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RE: Psychology Addict # 33 | Visits from Lost Loved Ones & Out-of-Body Experiences

in #psychology7 years ago

I have been a victim of what call sleep paralysis. On one occasion, I had read about this topic a long time ago, but I had not experienced it. And as they say "for everything there is a first time" and it happened.

One night not very pleasant trying to sleep, perhaps part of the stress of the day of work had to do with this event. The sensation of being paralyzed while a part of your senses are awake far outweighs the terror that can touch your pocket and not feel the smartphone.

The senses at that moment receive signals a bit altered from reality, at one point I heard a strange sound that was gradually diminishing, while you are there in the middle of the bed trying to move your body and asking what is going on? And believe me, it's been the worst seconds I've been in bed. Situations like this have occurred as on three occasions and with past experiences has been more bearable but just as scary.

The sensation of being paralyzed while a part of your senses are awake far outweighs the terror that can touch your pocket and not feel the smartphone.

Ahahahaha .... all right! Based on this sentence I am going to diagnose you with Nomophobia 😅

Sleep paralysis are scary indeed! I was interested with the association you made between their occurence and times of stress.

Thank you for sharing your scary story here with us @petvalbra :)