What do women desire?

in #psychology8 years ago

In fact, I'm writing just for women. Because I'm the woman. And to teach men to be men - certainly not me. But to me one evening approached my husband and asked him to write for men. Open it a secret. What do women desire? I could not refuse him.

Therefore, man, I share with you a little secret.

The woman - any - only three requirements. If you think that it is an apartment, car and coat - you are mistaken. Everything is much easier and more affordable.




1.  Closeness

We women are very, very social and are dependent on communication. We do not understand why you go into hiding or are traveling on a fishing trip. Because it is natural for us to meet her friends and socialize.

Everything we do in life, ultimately has one goal - to feel close to other people. We really enjoy intimate conversations with friends, films about intimacy and love.

And we'd like to feel you, to know what is in your heart. We call you and ask: "Where are you?" Several times a day. Not to be controlled. And just to hear what you think about us. At least sometimes.

We live negative emotions, talk about them. Therefore, when we see you in a serious condition, so we want to talk with you (although you at this time I want to be alone). And we want, when we can be difficult for you to speak to us. It is not easy, especially for you. After all, we all together - and the feelings and thoughts, and events. But if you remember, we just need to speak out and cry in your shoulder - perhaps it will be easier.

We do not want tips, recipes resume. We just want you to have listened, they hugged and said, "My little, surely you are now very difficult. But I'm with you. And I love you"

Yes, we want to hear all the time that you love us. For you, it's stupid, but for us - it is necessary as air. We want to understand that today we are as close as yesterday. What do you still love us.

2.  Thanks

We, like you, want to feel valued and needed. It is important to understand that each cooked dinner you accept with gratitude. What do you value every clean shirt in his closet. What is important to you, our beauty and grooming.

We love compliments. Madly. After using them, we feel that you love us. What are you grateful to us and close. At the same time it is very important that your compliments are varied, aimed at our quality and were sincere.

I, for one, is not very pleasant, if a man says that breakfast is great. After all, he is great, but where does I? And you can even a little offended - because he is not himself prepared. But if her husband says I'm the best cook in the world, I'm melting.

Yes, we can melt from one of your words. It's strange and silly, but that all of us women.

3.  Security

We are incredibly vulnerable and sensitive. Even if outwardly we build thick walls and shells, inside we have always lived a little fragile girl. And we really want to take care of us.

Sometimes we seem on the outside armored tanks, and you think that your concern to us to anything. But without it we lose their femininity and beauty. More than anything, we dream about how to take care of us.

We think that it is easy - to shake hands when you exit the bus, hold the door to help with heavy bags, to meet late at night from work, to listen to us in difficult moments. Maybe for you it's really not easy - especially the latter. But we like it. For this concern, we are ready to inspire you and worship.

Once more we would like to stop working from dawn to dusk, and begin to create at home. Create harmony in it, I love the atmosphere. We want to be close to our children, to cook you a magnificent lunch, buy a home, new curtains. That is our nature - we want to do and to be women.

And maybe you think that not every woman wants. But look at her, and deep down you will see the little girl, which is so like to create the world around you.

For a man who will allow us to create and does not work, we are ready to give everything without a trace. That is our nature - to give.

We put in a slightly different sense of the word.

Sorry, we have to say that we value your feelings. What we do not care. And when you say "I'm sorry", you often have in mind - I am not more so. And that's why it's so hard to apologize, and to us - much easier. After all, we do not always care.

Our "left" is, most often, your "right".

When we ask you a bunch of flowers or a fur coat, we just want to feel that we are still important to you. And that is why the most expensive gifts to us - the ones in which the love is felt. For example, the crafts the children from the kindergarten.

When we ask you if you want to eat, we mean that the very hungry. And it would be nice to eat right now.

When we tell you that tired, it means that we are asking for your help. Even if the request is not sounded directly.

So strangely arranged women's nature in us a lot of illogical and incomprehensible. But that is what you have and love. Because we - Women. And that we can melt your heart with her smile. It illuminates the whole house we love and rays create warmth in it. It is us you are looking to share their achievements and experience with us the joy and pride.


We do not always know how to keep women in difficult moments. We come irritable, moody. We depend on the phases of the moon, women's cycles, the mood of others. We are variable and unpredictable. And sometimes next to us it is difficult and even unbearable.

Excuse us for it. We do not care what you feel. We just need to - again you need - your strong man's shoulder, on which we can let our inner child seemed to light.

The most important thing is that we love you. And without you, we can not imagine his life. You need us as the air and light. Only with you, we can open up completely as a woman.


Copied from : http://bashny.net/t/en/2917 with no attribution.