
What you are describing is one of the main issues with the current state of our civilization.
Social networks are used by the masses to try to project an image of themselves that correspond to some kind of ideal they wish they could achieve.
Such a waste of time and energy when focus could be brought into one's life to attain more reasonable and fulllfilling goals.
Too many people try to live in the eyes of others.
I'm glad you found better meanings in life.
Thanks for sharing.


Faking it hmm the worst disease you can ever think of.

Living a fake life is the worst disease on earth. At the time of you doing it, you wont notice but as time goes, you will surely regret wHile you engage in such.

A lot of girls especially on Facebook snap and show off what they dont own and at the end missed out on who has interest in them.

My advice is try to be who you arE

but if you say faking it is cool then go ahead, as you have you life to leave

But have it in mind that faking it is simply fooling your self


Rather crazy that such a strategy is promoted/adviser, isn’t it...?


Some girls also love those apps for beautification called beauty plus. What this app does is to make you look more prettier than the original. Now when a boy who loves her sees her pictures, he will be thinking the girl is prettier like that when they met in real life, the man will be disappointed. You see that the reward for faking it is just mockery/destruction @rok-sivante

this topic is one of the best, i really love it

Faking it or comparing ourselves in general deep down has always to do with a lack of Self-Love. "I love you as much as I love myself instead of "I love myself as much as I love you" should be our directive, realizing that we can give Love to others only to the extend we love ourselves and not vice versa.
Exactly this happens with achievement, as placing ourselves second means we are not in alignment with our own unique path and instead attempt to mimic others' path. We are actually disparaging our uniqueness.

But as you conclude, everyone should see themselves what works out for them and what not. What are we to judge? Unconditional Love means complete Acceptance for each one's decisions, knowing that everything in life provides a learning lesson that will inevitably help us grow. Talking other people out of their choices is pointless. Theory is good but what counts most is the PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE.

Thanks a lot for your outspoken style!;)

Brilliantly stated.

Your welcome.


Faking things is so much hard work. As the street language goes, "real recognises real." So, truth be told most fakers only succeed in majority of the instances to hoodwink their fellow fakes. The real guys, often, recognises a fake from a mile off. Nothing beats real as the extra energy you would have dispensed in keeping up with the fake persona could've been better channeled into making something useful out of your life. But this is life, I've seen rare instances of fake guys hitting the big leagues. Just like a blue moon, it only happens once in a while. Thank you.

Amen, brotha! 🙌💓

In my opinion if you will fake your self then you will lose your real self and in my opinion no one can live without their real self means for example the actors and actresses hide their real self under the make up but when they go home they sit with their real self because that's their real thing and if we are faking in aspect of greediness just remember our needs are perishable means for example today we need money and today we are faking for money and one day we really need relationships and in my opinion relationships cannot be developed through faking. Thanks for sharing this post and your experience with us. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

There's a lot of glittery behavior in the spiritual community that I think is very fake. People make their videos and they want to look very beautiful and sparkly and seem like they have it figured out. I will never do that. I appreciate the raw and the real. But what's funny is that now there's this "authenticity" movement among the spiritual community. It has become trendy to be spiritual and say fuck. I'm being so real, guys. But a lot of this is actually fake authenticity. But if you look around at who's successful, people want to watch the bubble gum stuff.

Hallelujah!! 🙌

I remember when I went for a retreat that had in attendance top business men. I had to fake being a successful business man in order to fit in.

Halfway through the retreat, I was fed up with faking it. It was then I was really able to connect with these top guys. One of them later told me that at first it seemed as if I was trying too hard to impress.

If I had kept up the act, that retreat would have been a waste of my time. So fake it till you make for me is definitely not the best approach to life

The Power of a story...

This so well demonstrates some of the key points in here - though rather than just exploring theoretically, provides a perfect example of these dynamics in action.

The fake it make it does not really work for everyone. Seem a lot of persons who has done that in the past and end up missing opportunity of a lifetime, probably the helper felt this person got everything he/she needed so no need to lend a hand.
Like you said, do what works for you,the "fake it"approach doesn't work for me.

probably the helper felt this person got everything he/she needed so no need to lend a hand.

Yes! This was a point I intended but forgot to include - you summed it up perfectly!

sometimes people want to be like other people by covering up all its shortcomings and forcing to display the advantages. whereas a deficiency can be an advantage that can be used.
Thanks @rok-sivante

Excellent point!

I never knew about the original meme and what it was actually about. Thanks for that :)

With that being said I dislike the fake it till you make it/don't make it bullshit. People should be real, with honesty and entigrity.

There are some good old school values that should never fade away into history.

I agree with your words, respecting honesty is the key of everything, not necessarily being fooled by lies. feel great compared to others, I think you have the ability to be able to change everyone who has lies through your writing. Have a nice day @rok-sevante

I agree that authenticity is an important and admirable trait, but I also believe some have a different perspective/outlook on the "fake it till you make it" meme. To some, "faking it" means acting as if. This could mean they are "acting as if" they possess a quality/lifestyle/desired outcome before it's arrived, all while in pursuit of what they want to accomplish. To become what you want to be, you have to act as if you are already that. The universe brings us what we are. So essentially, we have to become, or "fake" what we want, if we are not quite there yet. I hope this is making sense. All I'm saying is perspective is everything. Some are not trying to fool others. They are simply trying to convince themselves they ARE what they want to be. Acting as if it's an extrememly powerful tool, in terms of the law of attraction.

