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RE: Psychology Addict # 42 | Me & The Uber Driver + The Art of Listening

in #psychology7 years ago

This just brought to reminisce what we were taught in our freshman year in college about critical listening (I think it's GST107 - Good study guide)... But the truth is; some people just "hear"; as it were; but not "listen". "Listening" that used to form an integral part of our everyday lives is now going into oblivion - and plus the world is getting more busy and noisy. Some people no longer see the need for critical listening, but no doubt, there's no feeling as divine as finding a listening ear.

Nice piece as usual Abbey


Hello Sammi 😊

I think you have summed it all up when you said hear vs listening. This is an accurate straight-forward way of putting it. Plus, I love how you finished this comment Sammi. I even read it aloud to my husband. This is beautiful:

there's no feeling as divine as finding a listening ear.


I wish you a most wonderful weekend my dear.
Take care & lots of love from Portugal! :*

I'm really honoured by the reply to my comment, Abbey. My regards to your husband.

Have a blessed weekend, and be good 😍