Yes!!! This is all.too familiar to me and I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL. There's a hashtag #ihaveanxietytoo that @mountainjewel started a few weeks ago and @naturalmedicine are currently in their second week of a challenge about how people creatively manage their mental health so you might find some like-minded people going through similar things under that hashtag and the natural medicine hashtag. I think having a discord channel would be great for this so I'm going to put that forward in the natural medicine channel. We were of the Opinion that mental health needs to be destigmatised so we can talk freely about it and get the help that we need and the support from other people going through similar things.
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Thank you for your feedback, it means a lot :) Yes That was my aim too, to try and destigmatise- which is why i explained my previous achievements (not that they were anything overly special) as I have met a lot of resistance to just needing a time out from life, people around me just don't seem to get it. Not everyone, but there are quite a few who seem to just not be able to accept the fact that i need to recoup right now, and probably people in general also can feel that way, when they see someone who they perceive as doing well and how much more successful that person is than them, but it's all irrelevant. Anyone can feel this way irrespective of your job, social or financial status, we just need to start being honest about it. That said, I most likely would not go into such depth and such honesty if my blog was not anonymous. Hence why I made it this way so that i could write like this.
Pardon me for sounding ignorant, is a hashtag different to a regular tag? Or are you talking about the same things? Still finding my way around here..............
Ill check out @naturalmedicine thank you, if anything does progress with a discord support group please let me know, I would love to be involved. :)
Hi lovely. That's what we have found too that people don't understand mental health. There are quite a few of us here that have experienced very similar things. Sorry because I spoke into a dictaphone I probably wasn't very clear. It's just a normal tag. The natural medicine Discord has a Shadow in it for mental health now. Entree is 10 SP and if you can follow the curation trail. This helps support anyone writing about healing and this kind of thing. I haven't seen you your wallet but maybe if you are new you come at the forward to that quite yet in which case we can let you in anyway and you can Delegate later.
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Ah ok cool i have just edited my tags to include the ihaveanxietytoo :)
Nothing exciting going on with my wallet, although I do almost have 10 steem, I wouldn't want to delegate it all right now I need to keep building my SP. But I can delegate a bit further down the line.
Not sure if the dictaphone tripped you again here- 'I haven't seen you your wallet but maybe if you are new you come at the forward to that quite yet in which case we can let you in anyway and you can Delegate later'
Not sure if that means i can join that group now and delgate later, or should i join it when i am able to delegate ??
Ahaha sorry such a long day, that was proper gobbledegook and you probably think I'm a madwoman. Sure pop in and I will give you membership 💚💚💚
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Haha no you should see some of my whatsapp messages! I have the same issue with autocorrect. Cool I have just joined, thankyou :)
Hmmm i couldn't see you in there? Xxx
So that link took me to ecotrain server, I have just posted in the support group room thing tagging you to see if i am in the right place. Ha! Sorry this is all very new to me and i tend to get lost!