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RE: Me Vs Depression & Anxiety- I Won the battle today!

in #psychology7 years ago

Congratulations for winning the battle!

The battle never ends as long as we're still breathing, most importantly the spiritual battle. Life in this world is a warfare towards our ultimate purpose where we belong after facing the final reality of death.

By the way, thanks for sharing your story!
It helps me remind everyday to fight the battle.
And those who read your post will also know your story.


Hello, thank you for your feedback, I do appreciate all these comments. Yes you are correct, i think as long as i am striving to continually develop my self in all ways- mentally, spiritually and physically, I will often have phases like this, the trick is learning how to transition through them a bit more smoothly than i am! Hopefully with practice it will get easier, and in the mean time i can share about it openly to help other people know they are not alone! :)

I like this line:

You realised this a few months ago, that you needed a taste of humiliation to ground you again, to remind you to display gratitude, have you forgotten?

I remember the books and writings about holy men who conquered the devil through humility.
There are many books and writings online that we can refer to. Maybe we could ask how is it possible that humility can flee the devil?

I suppose because it's the opposite of an out of control ego? And with humility perhaps you realise that not everything is in your control, you question your personal power and ponder a larger one. Just some thoughts. But yes this was a big realisation for me. I was never super egotistical or anything like that, but i certainly did have a sense of i could do anything i wanted, and some fake sense of power because of that. When in actual reality i had no power, my self power is weak and my ego power was far too strong. I did need some humiliation to make me aware of this, and ponder that my success may not have been all my own actions, it seems there are many forces in the working and i truly am grateful for doors that open and people who enter my life at the right time. My mind frame has changed from - I will build my own path- to, -I will follow the path that unfolds in line with my highest and truest self :)

I like your explanation very much!

I heard a sermon being broadcasted on Youtube that says:

Humility Is Knowing Your Place and Taking Your Place

Its accepting the truth who we really are and doing the things intended for us. Am I right? Please correct me.
Actually I don't remember the full sermon, only how the preacher defined humility.

But it doesn't mean that we don't aspire to be better and better every day, because maybe we might fall into pride when we achieve something higher? I'm getting confused now. lol
I guess moderation must be the limit?

It's hard to think about and put into words that make sense isn't it? Ha.

'Humility Is Knowing your Place and Taking your Place'- Yes I was thinking along the lines of what you said which was- accepting the truth of who we really are and doing the things intended for us. For me, I spent so many years working very hard for other people in jobs that mean nothing to me, that do not match up with my goals or aspirations, my personality, i just do them because i need to earn money. Now, i believe each of us has free will, but each of us is also somewhat tangled in fate too. So where I have been focusing all of my energy into my career which I didn't even want it sort of happened by accident, which was not in line with my try self, I have felt much resistance inside and have struggled as is outlined in my blog. But you just carry on because we are scared to take the leap of faith into the unknown. Although I did progress well on that path there seemed to me many obstacles i had to over come, and over the years little doors have opened here or there, or people have entered my life to try and show me the correct path, but at the time i did not see it and i missed the opportunity, that was my free will. And look how i ended up? Back in this pit of depression yet again. When that lesson of humility happened, it was a catalyst for me, a big one, which resulted in much introspection. I saw and started to piece together things I had missed, doors which opened which were nothing to do with my efforts, and wondered who opened them? How did that situation arise? Who governs these things if not always us? My personal power sense felt much less diminished, and a realisation that I actually should be doing something totally different, but how on earth do i get there? How do i make it work? After much turmoil and worrying and thinking about things far too much, just going a little more with the flow and acceptance of- I want to follow the path which is in line with my truest and highest self, things are starting to happen. Momentum is starting to build, and i realise that i have the choice to do whatever i want, but i think my path would be much easier if i took the one that 'fits' me, rather than if i stayed in the management route for the sake of a well paying job and good social status, i would face much resistance on that path trying to swing me back to where my try talents lie. Does that make sense?

No it does not mean i cannot strive to be better or great, it just means- taking your place, stepping off the path which you feel deep down is so wrong for you, and just being true to your self and what you really want to achieve with no fear, which is hard, it takes time. But yes totally taking your place in whatever form that may be, and combining your efforts with whatever unseen force seems to be out there guiding us on our journeys.

Our emotions, all of them, positive and negative as we call them, are not problems that need to be medicated in most cases, there are cases of genetic imbalances and i do not refer to these, but for the most part they are our inner guidance system that is screaming at us and we don't even know this. We just grow to despise the ones that really challenge us and think there is something wrong, i have realised that i ended up feeling so low and anxious because i spent too log ignoring my guiding system, to a point where it's a problem and i have battles like this, but i am taking full responsibility for it, i am trying to navigate my way out of it.

Thanks for that wonderful explanation! What would I call you?
Can I know your first name, if you don't mind?

Anyways, I like this line of you:

But yes totally taking your place in whatever form that may be, and combining your efforts with whatever unseen force seems to be out there guiding us on our journeys.

That unseen force you mentioned maybe the work of your guardian angel, as I could predict it based on my faith, knowledge and experience.
When things get wrong and seems that we've done all our best, and still we fail, to the point of hopelessness, that's the right and perfect time unseen force comes to an aid.

I remember when I was working the year 1998.
I was fixing the door of an elevator in a sugarcane factory, when suddenly after fixing it, the elevator got stuck and could no longer function. I went to the main panel on the top floor that made me bathed my own sweat. I tried checking the connections over and over again, but the elevator was still not moving. It took me about 1-2 hours to fix it but nothing really happened. I sat down and bowed my head, and almost cried. I said, "What must I do?"
After that question, I just tried again to check the connection, and I heard the door of the elevator closing, and it was working!

That was one of my experiences I could remember.