increase risk of mental health problems which results in a overall bad heal condition. Fortunately there are ways to find happiness in life and techniques to stop overthinking:

  • Meditation

    Simple and consciously breathing can be a very powerful tool for creating a state of mind. The way we breathe influences our condition and emotions. By slowing down our breath we are getting clam and start to relax. The right technique reduces cortisol and stress hormones which has a healthy impact on us. There are many other ways of meditation which might help but proper breathing worked best to me.
    : The power of meditation is very underestimated by many. For those who want to get more information about Meditation I recommend to read this great post about Meditation https://steemit.com/health/@sirwinchester/meditation-benefits-techniques-tips-and-info-for-beginners
  • Trust yourself: To heal and grow requires trust in yourself. Start to follow your intuition and believe in your abilities. Think of what you have achieved so far and that you only can do better in life. When you wake up go and stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself following words: Today is my day. I know I can do everything and no one can stop me. Repeat it.
  • Be Patient: Give yourself some time. Take your time. It better to achieve your goal step by step slow and steady instead of rushing it and making mistakes. Correcting the mistakes you do can me much harder and take more time. Remember that overthinking does not lead to insight.
  • Tire the body out and get healthy: Doing sports is probably haven the best impact on your overall health. By moving your body you release happiness hormones and you feel better. You won't have time to think about other things why you are swimming for instance :)
  • Forgive but don't forget: Most people don't forgive and don't forget or even worse they forget but don't forgive! Don't be that guy. Everyone makes mistake. Mistake are actually good because we can learn and grow from them
  • Start getting creative: Read new books. Reading helps you to get knew perspectives. Ask the person you admire the most what his three favorite books are and read them. Start planing your day. Write a schedule and write down what your goals are. At the end of the day or week evaluate if you reached your goals and if not why.

Try to grow every day - little by little

I recommend you to challenge yourself every day with task you don't do usually.
Here are the first seven task:

  1. Take one picture each day
  2. Take a 30 minute walk each day
  3. Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator for an entire day.
  4. Put some money in a savings account
  5. Take a class for a new hobby
  6. Write a summary about your day
  7. Write down a list of your future hopes, dreams and goals

Note: If persistent negative thoughts are really interfering with your life, seek a therapist’s help.
#overthinking #health #science #peace #life #stress


hi love the post i will be featuring it today

Hey dragonslayer109,

it makes me happy to see that you enjoy it!
Best wishes to you

Great Post! Thank you for the advices

This is not quite the point of your post, but I feel it necessary to say that the "power of positive thinking" won't fix it all. Often, there are issues underlying the negative thoughts, and if those root issues aren't addressed (trauma, etc.), then all the positive thinking in the world won't help. In that regard, I appreciate your note:

If persistent negative thoughts are really interfering with your life, seek a therapist’s help.

That is important.

I also really appreciate your encouragement for meditation and for exercise. I'm studying Somatic Depth Psychology (see my intro here, and hopefully more to come soon) and the deep connection between body and mind is often overlooked. Sometimes just simply moving energy through your body (via breath work, walking, swimming, dancing around your living room, etc.) can create a great sense of relief.

Thank you praisenoone,

hope it will help