So true! Lie is everywhere: fake gurus teaching us how to live, make business and be happy, fake friends licking your ass but dousing you with shit behind your back...
And who are we ourselves, trying not send to hell all these teachers and be good and friendly for all in this fake world?

I am glad to meet you here.
I see and read your activity.
often support people who do positive things.
how can i be your friend? mr @rok-sivante

I strongly agree, where the importance of a honesty in life, and how false the deceit.

Among the best post i scrolled today...great work are just kissing the reality...

this Phycology post is really read this post everyone will be like it.keep sharing.go ahead

I love meme, gifs because it is an simple and interesting way to convey any message to others. mostly funny which attract and no one can never forget it.

The great post,i like it
I appreciate your post
Very nice
Thanks for sharing


Fake it 'til you make it.

A strategy that definitely is strengthened when you have mainstream propaganda machines on your side... lol :-)

I think this is all related to people's self esteem and the security they have on themselves. Perhaps not everyone is trying to fool others.

I recently posted about hypocrites and these 2 subjects are clearly related. Being a hypocrite is a way of being fake when interacting with other people. But I personally believe not everyone does these things just to deceive.

so curiously broke a. thank you for post

Oh no! I'm actually here to argue you @rok-sivante, I used to think that "fake it til you make it" was the most shallow idea in existence, until I realized that this is one of the main foundations for my life.

"The Epiphany (part one)" ended with my friend watching me standing on a sea of accomplishments. I know exactly which post I'm doing next c: This is one of the hardest pieces to write on my whole board—hope you're ready!


I appreciate the challenge.

And, I offer a counter-challenge...

Perhaps you're not faking it.

Of course, there's only a limit amount I know about you, so I may not be qualified to fully, properly judge. However, I'll make a sort of assumption:

One of the things you may have wanted to "make it" at, is being a successful writer here on Steemit. (Making such an "assumption," based on the effort you've put in towards that ends, as observed.)

Yet, it was very clear early on from when you showed up and started commenting on my posts, you are a great writer.

You won my attention and support quickly, because I recognized several qualities of what it takes to be successful in this game. Those cannot be faked.

Granted, this may just be one arena, and there could be other goals you have which are higher priorities and you feel you've needed to "fake it" until you make it. Nonetheless, this is just one instance - of course, based on my own limited interactions with you - which if it might be such an undertaking where you've been attempting that strategy... sorry, the strategy is useless. Because you don't NEED to fake it. Cuz you already got it.

(You may just not recognize its unfoldment yet.)


Ha! A counter-challenge, welp. I didn't see that one coming.

I gladly accept :D

It's rude of me to make a new post without replying amazing comments first! I wanted to be a successful author on Steemit more than most things. Some days I've been incredibly lazy, but you are correct; effort and success are observed over long periods of time.

I measure my own success by how clearly, and intensely I can get my messages to come across. Two big goals when I write is to one; have the reader get the same picture I have in my head (I don't make memes though!) and two; I want my readers to imagine what I'm like—almost hearing my words as if I'm next to them!

It takes a f***-ton, to "be successful in this game". That's why I can only comment some people and have to choose my connections wisely. You and @clayboyn are my favorite Philosophy writers, and I enjoy commenting you guys, because the topics written are things I share a genuine interest in. My comments can get lengthy, as I ramble when I'm excited about something x'D I'll work on that!

Lol, I'm not gonna make friends with whales if their topics bore me, or are outside my tastes. I would rather invest my time and energy towards building lasting friendships, engrossed in topics that move me.

Heyheyhey, I gotta fake it a little longer if I want to be a superstar someday c;

Why you gotta end it all enigmatic like that! Y'know, Steemit is the only place I've seen that rewards strong virtue and I love it.

I gotta fake it a little longer if I want to be a superstar someday

And I repeat, perhaps from a slightly different angle to attempt clarifying: but you aren’t faking it.

You ARE it.

You may be earlier on in your path than the “success” you’d like, but it’s already in you, unraveling.

Nothing to fake at all. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll arrive at your destination in due time - never because you tried to “fake it,” but because the success is who you are and it was in development all along. 😇💓

"You may be earlier on in your path than the “success” you’d like, but it’s already in you, unraveling."

Aaahhhh! I don't see it because I'm in it. I gotta keep the path c: My goals are real, and patience is and consistency is what I have to hone. I will get there and thank you for believing in me.

I will continue to do my best~ 😃❤

Indeed, sometimes it’s difficult to see aspects of ourselves objective, whereas they’re clear to outsiders/onlookers... :-)

post a very remarkable friend. I really like his friends. hopefully my post will hope like that too