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RE: Peak Performance – Go with the Flow

I had a problem with this. I used too use drugs. Heroinen and amphetamin and many more.

When i am high i can have the flow you are speaking about for many hours.. sometimes over days. 4 years ago as i went clean i never experienced the flow.

I har to learn how to do it sober.

Today it's more easy to me to achieve this feeling/state of beeing.
But not for an long time as on drugs.

But i guess it is a progress and all i all i am way more happy about my life sober.

I have more quality, i am more precent, no need to stress ør hustle for enough drugs( which you really cant get enough of)

This was a interesting reading. Made me more focused about how i should focus and that it is important for me to dont stop making creative projects only because i am sober.

Thanks man. Have a great day!


Wow, I'm really happy to hear, that you were able to get clean!
Some of my friends are really struggling with this, so I know how incredibly hard it can be :/

Thanks a lot for your appreciation. Take care! :)

It's a lifelong struggle. Can never be sure you wont relapse.

But life is better clean.