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RE: Study Suggests LSD Dissolves The Ego - Could Be Used To Treat Mental Illness

in #psychology7 years ago

A lot of mental illness today is caused by discordant social conditioning. Those who hold power in our social environment no longer have our best interests at heart and our education and religious systems are not just teaching but are forcing unnatural and contrived ethics on us. The ego is constructed from our social conditioning but the inner forces (call it God, the Spirit, the other side) are increasingly at odds with the social conditioning. Because the social conditioning no longer benefits us, we don't really know what to do. In order to get guidance from the Spirit, the ego does, indeed, need to be cracked but that is too painful and costly for many individuals to do.

LSD might be a temporary way or a doorway into a more sane existence. It should not be seen as a long-term solution.

I don't think LSD is a cure for true schizophrenia because it would probably make those problems worse. As far as I can make out, true schizophrenics lack the appropriate filters in their rational/logical/egoic minds to discern between the positive (creative) and negative (demonic) forces that naturally arise from the "other side". Everything within manifests without and it can be too physically destructive for society to deal with.

A person who hears voices in their head or who has other types of visual or auditory or sensory hallucinations might be diagnosed with schizophrenia by the psychiactric "professionals" but many people live with voices in their heads and they are not mentally ill - many consider it to be the way that their inner selves communicate with their egoic selves.

I don't find the psychiatric/psychological studies that you mentioned to be particularly ethical. People are made into guinea pigs and the knowledge gained is often used to manipulate people rather than help them.

Good luck with your health!


Very good points, thank you!

I agree that those in a position of power have been abusing the trust they have been given by their position in a supposedly professional setting.
Consider the abuses that have been and are arguably still being carried out by the MK Ultra program/s, the people subjected to these programs have reported the same symptoms of the schizophrenic patients.
LSD was used in conjunction with other methods like electroshock therapy etc. to try and bring about a total mind wipe and reprogramming of people who were considered to have a history of mental health issues.
LSD has been a positive in my experience, but when placed in the hands of unethical practicioners, it can be used to control people for ends that are never going to be positive for the person who is receiving the "treatment".

1979 ABC special on CIA mind control is very disturbing. They tortured people for no good reasons. It is very sick.

I like the smugness of these interviewees and how they think that somehow the were not at fault, but were interested in how they could manipulate people.
This was back when the media was doing Real Investigative Reporting! You just can't see this type of reporting now, for the most part!