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RE: Psychology Addict #24 | Is Psychology a Science?

You are spoiling me! With interesting content and your kind and detailed answer.

As far as the experiment is concerned, most people probably don't connect that with art. Particularly not with my work. But I did another one today. In contrast to science, it is not to prove a theory or fact, but to find a way to produce a certain result. With my reverse glass painting I have to think ahead and plan every layer carefully, to predict, how it all will look together when I turn the painting around and view it from the other side (through the glass)... its a little bit like playing chess. Therefore I frequently do a test (or experiment), to find out, how a procedure or color combination might turn out. Could also be a language thing, as in German "to experiment" can pretty much mean the same as "to try out something"...

With the Milgram's study, I think that today we should behave differently, knowing about the experiment and how it can influence people. I strongly believe, knowledge and education can change a lot of things for the better. My Grandfather, who had problems with the nazis took me to a former concentration camp, when I was 5 years old. I had no clue back then, what it was, but it was just one of his ways to teach me to be aware of injustice and evilness and always resist against it. Interesting thing is, that he was actually a quiet man, only ever raised his voice once. When I broke a branch of his pear tree. The one he had forbidden me to climb up on...

I too find the memory studies fascinating. Mainly, when it has something to do with perception. Do you know the one, where the students were to watch a basket ball (?) game and count how many times the guys with the white shirts had the ball? Something like that. From what I remember, nobody saw the person with a monkey suit on walking through the picture... Similar things happen to me all the time.. I know, because my wife sees everything!

Did a little web search last night.. the book is still available. I also had the CD that Olga Kharitidi did later together with Jim Wilson. I really liked the music. There was one track, that was supposed to be an original recording of a real shaman. Ok.. that sounded a bit weird. But what is really odd, was this: I tried to make a copy of the CD, but that particular piece could not be copied, even with several attempts! I borrowed the CD to a friend who has a professional studio, since he said, he could copy it for sure... never saw or heard it again :-/

All the best for you and your loved ones as well!


It was beautiful reading your description of the steps of your work process @reinhard-schmid, it was like the scene of a movie. It must be so beautiful being a painter :)

Your account of your father made my heart sink a little (if you allow me to be completely honest), but it was nice to hear he is and has always been a calm person. He must be filled with inner peace. I remember you told me not long ago (after Christmas?) that you were thinking of your parents with admiration for the choices they have made in life. How nice!

As for Entering the Circle; yes, I had already checked on Amazon, saw the price and read some (very good) reviews. Definitely on my list !! Sorry to hear about your CD ... oh Gosh! Doesn't that always happen?!

Best and lots of love :)

I feel very privileged with my job and that I am able to make a living as an artist. It can be quite frustrating at times, hard and difficult to accomplish what you want... but then it is often very rewarding, like today, when something gets finished and you are just so totally in love with what you created...

I have come to really admire my parents, but the man I talked about was my Grandfather. My mom's dad. Hope I didn't give you too much of a bad feeling. He was never in one of the death camps. But locked up for some time for being an "enemy of the state" for being a "communist"... just a kind and peaceful man who believed in sharing. Later he was sent to the East front to probably get killed, but he spoke Polish and Russian and repeatedly made friends with the enemies... sorry, looks like I'm getting carried away too far off topic.

Haha... yes, that lost CD really bothers me. And nobody offers a download (must be the shamanic thing). I did see a (used) CD for sale at over 300,- I'd like to have one, but not for that price!

Just read your "Introducing Myself / A letter for the Steemit community" post again, to hopefully get to know you a little better. Had to smile, seeing you with that book about Chile.. I have a colleague there who looks very much like what one can see of you on that photo. Very skilled painter.

Looking forward to what you will tell us next. In the meantime, I see a lot of the past posts looking very interesting!
