It only stands to reason that some old traditions would bear actual benefits. That doesn't change the need for those benefits to be verified by science before wed can be fairly certain of those benefits. It also doesn't change the fact that every meaningless magical legend that turned out to be false in the mean time was a waste of time to hold on to, only allowing us to drag our feet on further progress.
Sorry, but connecting this to capitalism is hacky click-bait on your part. You could have just made this post be about the fad of mindfulness becoming a verified science. The only connection you've made to capitalism is that the fad happened to spread to one or two people who work on Wall Street. Weak sauce.
I get great benefits from mindfulness meditation, which was taught to me by my therapist. Before that, I was very confused by the idea that meditation was about not thinking. Sorry, but I'm a bit too OCD to stop thinking about anything. Either what was being described was another form of meditation still deserving of my skepticism, or it was a poor means of describing mindfulness. Mindfulness is a matter of hyper-awareness on a fixed point that allows you to rise above your own thought processes. Like being the narrator of your own life from a third person point of view. It lowers stress as well as pain, be it physical or psychological pain.
It also allows us to come to grips with serious philosophical questions such as the extent of our actual free will, if we have any. You can determine and deal with your fears, hopes, and self-esteem. Mindfulness allows you to be less of a victim to yourself and your nature than you otherwise would be.