
would they have done only out of their goodness of their heart for no money or is there a part of greed that motivated their actions?

What is the most powerful to make a profit? Self-profit and creating a way for lots of people to make a profit so that the value of your ownership goes up?

I think freedom motivated their actions, Steem is giving people power over their own work and the opportunity to sell their content in a fair and free marketplace.

would they have done only out of their goodness of their heart for no money or is there a part of greed that motivated their actions?

What i do know is that part of the brilliance of capitalism is that people who contribute greatly may be rewarded greatly for their contributions. I personally see this as a good thing. What i do not endorse however is that this reward system dissolves into a hyper version of itself and results into something that no longer serves the majority. Which is what you see when... you look out your window.I don't know, you should ask @dantheman and @ned

I think @ned and @dantheman wouln't have invested that much time and energy without the appeal of massive gain. But that's just my opinion.

Future will tell. What would do you mean by "something that is not serving the majority"?

The 80/20 principle is impossible to escape and anything that is a level playing field will have a ~20% that will produce ~80% of the results(its even fractal=> 80/20 of 80/20 is 95/5 and again 99/1). So even now, I don't see how it actually serves the majority.

I am curious of your answer. Maybe I am not seeing a scenario that you are seeing.

Maybe its my impression but i have the feeling that your getting defensive because some don't fully agree. So again, i enjoyed reading your post.
I'm rather confused by your math and interpretation of the pareto principle but i assume that your point is that things aren't fair, never have been and never will be. So if 200000 years of human evolution accumulates into a world where a handful flies around in gold plated jumbo jets while the majority starves and you are perfectly ok with that then i rest my case.

I am not okay with people dying or starving. Of course not. It's just that I don't believe equality of outcome is possible since we are all very different and have varying level of skills and abilities.

The pareto principle is brutal, but its just the way things are setup. 80% of the traffic occurs on 20% of the roads. 80% of the beer is drank by 20% of the beer drinkers, so on and so forth. It's just everywhere in nature.

What or whoever created this space we call reality, didn't have equality of outcome in mind. So, I am simply wondering how anything can serve that majority equally. If you have an answer, I am all hear. The only answer I can come up with is with the proverbial "Tides rises all ships".