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RE: How Gamers Master Their Skills

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

I played Call Of Duty for years- I would guess I was a little above average- never used any sort of glitches or cheats- I mean what's the point of playing a game if you're going to cheat right? I retired with a 1.28 kill/death ration- not too bad for a guy in his late 40's right?

I always thought it was funny how surprised the spring chickens were to here my older voice when I miked up- many of them thought that perhaps they were the first gen of gamers and an old man like me had no business gaming much less being reasonably good- sorry kiddies but if you weren't playing pong and Atari 2600 in the 70's then you're a newbie in my book- LOL

For years I would play an average 2 hours per day. One day I gave it some thought as to how depraved it really was that here I was making a game out of simulating the killing other human beings. After some thought I dropped it cold turkey and haven't picked up a controller in 3 or so years. It wasn't long after that I dropped cable TV and stopped watching broadcast TV of any sort.

I believe this along with other lifestyle changes including a vegetarian diet and avoiding chemicals and radio frequencies from smart meters/wi fi (as much as one can anyway) has played a significant role in raising my awareness and my connectivity to the universe. This in turn allows you to really sharpen what I believe is now my most powerful and most important sense- my intuition. I also took measures to maximize and fine tune my pineal gland (third eye) which is like our modem to the universe.

I am absolutely convinced that broadcast/cable are designed to lower that connectivity via various frequencies, subliminal messaging- and of course games like COD desensitize us to violence and make us less compassionate and empathetic towards our fellow human beings.

I will say that games like COD can definitely help keep you mentally sharp as well as eye hand coordination. If you play live against other real people then it certainly helps you hone your combat skills- sure you aren't going through the physical motions that a real soldier would BUT with some muscle memory and physical conditioning that can be developed in a relatively short period of time. The reason I believe games like COD live can really sharpen combat skills it it can really make you good at understanding how others think and staying one step ahead of them.


So much time in people lives are wasted in these cul-de-sacs that go nowhere. Games are detrimental to humanity. We lack self-control, and then immerse so much of our lives wasted in pointless games that won't serve our real live or help us get anywhere productive in life, to do something good in the world, etc. Despite enhancements to reflexes or some types of thinking, overall its a waste of time that we get sucked into because its a funner, alternative reality that is less boring than our regular lives. That's why "augmented" fake-reality is popular, games are popular because they take us into another world that is less boring than the lives we have created for ourselves here. Thanks for the feedback.

Agree 100%- I only pointed out the 'positives' before somebody else did- it's obvious that they pale in comparison to the negatives.