Let's just put it this way:
EVERY DAY i get called 'sir'. How do you think it feels to be one of the ONLY female dolphins on this platform?
Great article. The idea that only men are breadwinners is absurd.
Women have been creating the next generation of humanity and also creating economic activity for as long as humans have been alive.
The first computer programmers were women, that is, until men decided they wanted to take over that field, which they did.
Men are better at exploiting opportunities, just look all around you.....
The exploitation skill is what needs to be studied, as that is what is actually going on.
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It blows my mind how people can just make such non-sense claims without understanding why it's that way.
Just like how one person mentioned in the comment of that post saying men end up with "the most money and power", people must assume you to be a dude as well; oh someone with a 75 reputation, isn't blogging about travel or food; HAS to be a guy. Honestly, your username is a pretty good indication of how that thought is easily falsifiable.
There definitely are a good chunk of men who do this; workplace, Hollywood (as we've recently seen many celebs come out and talk about the assaults), YouTube, Twitter, everything.
Classic example is how Watson and Crick, the famous men behind the discovery of the helix shape of DNA, stole Rosalind Franklin's work and took credit for it. Not cool boys.