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RE: Valued Insight: What Fear Really Is And How To End It!

in #psychology7 years ago

Great article! Fear being a denial of our power ties into fear being a disempowering state of mind vs courage being an empowering state. Also ties go hand in hand with there being only two ways to act/react: fear and love. Fear takes away our power whereas love allows us to embody our power.


yes, courage is heart presence and is essentially also 'christ' - but that has all been warped excessively in mass consciousness at this point. technically, fear is not the pure/total opposite to love though - fear needs loving acceptance and to be healed. guilt is a truer opposite to love as it is an absence of love or intention to do anything at all - it just prevents love and empowerment. guilt is a form of fear - so it is not entirely wrong to say that fear is an opposite to love - but i feel the distinction needs to be made. guilt does not respond to love, whereas essence that is in fear will usually do. <3